TABLE OF CONTENTS |  |  |  | Volume 109, Issue 7 (1711-2026) Published online 1 October 2013
|  | In this issue Clinical Studies Translational Therapeutics Molecular Diagnostics Epidemiology Letters to the Editor Erratum
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| |  |  |  | Advertisement |  | |  |  | Clinical Studies | Top |  | A phase II study evaluating the toxicity and efficacy of single-agent temsirolimus in chemotherapy-naïve castration-resistant prostate cancer K Kruczek, M Ratterman, K Tolzien, S Sulo, T M Lestingi and C Nabhan Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1711-1716; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.530 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Trabectedin is a feasible treatment for soft tissue sarcoma patients regardless of patient age: a retrospective pooled analysis of five phase II trials A L Cesne, I Judson, R Maki, F Grosso, S Schuetze, M V Mehren, S P Chawla, G D Demetri, A Nieto, A Tanovic and J-Y Blay Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1717-1724; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.524 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | A phase 1 trial of imatinib, bevacizumab, and metronomic cyclophosphamide in advanced colorectal cancer R K Kelley, J Hwang, M J M Magbanua, L Watt, J H Beumer, S M Christner, S Baruchel, B Wu, L Fong, B M Yeh, A P Moore, A H Ko, W M Korn, S Rajpal, J W Park, M A Tempero, A P Venook and E K Bergsland Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1725-1734; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.553 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Mean overall survival gain with aflibercept plus FOLFIRI vs placebo plus FOLFIRI in patients with previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer F Joulain, I Proskorovsky, C Allegra, J Tabernero, M Hoyle, S U Iqbal and E Van Cutsem Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1735-1743; advance online publication, September 17, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.523 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Higher capecitabine AUC in elderly patients with advanced colorectal cancer (SWOGS0030) S G Louie, B Ely, H-J Lenz, K S Albain, C Gotay, D Coleman, D Raghavan, A F Shields, P J Gold and C D Blanke Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1744-1749; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.517 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Buccodental side effects of sunitinib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma M Gilabert, M Provansal, M Cappiello, Y Walz, N Salem, C Tarpin, S Brunelle, J Thomassin and G Gravis Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1750-1754; advance online publication, September 17, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.516 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Pre-treatment neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio may be associated with the outcome in patients treated with everolimus for metastatic renal cell carcinoma M Santoni, U De Giorgi, R Iacovelli, A Conti, L Burattini, L Rossi, S Luca Burgio, R Berardi, G Muzzonigro, E Cortesi, D Amadori and S Cascinu Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1755-1759; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.522 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Surgery for endometrial cancers with suspected cervical involvement: is radical hysterectomy needed (a GOTIC study)? M Takano, H Ochi, Y Takei, M Miyamoto, Y Hasumi, Y Kaneta, K Nakamura, A Kurosaki, T Satoh, H Fujiwara, S Nagao, K Furuya, H Yokota, K Ito, T Minegishi, H Yoshikawa, K Fujiwara and M Suzuki Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1760-1765; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.521 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | hr-HPV testing in the follow-up of women with cytological abnormalities and negative colposcopy F Carozzi, C B Visioli, M Confortini, A Iossa, P Mantellini, E Burroni and M Zappa Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1766-1774; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.519 Abstract | Full Text |  | Translational Therapeutics | Top |  | Aerosolised 5-azacytidine suppresses tumour growth and reprogrammes the epigenome in an orthotopic lung cancer model M D Reed, C S Tellez, M J Grimes, M A Picchi, M Tessema, Y S Cheng, T H March, P J Kuehl and S A Belinsky Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1775-1781; advance online publication, September 17, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.575 Abstract | Full Text |  | Molecular Diagnostics | Top |  | The interaction between prognostic and pharmacodynamic biomarkers L Bouranis, M Sperrin, A Greystoke, C Dive and A G Renehan Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1782-1785; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.527 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Targeting EGFR and PI3K pathways in ovarian cancer S Glaysher, L M Bolton, P Johnson, N Atkey, M Dyson, C Torrance and I A Cree Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1786-1794; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.529 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | PIAS4 is an activator of hypoxia signalling via VHL suppression during growth of pancreatic cancer cells W Chien, K L Lee, L W Ding, P Wuensche, H Kato, N B Doan, L Poellinger, J W Said and H P Koeffler Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1795-1804; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.531 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Reduced expression of bone morphogenetic protein receptor IA in pancreatic cancer is associated with a poor prognosis P W Voorneveld, V Stache, R J Jacobs, E Smolders, A I Sitters, A Liesker, K S Korkmaz, S M Lam, N F C C De Miranda, H Morreau, L L Kodach and J C H Hardwick Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1805-1812; advance online publication, August 22, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.486 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Existing models, but not neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, are prognostic in malignant mesothelioma T M Meniawy, J Creaney, R A Lake and A K Nowak Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1813-1820; advance online publication, August 27, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.504 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | EGFR mutational status in a large series of Caucasian European NSCLC patients: data from daily practice S Gahr, R Stoehr, E Geissinger, J H Ficker, W M Brueckl, A Gschwendtner, S Gattenloehner, F S Fuchs, C Schulz, R J Rieker, A Hartmann, P Ruemmele and W Dietmaier Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1821-1828; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.511 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Pre-irradiation of mouse mammary gland stimulates cancer cell migration and development of lung metastases G Bouchard, G Bouvette, H Therriault, R Bujold, C Saucier and B Paquette Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1829-1838; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.502 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Detailed analysis of inflammatory cell infiltration in colorectal cancer J P Väyrynen, A Tuomisto, K Klintrup, J Mäkelä, T J Karttunen and M J Mäkinen Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1839-1847; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.508 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Presence of the Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) in human neoplasms: a multitumour array analysis M Reeh, M Bockhorn, D Görgens, M Vieth, T Hoffmann, R Simon, J R Izbicki, G Sauter, U Schumacher and M Anders Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1848-1858; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.509 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | The prognostic impact of a combined carbonic anhydrase IX and Ki67 signature in oral squamous cell carcinoma A C Klimowicz, P Bose, S K Petrillo, A M Magliocco, J C Dort and N T Brockton Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1859-1866; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.533 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Proteomic profiling of the hypothalamus in a mouse model of cancer-induced anorexia-cachexia R Ihnatko, C Post and A Blomqvist Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1867-1875; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.525 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Disulfiram targets cancer stem-like cells and reverses resistance and cross-resistance in acquired paclitaxel-resistant triple-negative breast cancer cells P Liu, I S Kumar, S Brown, V Kannappan, P E Tawari, J Z Tang, W Jiang, A L Armesilla, J L Darling and W Wang Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1876-1885; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.534 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Identification of key clinical phenotypes of breast cancer using a reduced panel of protein biomarkers A R Green, D G Powe, E A Rakha, D Soria, C Lemetre, C C Nolan, F F T Barros, R D Macmillan, J M Garibaldi, G R Ball and I O Ellis Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1886-1894; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.528 Abstract | Full Text |  | Epidemiology | Top |  | Exogenous hormone use, reproductive history and risk of adult myeloid leukaemia J N Poynter, R Fonstad, C K Blair, M Roesler, J R Cerhan, B Hirsch, P Nguyen and J A Ross Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1895-1898; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.507 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Sex and the clinical value of body mass index in patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma Y Ohno, J Nakashima, Y Nakagami, N Satake, T Gondo, M Ohori, T Hatano and M Tachibana Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1899-1903; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.512 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Effect of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy of 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in the Nationwide Survey of Primary Liver Cancer in Japan K Nouso, K Miyahara, D Uchida, K Kuwaki, N Izumi, M Omata, T Ichida, M Kudo, Y Ku, N Kokudo, M Sakamoto, O Nakashima, T Takayama, O Matsui, Y Matsuyama and K Yamamoto the Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1904-1907; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.542 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Intake of coffee, caffeine and other methylxanthines and risk of Type I vs Type II endometrial cancer S Uccella, A Mariani, A H Wang, R A Vierkant, W A Cliby, K Robien, K E Anderson and J R Cerhan Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1908-1913; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.540 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Proanthocyanidins and other flavonoids in relation to endometrial cancer risk: a case–control study in Italy M Rossi, V Edefonti, M Parpinel, P Lagiou, M Franchi, M Ferraroni, A Decarli, A Zucchetto, D Serraino, L Dal Maso, E Negri and C La Vecchia Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1914-1920; advance online publication, August 6, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.447 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Low-dose aspirin use and cancer characteristics: a population-based cohort study F Jonsson, L Yin, C Lundholm, K E Smedby, K Czene and Y Pawitan Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1921-1925; advance online publication, July 25, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.411 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Association of vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and methionine with