

And the Blizzard of the Month is........

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Let me tell you about the brand new Choco Peanut Butter Brownie Blizzard® Treat. With chewy brownie pieces, choco chunks and smooth peanut butter blended with creamy vanilla soft serve, this treat is hard to beat & only here for a limited time. Just when you're like, “Hey that's Peanut Butter” you get hit with “YES, that's a chewy brownie situation!” then whammo comes the choco chunks.
This May DQ® is serving up one of the soon to be stars of the Blizzard family for the Blizzard of the Month. Come on in, ask for the Blizzard of the Month in a cup or a crunchy waffle cone and raise an upsidedown toast to May! For a limited time at participating locations.
The Blizz Prez
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