

Is this a mistake?

Organizing for Action
Lewis --

I just got a list of everyone who's pitching in to build Organizing for Action -- and it looks like you're not part of it.

Here's the record we have for this exact email address:

    -- Organizing for Action member: No
    -- Suggested donation today: $5

So here I am, on the Sunday morning of the biggest deadline we've faced as a young organization, and I'm asking you, earnestly and directly:

Please chip in $5 or more to build OFA today:


We have so many big fights we want to take on, and what we do depends on the resources we have at midnight tonight.

I hope you'll help.



Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

If you've made a donation in the last 24 hours that isn't reflected above, don't worry -- it may still be processing. Thanks for your support.

Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to: ignoble.experiment@arconati.us.
If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.
Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035

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