risk of breast cancer: a dose–response meta-analysis W Wu, S Kang and D Zhang Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1926-1944; advance online publication, August 1, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.438 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Does alcohol increase breast cancer risk in African-American women? Findings from a case–control study U Chandran, G Zirpoli, G Ciupak, S E McCann, Z Gong, K Pawlish, Y Lin, K Demissie, C B Ambrosone and E V Bandera Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1945-1953; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.513 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Hormone use and risk for lung cancer: a pooled analysis from the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO) A C Pesatori, M Carugno, D Consonni, R J Hung, A Papadoupolos, M T Landi, H Brenner, H Müller, C C Harris, E J Duell, A S Andrew, J R McLaughlin, A G Schwartz, A S Wenzlaff and I Stucker Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1954-1964; advance online publication, September 3, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.506 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | The latency period of mesothelioma among a cohort of British asbestos workers (1978–2005) G Frost Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1965-1973; advance online publication, August 29, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.514 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Prognosis in HIV-infected patients with non-small cell lung cancer K Sigel, K Crothers, R Dubrow, K Krauskopf, J Jao, C Sigel, A Moskowitz and J Wisnivesky Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1974-1980; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.545 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | HIV and HPV infections and ocular surface squamous neoplasia: systematic review and meta-analysis H Carreira, F Coutinho, C Carrilho and N Lunet Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1981-1988; advance online publication, September 12, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.539 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Solid cancer incidence other than lung, liver and bone in Mayak workers: 1948–2004 N Hunter, I S Kuznetsova, E V Labutina and J D Harrison Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1989-1996; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.543 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Association between serum 25(OH) vitamin D, incident liver cancer and chronic liver disease mortality in the Linxian Nutrition Intervention Trials: a nested case–control study J-B Wang, C C Abnet, W Chen, S M Dawsey, J-H Fan, L-Y Yin, J Yin, J M Major, P R Taylor, Y-L Qiao and N D Freedman Br J Cancer 2013 109: 1997-2004; advance online publication, September 5, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.546 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Does comorbidity interact with colorectal cancer to increase mortality? A nationwide population-based cohort study R Erichsen, E Horváth-Puhó, L H Iversen, T L Lash and H T Sørensen Br J Cancer 2013 109: 2005-2013; advance online publication, September 10, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.541 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Overestimated lead times in cancer screening has led to substantial underestimation of overdiagnosis P-H Zahl, K J Jørgensen and P C Gøtzsche Br J Cancer 2013 109: 2014-2019; advance online publication, August 20, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.427 Abstract | Full Text |  | Letters to the Editor | Top |  | Comment on ‘Fertility preservation in cancer survivors: a national survey of oncologists’ current knowledge, practice and attitudes’ – Oncologists must not allow personal attitudes to influence discussions on fertility preservation for cancer survivors N Young, A Leibowitz and R Bowden Br J Cancer 2013 109: 2020; advance online publication, August 13, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.459 Full Text |  |  |  | Reply: Comment on ‘Fertility preservation in cancer survivors: a national survey of oncologists’ current knowledge, practice and attitudes’ – Oncologists must not allow personal attitudes to influence discussions on fertility preservation for cancer survivors E Adams, E Hill and E Watson Br J Cancer 2013 109: 2021-2022; advance online publication, August 13, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.460 Full Text |  |  |  | Comment on ‘Beta-blockers increase response to chemotherapy via direct anti-tumour and anti-angiogenic mechanisms in neuroblastoma’ Y Ji and S Chen Br J Cancer 2013 109: 2022-2023; advance online publication, August 22, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.497 Full Text |  |  |  | Reply: Comment on ‘Beta-blockers increase response to chemotherapy via direct anti-tumour and anti-angiogenic mechanisms in neuroblastoma’ – β-blockers are potent anti-angiogenic and chemo-sensitising agents, rather than cytotoxic drugs E Pasquier, N Andre, T Trahair and M Kavallaris Br J Cancer 2013 109: 2024-2025; advance online publication, August 22, 2013; 10.1038/bjc.2013.498 Full Text Full Text |  | Erratum | Top |  | Increased neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio is a poor prognostic factor in patients with primary operable as well as inoperable pancreatic cancer M Stotz, A Gerger, F Eisner, J Szkandera, H Loibner, A L Ress, P Kornprat, W AlZoughbi, F S Seggewies, C Lackner, T Stojakovic, H Samonigg, G Hoefler and M Pichler Br J Cancer 2013 109: 2026; 10.1038/bjc.2013.591 Full Text |  |  |  |  | Advertisement |  | British Journal of Cancer presents: Web Focus on Lifestyle
Lifestyle is now known to contribute significantly to global cancer burdens. We highlight here some recent studies and meta-analyses that identify various factors associated with risk of developing cancer.
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