

| 06.27.13 | First "realistic view" of carbon storage

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June 27, 2013
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Today's Top Stories

  1. USGS releases first "realistic view" of carbon storage capacity
  2. Inspector General releases ARRA audit findings
  3. TVA, TenneSEIA compromise on solar programming
  4. TXU Energy gives new meaning to "power hours"
  5. Iberdrola recognized as global new energy leader

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Why the EV market will boom
Although electric vehicles (EV) have been in the market for some time and have received some attention, the market has not achieved the sharp growth previously predicted. Reasons such as distrust in the new technology, high prices of electric and hybrid vehicles, and model limitations have prevented buyers from purchasing the new technology. However, many factors have changed in the last decade that could create a boom in the EV market. Feature

The Achilles heel of renewable energy
Over the past decade, there has been significant focus on minimizing carbon emissions with greater emphasis on identifying environmentally friendly energy resources like solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biofuels, and ocean energy. Technological advancements, rise in oil prices, and favorable policies are sharpening the focus on renewable energy. Adequate storage of renewable energy can drive utilities in integrating this energy into power grids as supplement energy to meet peak demand. Article

DOE user facility first to focus on utility-scale renewable grid integration
The Energy Department and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have announced the Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) in Golden, Colorado, as the latest Energy Department user facility and the only one in the nation focused on utility-scale clean energy grid integration. Article

News From Across the Energy Industry:
1. Zpryme: Smart meter market still hot
2. Smart grid highlights importance of GIS data quality
3. U.S. smart grid to reach $26.7B by 2017

Sponsor: SmartGrid Careers


> 2013 Smart Grid Hiring Trends Study


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> Whitepaper: Case Study: Energy Solutions Brings Real-Time Reactivity to its Operations with Skybot Scheduler

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Today's Top News

1. USGS releases first "realistic view" of carbon storage capacity

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that in 2011, the United States emitted 5.5 metric gigatons (billion metric tons) of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2), while the global emissions of energy-related CO2 totaled 31.6 metric gigatons. The potential exists for the United States to store an average 3,000 (but up to 3,700) metric gigatons of CO2 in geologic basins throughout the country, according research by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) -- the first-ever detailed national geologic carbon sequestration assessment, which comes on the heels of President Obama's national plan to combat climate change.

Caption: Schematic showing both terrestrial and geological sequestration of carbon dioxide emissions from a coal-fired plant.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons/LeJean Hardin and Jamie Payne

"This USGS research is ground-breaking because it is the first realistic view of technically accessible carbon storage capacity in these basins," said Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell. "If enough of this capacity also proves to be environmentally and economically viable, then geologic carbon sequestration could help us reduce carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change."

Based on present-day geologic and hydrologic knowledge of the subsurface and current engineering practices, the assessment looked at the potential for CO2 storage in 36 basins in the United States. The largest potential is in the Coastal Plains region, which accounts for 65 percent of the storage potential. The Alaska region and the Rocky Mountains and Northern Great Plains region also hold significant storage capacity.

Technically accessible storage resources can be accessed using today's technology and pressurization and injection techniques, the most common being pressurizing CO2 gas into a liquid, and then injecting it into subsurface rock layers for long-term storage. Although the scope of sequestration included in this assessment is unprecedented, injecting CO2 into geologic formations is not a new process or technology. Carbon dioxide injection has been one method of enhanced oil recovery since the 1980s. The process works by flooding the oil reservoir with liquid CO2, which reduces the viscosity of the hydrocarbons and allows them to flow to the well more easily.

For more:
- see this report

Related Article:
Utilities work toward emissions reductions
Carbon capture and storage stalled

Read more about: Energy Information Administration
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2. Inspector General releases ARRA audit findings

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General has released the results of its audit report on the DOE's interconnection transmission planning program funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act).

Under the Recovery Act, the Department of Energy's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability received approximately $4.5 billion to modernize the electric grid, $80 million of which was designated for the Interconnection Transmission Planning Program to facilitate the development or strengthening of capabilities in each interconnection -- Western, Eastern and Texas. The Department also allocated $60 million to five organizations under cooperative agreements to perform work for the interconnections and $20 million to the Department's national laboratories to provide technical support to those organizations.  The cooperative agreements covered interconnection-level analysis and planning, and coordination and cooperation among states on electric resource planning and priorities.

The Office of Inspector General has found that the Department had generally established and implemented a system of internal controls for managing the announcement, review and selection of cooperative agreement funding recipients.  Also, the recipients had released the required planning studies to the public in 2011. However, the Office found that the Department had not adequately managed reimbursements to recipients for consultant compensation to the tune of $86,000.  Based on recommendations from the Office, the Department provided acceptable corrective actions.

