

Nature Photonics contents May 2013 Volume 7 Number 5 pp 337-420

Nature Photonics


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May 2013 Volume 7, Issue 5

Books and Arts
Research Highlights
News and Views

Advance Your Materials: The best materials analysis is about to get better

Do you perform R&D or QA/QC analysis of advanced materials such as coatings, thin films, solar or glass? Be among the first to learn how Agilent’s soon-to-be released unique universal measurement spectrophotometer (UMS) will advance your materials analysis. View webinar and sneak-peak video.

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Connecting physics to the economy   p337
How important is physics to the economies of European countries?



Defending basic research   pp338 - 339
John M. Dudley
Governments are demanding more value for money from scientists, which is putting fundamental research under increasing pressure. Scientists should know how to champion it more effectively.

Books and Arts


New titles at a glance   p341
Nanoantenna: Plasmon-Enhanced Spectroscopies for Biotechnological Applications by Marc Lamy de la Chapelle and Annemarie Pucci

Research Highlights


Photosynthesis: X-ray investigation | Metamaterials: Ultrasound detector | Photonic crystals: Nanoimprinted lasers | Quantum optics: Reversible storage | Quantum optics: Entangled spins | Optical trapping: Gigapascal pressures | Sensing: Singlet oxygen detection | Terahertz waves: Cool generation | Metrology: Imaging polarization | Cryptography: Quick response codes

News and Views


Quantum nonlinear optics: Tailored single photons   pp345 - 346
Matthew Eisaman
A convenient optical scheme for compressing the bandwidth and tuning the frequency of single photons could allow photon qubits to be used in matter-based quantum memories. This development is also an important step towards arbitrary waveform generation of quantum states of light.

See also: Letter by Lavoie et al.

Graphene plasmonics: Damping of plasmons in graphene   pp346 - 348
Hrvoje Buljan, Marinko Jablan and Marin Soljačić
The damping of surface plasmons hinders the realization of nanophotonic devices. Researchers have now uncovered some of the mid-infrared damping mechanisms for plasmons in graphene, which offer a number of unique and interesting properties.

See also: Article by Yan et al.

View from... 2013 Photonics West: Solid cooling   pp348 - 349
David Pile
Cooling materials using interaction with light has come a long way in the past 20 years. Researchers at the recent 2013 Photonics West showed that they can cool new types of materials and more can be expected in the future using new approaches.

Imaging and manipulation: Total control of ultracold atoms   p350
Rachel Won

Quantum cryptography: Continuous improvement   pp350 - 352
P. K. Lam and T. C. Ralph
Using photons to disseminate encryption codes with complete security is one of the great successes of quantum information science. It has now been shown that long-distance cryptographic communication is just as effective when the scheme involves measuring the wave properties of light, rather than its particle properties.

JOBS of the week
Postdoctoral Fellow in Nano Photonics
University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
Postdoctoral Research Associate in In-Vivo NMR Spectroscopy
University of Toronto - Scarborough Campus
Canada Excellence Research Chair in Quantum Materials and Devices
University of British Columbia
PhD student in electrochemistry / batteries
Paul Scherrer Institut
Postdoctoral researcher
Umeå University, Department of Physics
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Advanced Photonics
Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
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Anderson localization: The role of quantum symmetries   p352



Space-division multiplexing in optical fibres   pp354 - 362
D. J. Richardson, J. M. Fini and L. E. Nelson
This Review summarizes the simultaneous transmission of several independent spatial channels of light along optical fibres to expand the data-carrying capacity of optical communications. Recent results achieved in both multicore and multimode optical fibres are documented.



Spectral compression of single photons   pp363 - 366
J. Lavoie, J. M. Donohue, L. G. Wright, A. Fedrizzi and K. J. Resch
Researchers demonstrate bandwidth compression of single photons from 1740 GHz to 43 GHz, and tuning the center wavelength from 379 nm to 402 nm. The scheme relies on sum-frequency generation with frequency-chirped laser pulses. This technique enables interfacing between different quantum systems whose absorption and emission spectral properties are mismatched.

See also: News and Views by Eisaman

Plasmonic nano-protractor based on polarization spectro-tomography   pp367 - 372
Farbod Shafiei, Chihhui Wu, Yanwen Wu, Alexander B. Khanikaev, Patrick Putzke, Akshay Singh, Xiaoqin Li and Gennady Shvets
A three-dimensional spectroscopic sensor is demonstrated that uses a polarization-resolved scattering technique to determine the location and orientation of small particles. It exploits strong Fano resonance between a pair of particles, one barely visible and another that is relatively bright, to obtain nanoscale orientation information.

A quantum logic gate between a solid-state quantum bit and a photon   pp373 - 377
Hyochul Kim, Ranojoy Bose, Thomas C. Shen, Glenn S. Solomon and Edo Waks
Researchers realize a quantum logic gate by performing all-optical coherent control of the exciton states of an InAs quantum dot in a photonic crystal cavity in the strong-coupling regime. Their demonstrations represent an important step towards realizing robust and scalable quantum networks and generating strong photon-photon interactions.

