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| An Out-of-the-Box Gaming Play
The term collusion has a very negative connotation.
By its very definition, it assumes that there is some sort of agreement between parties, usually secretive, illegal or unethical.
For as long as I can remember, many retail investors believe that investing in stocks, particularly small stocks, can be hazardous to one's health. The reason is collusion.
It's the classic case of the little guy in Vegas trying to win a few bucks at a casino but has no chance because the house has set it up against him. In the investment world, the misguided belief is that a small cadre of players controls the way stocks trade, thus ensuring gains for themselves and losses for the average Joe.
To read more click here >> or visit http://www.thestockjunction.com
6 Down, 6 To Go
It's hard to believe that we are already halfway through 2013. Before you know it, we'll have back-to-school sales, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. Still, I think most of us are grateful that at least the second quarter is over, given the volatility of late.
Goodbye June. Hello July.
We have talked frequently regarding the psychology behind investing and how it impacts how we act, react and ultimately perform. To that end, I contacted three friends in the business who I know have had difficulty dealing with the volatility and moreover the poor performance of most microcap stocks. After completing some idle chitchat, I asked them to answer the following question:
As of right now, the Russell 2000 Index is around the 980 mark. Where was it on March 31?
To read more click here >> or visit http://www.thestockjunction.com
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