

Jim Rogers Warns of a Crippling Turn of Events - Issue #452

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Jim Rogers: Unplugged!
By LOUIS BASENESE, Chief Investment Strategist

A few moments of billionaire Jim Rogers' time has been a hot commodity lately. Especially on the heels of his prescient call about gold prices.

His recent appearances include Bloomberg TV, CNBC, BusinessWeek, Business Insider and, of course, today in Wall Street Daily's Keynote Speaker Series.

But we're not upset that our exclusive interview wasn't so... well, exclusive. Because our recent chat with the commodities-investing legend unearthed a collection of one-of-a-kind observations...
  • He calls out the most powerful man in the financial world as someone who's "never been right about anything."
  • He portends a crippling turn of events that's "humanly impossible" for the United States to avoid.
  • Heck, Mr. Rogers even divulges the one exercise that's a complete "waste of your time." (Are you guilty as charged?)
To hear for yourself, all you have to do is click on the image below, which includes the first part of our interview with Jim Rogers.

As you'll soon learn, when Mr. Rogers speaks, there's a very good reason we should always listen.

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We'll be airing the second part of our interview tomorrow, where I actually get Mr. Rogers to confess to "the one thing he knows nothing about."

I'm not poking fun, though. I've got nothing but love and respect for this Wall Street legend.

In fact, I'm convinced that his intentional ignorance about this particular investment means we shouldn't pay any attention to it, either.

Even if the mainstream financial press can't stop talking about it. They've published 71,700 articles about it so far, according to Google (GOOG).

So don't miss out.

Ahead of the tape,

Louis Basenese

P.S. For all of you loyal readers who submitted questions for the interview, thank you! I actually ended up selecting more than one, so we'll be contacting you shortly to confirm your FREE one-year subscription to our flagship newsletter, WSD Insider. Congrats, and thanks again for speaking up.

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