

Rush Under Fire, Megyn Re-Ups, Amanpour To Stewart

May 7, 2013
The controversy over Rush Limbaugh's ad sales continued on Tuesday.

Cumulus, the radio network that Limbaugh has reportedly threatened to leave, released its latest quarterly earnings figures on Tuesday morning.

Cumulus CEO Lew Dickey has repeatedly pointed the finger at Limbaugh as a source of some of his company's troubles.  Continue reading...
Is Outrage Driving Homophobia Underground?
Maybe all the outbursts are doing us a favor by allowing us to understand and address homophobia. But the outbursts can only be helpful if they are taken seriously and not dismissed or censored by the outrage police. Continue reading...
Iraq Revisited: Bill Keller Turns Hawk Again, This Time on Syria
Keller concludes: "Whatever we decide, getting Syria right starts with getting over Iraq." Then we can get over Syria -- with Iran? Remember when Iraq was supposed to help us "get over" Vietnam? Continue reading...
Lessons From Jason Collins and Bradley Manning
For us gays, last week was a big week in the news, but as a gay man, I am pissed off about what two of those news events say about which types of stories of queer bravery and honesty will be celebrated by the country and which will not. Continue reading...
How Moms Can Change the World
2013-04-08-globalmompullfinal.jpg As a journalist, I've had the opportunity to meet with mothers around the world who are facing tough challenges in war zones and remote areas without access to medical care for themselves and their children. This is unacceptable. Continue reading...
Four Myths About Content Syndication
As digital marketers continue to move into a space traditionally owned by publishers, they are likely to seek out best practices, tips and previous examples of what works and what hasn't. One surefire way to bulk up your audience is to leverage syndicated and licensed third-party content. Continue reading...

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