Experimental demonstration of long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution   pp378 - 381
Paul Jouguet, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Anthony Leverrier, Philippe Grangier and Eleni Diamanti
Researchers demonstrate continuous-variable quantum key distribution over 80 km of optical fibre. They develop a detection system based on homodyne detectors to achieve an unprecedented level of stability and implement new codes tailored to perform secure communication optimally in a range of signal-to-noise ratios corresponding to long distances.

See also: News and Views by Lam & Ralph

Air-to-ground quantum communication   pp382 - 386
Sebastian Nauerth, Florian Moll, Markus Rau, Christian Fuchs, Joachim Horwath, Stefan Frick and Harald Weinfurter
Researchers demonstrate the feasibility of BB84 quantum key distribution between a plane and a ground station. Establishing a stable, low-noise quantum communication channel with the plane moving at 290 km/h over a distance of 20 km (4 mrad s-1), the results are representative for typical communication links to satellites.



Direct and full-scale experimental verifications towards ground-satellite quantum key distribution   pp387 - 393
Jian-Yu Wang, Bin Yang, Sheng-Kai Liao, Liang Zhang, Qi Shen, Xiao-Fang Hu, Jin-Cai Wu, Shi-Ji Yang, Hao Jiang, Yan-Lin Tang, Bo Zhong, Hao Liang, Wei-Yue Liu, Yi-Hua Hu, Yong-Mei Huang, Bo Qi, Ji-Gang Ren, Ge-Sheng Pan, Juan Yin, Jian-Jun Jia, Yu-Ao Chen, Kai Chen, Cheng-Zhi Peng and Jian-Wei Pan
Full-scale verifications for establishing quantum cryptography communication via satellites are reported. Three independent experiments using a hot-air balloon are performed: on a rapidly moving platform over a distance of 40 km, on a floating platform over a distance of 20 km, and over 96 km in air with a huge loss.

Damping pathways of mid-infrared plasmons in graphene nanostructures   pp394 - 399
Hugen Yan, Tony Low, Wenjuan Zhu, Yanqing Wu, Marcus Freitag, Xuesong Li, Francisco Guinea, Phaedon Avouris and Fengnian Xia
Researchers clarify damping pathways for mid-infrared graphene plasmons, including graphene intrinsic optical phonons and edge scattering. They also demonstrate the guiding of mid-infrared graphene plasmons in 50-nm-wide structures with an electromagnetic mode area of 10-3 μm2 and a propagation length of 200 nm.

See also: News and Views by Buljan et al. | Interview with Fengnian Xia

A polymer optoelectronic interface restores light sensitivity in blind rat retinas   pp400 - 406
Diego Ghezzi, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Rita Maccarone, Sebastiano Bellani, Erica Lanzarini, Nicola Martino, Maurizio Mete, Grazia Pertile, Silvia Bisti, Guglielmo Lanzani and Fabio Benfenati
The popular organic semiconductor P3HT, which is commonly used in polymer solar cells and photodetectors, is demonstrated to be able to act as a biocompatible optoelectronic interface for the retina of blind rats.

High-efficiency quantum-dot light-emitting devices with enhanced charge injection   pp407 - 412
Benjamin S. Mashford, Matthew Stevenson, Zoran Popovic, Charles Hamilton, Zhaoqun Zhou, Craig Breen, Jonathan Steckel, Vladimir Bulovic, Moungi Bawendi, Seth Coe-Sullivan and Peter T. Kazlas
Red quantum-dot light-emitting diodes with an external quantum efficiency of 18%, close to the theoretical maximum of 20%, are reported. Using a layer of zinc oxide nanocrystals provides highly effective electron transport, resulting in devices with a low operating voltage and a high luminous power efficiency of 25 lm W-1.

Mesoscopic light transport by very strong collective multiple scattering in nanowire mats   pp413 - 418
Tom Strudley, Tilman Zehender, Claire Blejean, Erik P. A. M. Bakkers and Otto L. Muskens
Researchers report that light flow is strongly affected by mesoscopic interference in semiconducting nanowire mats in which the scattering length is much shorter than the wavelength of light. By measuring intensity distributions, fluctuations and correlations, they obtain evidence of low conductance and signatures of the onset of Anderson localization.



Marker-free phase nanoscopy   p418
Yann Cotte, Fatih Toy, Pascal Jourdain, Nicolas Pavillon, Daniel Boss, Pierre Magistretti, Pierre Marquet and Christian Depeursinge



Graphene versus metal plasmons   p420
Interview with Fengnian Xia
Although there is much debate regarding whether graphene is more suitable than metals for use in plasmonics, the useful operational frequency ranges of these materials are complementary. Nature Photonics spoke with Fengnian Xia about his team's recent work on graphene plasmonics.


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