

HuffPost Science: Rover's Staycation; Dark Matter Evidence; What If The Sun Disappeared?

April 4, 2013
It's the Martian version of spring break: Curiosity and Opportunity, along with their spacecraft friends circling overhead, will take it easy this month because of the sun's interference. Continue reading...
Brain Mapping: Will We Be Ready For Humanity 2.0?
If you could transfer your mind into a body that needs no sleep, suffers no pain, is made entirely of replaceable parts, and might allow you to live forever, would you? Add to the bargain a vastly improved IQ and the ability to retain everything you learn. It's the promise of mind uploading -- the transfer of a human mind into a computer -- and it may be feasible during the lifetime of today's teens. The implications are profound, and reach into every aspect of who we are and what we are capable of. Continue reading...
Is the Music of the 1960s Really the Best Ever?
It's hard to prove, one way or the other. But my critics do have some psychological science on their side. Continue reading...
Getting to the STEM of Gender Inequality
Across gender lines, intelligence exists in equal supply. But in far too many places, opportunity does not. Lost potential especially abounds in the asymmetrical landscape of science, technology, engineering, and math. Continue reading...
Where Are the Scientist-Advocates and Civic-Scientists?
The flattening in support for biomedical research as well as other research fields in the United States over the last decade is having serious consequences for American science and scientists. Continue reading...
On Being Perfect (Numbers)
A number is called perfect if it is precisely equal to the sum of all the numbers that divide it exactly (excluding the number itself). In this sense, it's neither too large nor too small; it's just "perfect." Continue reading...

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