

You'd Be Surprised How Much The LAPD Knows About You

May 7, 2013
Civil liberties advocates sued the Los Angeles Police and County Sheriff's Departments on Monday to gain access to records from automated license plate readers that may be collecting millions of motorists' daily movements. They say the devices, which have already logged 160 million "data points" in Southern California, threaten omnipresent, warrantless surveillance of ordinary citizens' movements.

The lawsuit is the latest in a series of legal battles taking place nationwide over how much police should reveal about the increasingly widespread license plate scanners, a single one of which can log the number and location of 14,000 cars in a day when paired with a GPS device. Thirty-seven percent of large law enforcement agencies already used the scanners in 2010, according to one studyContinue reading...
Celebrating Unsung Heroes in Education
From kindergarten to college, certain teachers engaged my curiosity and motivated me to learn. While I was not the best student, their efforts left a lasting impact. Continue reading...
'The Real Housewives Of Orange County' Recap: 'A Star Is Reborn?'
The ladies of Orange County have moved from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Mondays, so we all must spring forward one hour to revel in their rarefied world of crystallized decay and disposable ennui. Continue reading...
Why Me? Why Now? Why Not?
While nothing I have done has reached the popularity of The Facts of Life, I have continued to work with some of the most talented people ... And while I won't "tell all" ever, I am going to tell you a bit of my real facts of my life. Continue reading...
Automated License Plate Readers Threaten Our Privacy
Photographing a single license plate one time on a public city street may not seem problematic, but when that data is put into a database, combined with other scans of that same plate on other city streets, and stored forever, it can become very revealing. Continue reading...
Which Celebrities Were Once Teachers? A Pop Quiz
It's the one thing I tell people about myself that always seems to surprise them: that I was a teacher. I'd just graduated from the University of Southern California, and even though I knew I wanted to go into show business, I tried my hand at teaching for a while -- partly because my father wanted me to get a "real job," but mostly because I loved it. Continue reading...

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