

Leadership Rules.. Weight Loss Brain Drain.. Pipeline Confusion

April 25, 2013

For many B.C. voters, the final decision at the ballot box will be based not on policy, track record or party affiliation, but on the question of leadership and how that leadership is showcased on the campaign trail.

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B.C. Could Use A Green Upset This Election
Daniel Tseghay is running in a close race in Vancouver-False Creek. He truly has a chance to pull in an upset and I hope he does. B.C. politics needs a shake up and there is no better candidate to do that than this young activist. Tseghay is a noted and eloquent writer and activist. He also hails from Eritrea, giving the party an instant diversity that it lacked over the years. To those British Columbians who usually look at the two traditional parities to support, Tseghay gives the BC Greens hope, just like his leader. Continue reading...
Where's The Integrity?
Information issues were smoking hot right up to the drop of the writ. But ever since, they've received hardly a mention. Looks like nobody wants to talk about the government's increasing unwillingness to create written records or its habit of sheltering public documents from FOI by hiding them in personal email accounts. Even multi-million dollar data linkage and information management programs like the Integrated Case Management (ICM) system, which has been slammed repeatedly by officers of the Legislature and civil society alike, don't rate a mention from the four major parties. This is pathetic. Continue reading...
I Won't Compromise Myself to Make a Living
I don't want to have to compromise my morals in order to make a living. I don't want my words to be taken out of context. I don't want to be infantilized because I refuse to be sexualized. I don't want to be molested at shows or on the street by people who perceive me as an object that exists for their personal satisfaction. I'm tired of men who aren't professional or even accomplished musicians continually offering to "help me out" (without being asked), as if I did this by accident and I'm gonna flounder without them. I'm sad that my desire to be treated as an equal and as a human being is interpreted as hatred of men. Continue reading...
How Losing Weight Almost Made Me Lose My Mind
It was surreal. The body that I had had owned all my life suddenly seemed not to belong to me anymore. It was as if it were somebody else's. Its legs were slimmer, its stomach was firmer, and apart from the physicality of it all, even its perception by others was completely different. Continue reading...
Is Canadian TV Better Than We Admit?
Recently it was announced there will be an industry seminar asking the all-important question: how to get people watching Canadian TV shows? The problem with discussing what's wrong with Canadian TV is first even defining the criteria. And perhaps looking at the issue as a glass half full vs. a glass half empty. Continue reading...

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