

For Sale: B.C. Place.. Best Vancouver Restaurants.. Whipped MLAs

April 24, 2013
A B.C. NDP government would put debt-ridden BC Pavilion Corporation (PAVCO) under severe scrutiny, charging a panel with a viability plan for its future, which could include its privatization and the selling off of BC Place stadium, Adrian Dix said Wednesday.
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Will Harper Stick His Nose In B.C.'s Pipeline Debate?
British Columbians clearly oppose both Kinder Morgan and the Northern gateway, but I wouldn't doubt we will see the pro-pipeline Harper federal government stick their nose into the B.C. election in the coming weeks, as they twist in the wind watching the fate of their beloved tar sands pipelines land right in the waiting hands of Adrian Dix and the NDP. Continue reading...
The Whips And Chains Of B.C. Politics
Out of the 32,328 votes cast between June 2001 and April 2012, just 80 or 0.25 percent were cast by MLAs voting against their own party. That means a party with a majority can essentially do whatever it wants in the legislature -- so much so that last time a government bill was defeated was 1953, the same year Joseph Stalin died. But those numbers also suggest, as one former MLA told me, "There's got to be times -- random chance if nothing else -- that some of us actually disagree with what we're voting on." It's a position, if you're elected, you could find yourself in. Continue reading...
This Dad Was Charged a $22,000 Roaming Fee and Is Fighting Back
Matt Buie, a financial planner and father living in Burnaby, B.C., was recently stunned by a $22,000 roaming charge on his cell phone account incurred by his 11-year-old while on vacation. After Buie spoke out in the media and talked to other cell phone users he quickly realized that he was not alone in feeling price-gouged, and is now taking action. Continue reading...
Trudeau Was Right to Question Terrorism's Root Causes
Personal learnings from the Countering Violent Extremism portfolio echoed the sentiments that Justin Trudeau expressed following the Boston Bombings -- to get to the root cause to prevent future attacks. Last year I had the chance to work with the Department of Public Safety on National Security Policy, and if there's one thing that you need to focus on in preventing any kind of violence from happening -- whether it be localized gun violence or terrorism -- it's the root cause. Mind you, gun violence and extremism are two very different animals, but what they do share in common is an immature and ridiculous sense of expression through violence. Continue reading...
Who Is to Blame for Canada's Low Vaccination Rate?
It's National Immunization Awareness Week, and UNICEF is reporting the failure of Canada to achieve the 95 per cent immunization rate required to protect the community. All it takes is one infected person to travel from an area where the disease is rampant to an area at risk, and we will have an outbreak. It is also no wonder that in the wake of actual conspiracies on the part of industry to hide the dangers of smoking, and acid rain or other environmental pollutants, we have a rise of a belief in phantasmal conspiracies from other big corporations. Continue reading...

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