This is the third in a series of reports on the Department's funding to modernize the electric grid. A January 2012 report identified weaknesses in financial management, and incomplete and insufficient cybersecurity plans. A January 2013 report identified weaknesses in reimbursement requests, cost-share contributions, and coordination efforts with another Department program.

For more:
- see the Audit Report

Read more about: U.S. Department of Energy, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
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3. TVA, TenneSEIA compromise on solar programming

It has been two months since Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) shuttered its solar programs, but TenneSEIA, Tennessee's Solar Energy Industries Association, views the situation as far from over.

Credit: Business Wire

TenneSEIA is urging TVA to address shortcomings in the Green Power Providers Program by abandoning the practice of "setting arbitrary calendar year caps on solar installations" and adopt a market-driven model that decreases incentives based on the amount of solar installed and incorporates the value of solar energy into the budgeting process.

When it comes to accounting for the true value of solar during budget development, solar energy can apply downward pressure on electricity rates because of the value it provides utilities, the value of which comes in the form of avoided cost of fuel, infrastructure and capital investment, as well as the environmental attributes and Solar Renewable Energy Credits TVA receives that are tradable, non-tangible energy commodities, according to industry expert Karl Rábago.

"Consumer demand for solar energy has grown faster than TVA's ability to adjust, therefore leaving the market underserved, restricting the investment of private capital and creating unnecessary uncertainty for businesses," said Gil Hough, president of TenneSEIA, who hopes to resolve the issues before the TVA 2014 budget vote on August 22nd.

So far, TVA has agreed to add an additional 2.5 MW of unused capacity back into the Green Power Providers Program as of August 1st -- a compromise to TenneSEIA's request of adding 5 MW for the remainder of 2013 as a stopgap to prevent workforce erosion and business impacts in the short term. TVA also says it is open to discussing a market-based approach for solar energy development.

"Solar energy development programs should never close, consumers should never be denied access to the market and they should be fairly compensated for investing their own, private capital into generating electricity for a utility," said John Nevel, who serves on TenneSEIA's board of directors.

For more:
- see this memo

Related Article:
Restructuring the risks of renewable energy


Read more about: Solar Energy Industries Association, Solar Renewable Energy Credits
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4. TXU Energy gives new meaning to "power hours"

TXU Energy is offering business owners a choice of savings plans based on how they operate their businesses.

With these time-based savings opportunities (Energy Business Power Hours AMSM and Energy Business Power Hours PMSM), small- and medium-size businesses can choose when to take advantage of half-off energy charges based on their electricity usage.

"This is a tremendous innovation that harnesses the power of advanced meter data and provides unique savings opportunities for customers," said Gabe Castro, vice president of business markets for TXU Energy. "Whether it's a breakfast and lunch hotspot, a small machine shop or a hopping night club, every business has its own power hours. We're offering these valuable choices to our small- and medium-sized commercial customers to help them control their costs and grow their businesses."

Business customers who choose TXU Energy Business Power Hours AM get half off their energy charges for eight hours, from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., every day. TXU Energy Business Power Hours PM offers half-off energy charges for eight hours, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Both provide a price-protected rate.

The Energy Business Power Hours plans are the latest in a suite of TXU Energy Right Time Pricing solutions, which help residential and business customers easily understand that they can increase their savings by shifting electricity consumption into discounted and free usage periods.

"Our Right Time Pricing plans are designed to give residential and business customers the opportunity to save money based on how they already use electricity and to encourage them to shift electricity use into discounted and free periods," Castro said. "Helping consumers make informed choices allows them to save more and to help reduce strain on the state's power system during peak demand periods."

For more:
- visit this website

Read more about: TXU Energy, power hours
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5. Iberdrola recognized as global new energy leader

Iberdrola, one of Europe's largest utilities, has won the Energy Intelligence 2013 Award for Leadership in New Energy for significant contributions in leading the transition from traditional fossil fuels to alternative energy forms.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Lorenagenet

Iberdrola has a long history of low-carbon electricity generation which began in Spain in 1901 with the creation of a precursor hydro company Hidroelectrica Iberica. In 2001, a century later, Iberdrola began intense growth, including acquisition of the U.K.'s Scottish Power and U.S.'s company Energy East, while reinforcing its green energy footprint, with Iberdrola Renewables as its main expansion vehicle in Spain, the U.S. and U.K.  Over the past decade, Iberdrola has allocated $33 billion to the development of renewables -- the highest figure ever invested by a company in this field, according to available data.

The company was also recognized based on its global leadership in wind energy through Iberdrola Renewables, which is the world's largest renewable energy company outside of China and has consistently had the lowest emissions levels among European utilities, making the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (FTSE4Good).

Total, the company operates 46 GW of generating capacity worldwide, 60 percent of which is carbon-free.

For more:
- visit this website


Read more about: Iberdrola Renewables
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Also Noted


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