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September 2013 Volume 7, Issue 9 |
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 | Editorial
Research Highlights
News and Views
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Nature Publishing Index 2012 Global The Nature Publishing Index (NPI) ranks institutions and countries according to the number of primary research articles they publish in the Nature family of journals in a one-year period. The Nature Publishing Index 2012 Global supplement provides league tables and commentary based on articles published between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2012. Where does your institution rank? | |
Editorial | Top |
Terahertz optics taking off p665 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.239 Advances in terahertz sources and measurement techniques are opening up new opportunities for fundamental material research in the terahertz region. |
Commentary | Top |
Frontiers in terahertz sources and plasmonics pp666 - 669 Daniel M. Mittleman doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.235 The development of innovative tools and techniques is vital for improving research capabilities and opening up new research directions in the terahertz regime. Terahertz sources and plasmonics are just two examples of current exciting advances. |
Interviews | Top |
Bright terahertz sources pp670 - 671 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.231 |
Research Highlights | Top |
Plasmonics: Graphene metamaterials | Quantum optics: Gated photon transistor | Nanophotonics: Black metals | Angular momentum of light: Photonic wheel | Quantum optics: Single-photon detectors | Photodetectors: Visible blind detector | Nano-imaging: Seeing chemicals | Ophthalmic optics: Two-in-one contact lens | Raman lasers: Shrinking silicon | Optical forces: Blackbody attraction |
News and Views | Top |
Reviews | Top |
Resonant and nonresonant control over matter and light by intense terahertz transients pp680 - 690 Tobias Kampfrath, Koichiro Tanaka and Keith A. Nelson doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.184 This article provides an overview and illustrative examples of how the electric and magnetic fields of intense terahertz transients can be used to resonantly, and even nonresonantly, control matter and light. It discusses the fundamental interaction mechanisms of intense terahertz radiation with matter. |
Wave engineering with THz quantum cascade lasers pp691 - 701 Carlo Sirtori, Stefano Barbieri and Raffaele Colombelli doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.208 This article reviews state-of-the-art engineering of the spectral and spatial emission properties of terahertz quantum cascade lasers by focusing on three key factors: photonic structures for extracting and confining light in a cavity, an upconversion technique based on nonlinear intracavity mixing and a frequency stabilisation technique based on femtosecond-laser combs. |
Superconducting emitters of THz radiation pp702 - 710 Ulrich Welp, Kazuo Kadowaki and Reinhold Kleiner doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.216 Recent progress on terahertz-emission devices based on the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ is reviewed. The emission mechanism is explained as a result of collective resonant modes in a stack of intrinsic Josephson junctions. Remarkable features of the linewidth, tunability, the optimum bias condition and the thermal influence are discussed. |
Letters | Top |
Observing molecular spinning via the rotational Doppler effect pp711 - 714 Omer Korech, Uri Steinitz, Robert J. Gordon, Ilya Sh. Averbukh and Yehiam Prior doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.189 The rotational Doppler frequency shift is observed for a circularly polarized lightwave propagating through a gas of synchronously spinning molecules by using a linearly polarized pulsed laser beam to align diatomic molecules and a linearly polarized pulse to induce concerted unidirectional rotation. |
Brightening of excitons in carbon nanotubes on dimensionality modification pp715 - 719 Yuhei Miyauchi, Munechiyo Iwamura, Shinichiro Mouri, Tadashi Kawazoe, Motoichi Ohtsu et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.179 Artificially reducing the effective dimensionality of carbon nanotubes from one to zero dimensions increases the luminescence quantum yield of excitons confined in zero-dimensional-like states to ~18%, which is over one order of magnitude larger than that of intrinsic one-dimensional excitons (~1%). This finding will help realize future nanoscale photonic devices. |
Off-resonant magnetization dynamics phase-locked to an intense phase-stable terahertz transient pp720 - 723 C. Vicario, C. Ruchert, F. Ardana-Lamas, P. M. Derlet, B. Tudu et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.209 Off-resonant femtosecond magnetization dynamics are observed after applying an ultra-intense, phase-stable terahertz laser field to ferromagnetic cobalt films. The laser's phase and field-strength characteristics are directly imprinted onto the magnetization response. The off-resonant magnetization removes the speed limitation caused by the cooling process, providing new opportunities for ultrafast data storage. |
Articles | Top |
Terahertz polarization pulse shaping with arbitrary field control pp724 - 731 Masaaki Sato, Takuya Higuchi, Natsuki Kanda, Kuniaki Konishi, Kosuke Yoshioka et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.213 A terahertz pulse shaper based on optical rectification is proposed. The polarization of the terahertz pulses depends on the polarization selection rules for the rectification process in a GaP crystal. The terahertz pulse shaper can arbitrarily control the chirality, phase, pulse duration and frequency of circularly polarized few-cycle terahertz pulses.
See also: News and Views by Cocker & Huber |
Versatile surface plasmon resonance of carbon-dot-supported silver nanoparticles in polymer optoelectronic devices pp732 - 738 Hyosung Choi, Seo-Jin Ko, Yuri Choi, Piljae Joo, Taehyo Kim et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.181 The coupling of surface plasmons and excitons in organic materials can improve the performance of organic optoelectronic devices. Carbon-dot-supported silver nanoparticles have now been used to improve the efficiency of polymer light-emitting diodes and polymer solar cells.
See also: News and Views by Luther & Blackburn |
Wide-field, high-resolution Fourier ptychographic microscopy pp739 - 745 Guoan Zheng, Roarke Horstmeyer and Changhuei Yang doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.187 A wide-field, high-resolution imaging scheme that offers enhanced depth of field is demonstrated. The approach relies on stitching together time-multiplexed images in Fourier space. |
Compact spectrometer based on a disordered photonic chip pp746 - 751 Brandon Redding, Seng Fatt Liew, Raktim Sarma and Hui Cao doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.190 A miniature spectrometer has been developed that employs light scattering in a photonic chip with a random structure. It generates wavelength-dependent speckle patterns, which are detected and analysed to recover the spectrum of the input signal. It has a resolution of 0.75 nm in the 1,500 nm wavelength region. |
High-resolution electroluminescent imaging of pressure distribution using a piezoelectric nanowire LED array pp752 - 758 Caofeng Pan, Lin Dong, Guang Zhu, Simiao Niu, Ruomeng Yu et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.191 An array of piezoelectric nanowire LEDs with a pixel density of 6,350 dpi is capable of mapping two-dimensional pressure distributions with a spatial resolution of 2.7 micrometres. Pressure alters the light emissions from the LEDs, which are then imaged. Possible applications include artificial skin, robotics and touchpads. |
Interview | Top |
A picture of pressure p760 Interview with Zhong Lin Wang doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.230 A sensor based on an array of piezoelectric ZnO nanowires on a light-emitting GaN substrate can generate high-resolution images of pressure distributions. Zhong Lin Wang tells Nature Photonics that it could lead to superior touch interfaces for electronic devices. |
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NPG Asia Materials is proud to present a web focus on material layers and layered materials. This web focus features a selection of articles concentrating on materials that are formed inherently as two-dimensional layers, such as graphene, and on material structures assembled into layered architectures by processes such as layer-by-layer assembly or self-rolling. Access the Web Focus today! | |
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