

[EzineArticles] On Google+? Follow EzineArticles for Great Insights!

On Google+? Follow EzineArticles
for Great Insights!
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Why Google+?!

Want instant access to tips, insights, alerts, posts, videos, and a whole lot more to help you increase your exposure, credibility, and traffic to your blog or website?

Follow EzineArticles on Google+!

Now it's easier than ever to follow us on Google+. We recently added a Google+ quick link button to our homepage for your convenience and easy access.

Not on Google+ or Not Sure?

By all appearances, Google+ lost steam after the mad rush to join the new social network in 2011. Many felt there wasn't a following that could stand up to the likes of Facebook and followers of Twitter.

Google has made leaps and bounds in encouraging users to interact and engage with other users on Google+ by creating a passport system via Gmail, YouTube, or any other Google affiliated account. If you have any of these accounts, then you're more than likely already on Google+ and it's incredibly easy to start connecting with a fairly untapped audience that's ripe for the picking.

In addition to posting status updates, videos, photos, and everything you typically do on Facebook or Twitter, here's what you can do on Google+:

  • Easily organize followers, people you follow, friends, family, and peers via circles
  • Explore recommended and trending topics to keep a pulse on the Google+ community and the world at large
  • Huge real estate is given to your posts in the Home feed (e.g., videos, photos, and even GIF files)
  • Enormous cover photos that rival Facebook's design cover - recommended size is 960 x 540 pixels (min. 480 x 270 pixels to max. 2120 x 1192 pixels)
  • Contribute or browse local reviews and what's happening in your community
  • Get in touch with your audience and circles with Hangout (will live broadcasting to your audience be the next stage of video?!)

Sure, these bells and whistles are nice, but there's one more thing that Google+ can help you with more than any other social media network and that's Google Authorship.

Leveraging Credibility and Authencity with Google Authorship

Google Authorship helps you build credibility and amplify visibility in search results by linking your Google+ profile to the content you create. With Google Authorship, you will:

  • Create a digital signature that helps Google connect the relevant dots of your platform
  • Enhance transparency as a authoritative, verifiable expert
  • Increase trust to help achieve a higher click-through rate

Before you jump into Google Authorship, take the time to plan your Expert Author identity. When you're ready, get on the Google Authorship fast track.

And don't forget to start following us today on Google+ for great tips, insights, and more: https://plus.google.com/+EzineArticles

From Google+ to Facebook, what social media platforms do you use and what methods have you found are most successful? Click here to share your insights with the EzineArticles community in the section - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Easily increase your exposure fast by building a huge portfolio of quality, original articles with our 52 interactive Article Templates on PDF!

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Camille Rodriquez "... the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!"

Writing articles is truly the best way to become a leader of thought in your industry or within your circle....

Thank you, EzineArticles - You literally changed my life, and the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!

Camille Rodriquez

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