

Do you need Mary Jane to play reggae?

hey Guitarist,

A lot of people "accuse" me of
appearing stoned in a lot of
my videos, but the truth
is that I haven't smoked
weed in years.

Woah, did I just say that?

Political correctness is DEAD,
so I'm not afraid to sit here
and tell you that, yeah...
when I was younger, I used
to partake.

...Guitar player, big surprise right?

If you're into it, I don't have any judgement about it.
On the other hand, I'm not condoning or advocating
it either.

Frankly its none of my business.  It's
your personal decision as an adult.

But here's the thing -- nowadays, I get the same effect
by playing music and simply practicing
being a loving person.

So that's why I often have a smile on my face.

I bring up the topic because everyone associates
Bob Marley with smoking herb, and the fact
is you DON'T have to smoke to enjoy it.

Anyway, enough of a rant, here's today's video lesson,
and probably the last Bob song for a little while:


Stay "Irie" !

Claude Johnson

P.S.  Please grab your copy of Reggae
Roots Guitar Secrets right now...
Because the special offers end
soon, and I don't want you
to miss it!


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