

Racist Edmonton.. Power Poles Burst.. Killer Mom's Early Parole

April 4, 2013
Coming home to find her home tagged with racist graffiti and racial slurs broke an Edmonton woman's heart, the victim said Wednesday. Continue reading...
Have We Doomed Ourselves on Highway 63? Traffic Infraction Stats Frightening
On occasion I like to believe that people can change their behaviour. I suppose I am an optimist in that regard, at least until I am proven wrong. This past week I was deeply troubled by the report about some recent statistics as they do not bode well for our ability to change our behaviour. Those statistics? The traffic infraction numbers for February to March 27 2013 on Highways 63, 881, and 69. Continue reading...
I Never Wanted to Take Your Guns Away
How shallow do they think I am? I would trade my money, my fame, my reputation and legacy if there were the slightest chance of preventing the anguish of another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, or Sandy Hook Elementary School. I ask you, truly, what manner of human being would not? Continue reading...
9 Reasons to Live in Calgary
If it wasn't enough to be ranked the best city in a country of 34 million, Calgary has also been ranked the 5th best city to live in the entire world by the Economist Intelligence Unit's Most Livable Cities Survey for the last three consecutive years. To think that this city of roughly 1.2 million people is one of the top five cities in a world of over 7 billion people is absolutely mind blowing. Continue reading...
New 'Calgary Compliments' Facebook Page Takes the "Strange Out of Stranger"
Since its inception in January 2013, Facebook page Calgary Compliments has taken our city by storm. So what exactly is the purpose to a page like this? Unlike similar "confessions" pages which have been popping all over the interwebs, this compliments page is a civic outreach initiative to help Calgarians bond. Continue reading...
New Media to Old Media: Adapt or Perish
Anything that there is a demand for on the Internet, will exist on the Internet. If the old news media is unprofitable and disappears, it will be replaced by something new and probably better. It is true that the Internet is changing the media, very rapidly but those who claim that it is "killing the media" or any part of it are generally those who haven't been able to adapt. Continue reading...

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