

Last chance to register: Mobile Security Case Study Webinar

This week's FierceGovIT is brought to you by SecureAuth.

  Join us for a Mobile Security Case Study with Unisys  

Enforcing Identity and Access Management in Cloud and Mobile Environments

The increased use of cloud and mobile applications within the enterprise provides organizations with greater business agility and a competitive edge. However, security threats are increasing in these environments, creating a host of challenges for IT departments where the inability to easily verify online identities remains a major concern. Security is needed across all fronts of the enterprise, including mobile and cloud applications. IT managers need an effective yet easily deployable method for securing access to their applications from mobile devices that won’t divert resources from their core responsibilities to keep systems running for revenue-generating processes.

Watch The BYOD Reality to learn more about the challenges around mobile security, and how SecureAuth can help!


Join us this Thursday April 25th for a Mobile Security Case Study with Unisys.

How are you going to secure access to Native Mobile Apps - from all your devices: iOS, Apple and Windows Phone?

Learn from Unisys and SecureAuth on this educational webinar. Unisys will explain how they utilized SecureAuth IdP for Mobile to solve their enterprise native mobile SSO and 2-Factor problem.

The solution comes from SecureAuth, with their revolutionary SecureAuth IdP - a robust, 2-Factor BYOD authentication solution!


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