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Pitches with Prototypes: Haptix

FingersHaptix is a sensor that enables multitouch on any surface, such as a screen, keyboard, or table. The creators are competing in MAKE's 2013 Hardware Innovation Workshop, set for May 14-15 to compete in the "pitches with prototypes" contest. A dozen companies have submitted hardware projects and workshop attendees will vote for the most interesting and innovative ideas. The winner will receive a slot on the Maker Faire Innovation Stage to present their prototype the following weekend.

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Seventeen Sneaky Secret Hides

02/17: Plywood Secret Compartment, Yi Ting Ching (link)To celebrate the publication of my little Door-Top Stash project in MAKE Vol 34, I've rounded up a pseudorandom smattering of some of my favorite secret-stash posts from our online archives. Some of these link to MAKE page, some like to outside content, and some (in a few cases where outside links have died) don't link anywhere, and are just included for inspiration. The sneaky state-of-the-art is always advancing—hopefully you'll see something here that drives you to new depths of deviousness!

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Using the BeagleBone to Control a Powerful Upper Body Exoskeleton

Wearing the assembled suitMy senior design team at the University of Pennsylvania has developed a powered upper body exoskeleton for use in physical therapy and assistive mobility applications. We've named the suit Titan after the powerful deities of incredible strength and stamina in Greek mythology. The exoskeleton runs off a master BeagleBone microcomputer running Ubuntu Linux and PyBBIO, an open-source Python library for BeagleBone control.

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