

Viral Video Star Renounces His Gayness, Margaret Cho On Outing Controversy And More

May 3, 2013
YouTube sensation Antoine Dodson has publicly renounced homosexuality, announcing on Facebook that he has become a "True Chosen Hebrew Israelite descendant of Judah," is "no longer into homosexuality" and now wants a wife. Continue reading...
Outing (And Why Gay Celebrities Need to Leave the Closet)
I got in Twitter fights for outing someone. But if public figures came out of the closet, then the LGBT kids who saw them on TV would feel safe, before they even knew why they felt dangerous. Maybe if enough people came out of the closet, gay kids would never feel dangerous. Continue reading...
Tennessee State Rep. John 'Don't Say Gay' Ragan Insists He's Not Anti-Gay
In his view, it isn't an anti-gay bill but a "mental health bill" that says that school officials must "notify parents or legal guardians in the manner specified by law for such a medical referral" if a child is, among other things, suspected of being LGBTQ. Continue reading...
To a Brother From a Snap! Queen
Jolly for you that you have a deep voice, a culturally acceptable walk and all that cisgender privilege, but let's be clear that some of us do not; some of us are feminine, and we switch, and we talk with a lisp, but that does not make us stereotypical. Continue reading...
Yigit Pura Continues to Impress, Both in the Kitchen and in the Community
Covering a broad spectrum of topics, we looked at the work he's doing with the LGBT community, as well as the excitement surrounding his patisserie, his upcoming cookbook and more of his everyday life outside work. Continue reading...
Not Cool, Mr. Secretary, Not Cool
Why would our nation's military leaders be complicit as these patriots' detractors seek to discredit their identities, their families, and their service and sacrifice to our nation? Continue reading...

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