

7Gen Newsletter: Natural Flea & Tick Remedies, Chemical Safety, Potato Salad Recipe

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Chemical Safety Improvement Act Must Be Strengthened and Passed
Chemical Safety Improvement Act Must Be Strengthened and Passed
Seventh Generation has been working passionately for years to eliminate exposure to toxic chemicals that harm human health by supporting sound federal toxics control legislation, working with our industry to promote ingredient disclosure and use of safer chemicals, and educating consumers about toxics. One of our highest priorities is working for a strong, effective law to regulate toxic chemicals in the United States.
Read entire article Chemical Safety Improvement Act  Must Be Strengthened and Passed
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Planning the Perfect Eco Picnic
Planning the Perfect "Eco" Picnic
From blanket to basket, the perfect picnic requires very little planning and just a smidgen of cooperation from the sun. Here's how you can make your picnic eco-friendly in no time.
PLAN AN ECO-FRIENDLY PICNIC Planning the Perfect Eco Picnic
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Natural Flea and Tick Remedies for Pets
Natural Flea and Tick Remedies for Pets
According to research conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council, chemicals in flea collars can be easily transferred to anyone or anything nearby. So what can we do to protect our families and our pets without turning our four-legged friends into walking Superfund sites?
NATURAL FLEA & TICK SOLUTIONS Natural Flea and Tick Remedies for Pets
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The US and UK Take on Food Waste
The US and UK Take on Food Waste
Earlier this month, the USDA and EPA jointly launched the U.S. Food Waste Challenge, an effort to enlist all players in the food system to reduce, recover, and recycle food waste. The UK has reduced food waste by 18%. Can we do it here?
LEARN ABOUT FOOD WASTE The US and UK Take on Food Waste
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Tips for Keeping Your Cool When Guests Arrive
Tips for Keeping Your Cool When Guests Arrive
When there's an extended stay on your horizon, a prepared guest room can help you stay worry-free and makes your visitors feel comfortable and welcomed. Here are a few ideas.
GET ENTERTAINING TIPS Tips for Keeping Your Cool When Guests Arrive
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Volunteering for a Vacation
Volunteering for a Vacation
With winter finally behind us, many of us are already looking toward that crazy little thing we call our summer vacation. We're hatching grand schemes and blocking off vast swaths of the calendar. But before you book, consider this: a volunteer vacation may be the best one you've never taken.
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Foods We Love: Potato Salad
Recipes We Love: Potato Salad
For a nice summer potato side dish, here's a recipe for Lemony Potato Salad, courtesy of Southern Living. The ingredients feature heart-healthy olive oil instead of mayo, and the lemon adds a summer kick.
Get Recipe Foods We Love: Potato Salad
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From our Customers:
Baby Sunscreen Great for Everyone
naturalproduct makes this "confession" about our Baby Sunscreen: I am so glad Seventh Generation has come out with baby skin and body products! And with extra virgin olive oil! I really like this sunscreen, I have been looking for a natural sunscreen that is spf 30 that is all zinc oxide and that spreads easily, doesn't really smell, and doesn't leave whiteness. I use this sunscreen, and the baby shampoo/bodywash and baby lotion, for myself!
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From our blog:
Making a Home for Spiders
Nation member hedgewitch added her tips to our blog on Natural Spider Repellents: Among most of my friends and acquaintances, I'm the 'weird' one who generally doesn't go screaming at the sight of a spider. In fact, I've actually "kept" one in the house from time to time. I had one build her web behind my washer (in the kitchen) and let her stay the entire summer. NO mosquitoes or gnats! Thanks for sharing the repellent recipe. I'll definitely give this a try. And for those who hate invasions indoors of ants - try spraying old coffee or sprinkling used coffee grounds around the outside of the home. Ants apparently don't like caffeine, or at least coffee, as much as humans and will actually find another way out of an anthill if you circle one entrance/exit with coffee grounds!
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From Our Fans:
Causes that Matter Most
When we asked fans to tell us about the causes for which they were willing to stand up, Seventh Generation fans showed us just how passionate a group they are. Here's a small sample of the hundreds of responses we received:
Christina says No GMOs, cloth diapering, co sleeping, organic farming/ranching.
Mary Alice supports safe food, fighting hunger, animal rights, fighting child abuse, and fighting domestic abuse.
Cody is an advocate for Clean, Safe Drinking Water.
Sherri supports animal rights and rescue, fibromyalgia support, conservation, ecology, marriage equality. What is on your list?
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Baby Sunscreen
Did you know?
Our Baby Sunscreen contains no chemical sunscreens, parabens, gluten or PABA.
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"I am proud to support this initiative and your company! You all promote health, wellness and are trying to get folks to understand that our future is at stake!!! We must be better than good to our planet!!!! "
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This email was sent to: ignoble.experiment@arconati.us
By Seventh Generation
60 Lake Street
Burlington, VT 05401


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