

10 Rules for Winning in Mobile Relationship Management

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10 Rules for Winning in Mobile Relationship Management

Mobile Relationship Management (MRM) is about brand-building. It uses the power of always-connected mobile devices to create stronger connections between customers and brands.

MRM guide thumbnail-01 2.pngDownload the Pocket Guide to MRM to discover how the
right strategies, tools and partners can propel your brand to
the front of this awesome wave of opportunity.

This guide will teach you:

  • Why mobile is a unique channel
  • The three waves of mobile investment
  • Top 10 things you can do to get started with MRM
  • Best practices from some of our top customers:

Customer Logos.png

Why mobile, and why now? 

According to the 2013 Interactive Marketing Predictions by Forrester Research: "In 2013, the ultra-connected customer base will continue to grow at a staggering pace, destabilizing marketing as you've come to know it.... These customers demand personalized, relevant attention, designed around their needs and wants rather than around your marketing channels. If you don't change the way you think about engaging these customers, you will quickly lose relevance."

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