

High-Wire Artist Nik Wallenda Walks Across Arizona Gorge Plus 4 More Stories

Your NPR stories for June 24, 2013
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High-Wire Artist Nik Wallenda Walks Across Arizona Gorge
The daredevil from the famous "Flying Wallendas" family will attempt to traverse Arizona's Colorado River Gorge on a 1,500-foot-high tightrope.
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Deconstructing Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Dream
How does a great orator develop his speeches? Before Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his iconic address at the Lincoln Memorial in August 1963, he gave speeches in Detroit and Newark, N.J., that tested the ideas and language of "I Have a Dream."
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Hospitalized Nelson Mandela In Critical Condition
The anti-apartheid leader who became South Africa's first black president has been in a Pretoria hospital since June 8 with a recurring lung infection.
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More States Let Unauthorized Immigrants Take The Wheel
Advocates say these new state laws show the public safety argument is starting to carry weight. New laws in Vermont, Connecticut and Colorado reflect an about-face in policy after 9/11, when states enacted tighter licensing rules.
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Ecuador Says NSA Leaker Has Asked For Asylum
Edward Snowden left Hong Kong earlier Sunday en route to a "third country" via Moscow. The anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks said it was giving him legal counsel and had helped him leave the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.
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