

A Sigma Event of Seismic Proportions is Underway …

The Sovereign Investor

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Publisher's note: Today's issue of The Sovereign Profit Series shares the story of a company in the midst of a significant Sigma event … and it is one of Jeff's best buys today.

In Wealth & Prosperity,
Erika Nolan

Executive Publisher

Learn Bobby Tay's
$2.7 Trillion Sigma Secret

By Jeff D. Opdyke, Editor of Profit Seeker

Dear Sovereign Investor,

"I know you have questions for us, but first I have a question for you: Why are you here?"

And with that began an interview that stretched to nearly two hours with a tiny real estate investment trust in Singapore called Sabana. I'd found the company through the various research I do, and I knew I needed to meet the guys running the show. So, off to Singapore I flew.

And I'm glad I did.

Had I accepted conventional wisdom about the company as reported in the local media, I would have never recommended the shares. But having met with Sabana's founders, I realized that the local media – as is so often the case with the media – had no fundamental understanding of the company's operations.

An opportunity was at hand … and my readers had the inside scoop on how to take advantage of it.

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I've been traveling through Asia for more than a decade now, interviewing local merchants, political leaders, business executives, entrepreneurs, and, perhaps most important, average consumers in each country I visit. These people act like my private researcher staff, helping keep me informed of what's taking shape in local markets and providing critical information that Wall Street rarely sees.

Prior to my trip to Singapore in the fall of 2011, I knew I wanted to meet Bobby Tay, the man behind Sabana. He had created a unique real estate investment trust, one that had huge appeal to the vast wealth pouring out of the Middle East. In fact, he'd spent five days talking to very – very – wealthy investors in places like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. His company was so impressive to the Arabs that they sent Mr. Tay home with $100 million to invest in Singapore's industrial-property market.

The Arab investors came to the same realization I'd had when I first found Sabana: This is a Sigma stock! Now, the Arabs didn't likely use that exact sentence, since Sigma is the name I use to reference stocks and trends that are moving into a high-growth phase. But based on the $100 million they gave Mr. Tay, they clearly saw the rapid-growth opportunity Sabana was pursuing.

That's my strategy all over the world. I don't care if it's Asia, South America, Europe … or even the U.S. Everywhere around the world, there are countries, companies and industries that are crossing a Sigma-event horizon. And when they do, the profits start to rain down on investors.

The Sigma event can last a few months, a couple of years, or, depending on the trend, decades. Think about the baby boom for a second. That was one of America's greatest Sigma events, and it is still unfolding as the boomers age.

I continually search for investment opportunities tied to these Sigma events, because that's where you will find the greatest potential for profits before countries, companies and products mature and reach a plateau. Find the trends just crossing the Sigma horizon and odds are good that you're tapping into strong, consistent growth.

And that's precisely the trend that I saw developing with Sabana in Singapore.

A Seismic Sigma Event

Sabana is a shari'ah-compliant REIT, meaning it adheres to Islamic financial principles. That's appealing to a large swath of the Middle East that is eager to find a place outside the U.S. and Europe to put money to work. Singapore is a natural destination because of the safety of the banking system and the surety of the legal system.

In 2011, an estimated $2.7 trillion was looking for a shari'ah-compliant home, and with a shari'ah-compliant REIT kicking off a dividend of 10% at the time, well there was no question the Arabs would invest.

It was a Sigma event.

Moreover, the company's business model – rolling up unique industrial properties not easily replicated because of Singaporean rules and restrictions – was its own Sigma event. It was obvious from my meeting with the company that fast growth was coming and that the media's worries about tenants rolling off the books in 2013 and beyond were completely misplaced. Far from wanting to leave, these tenants had every reason to stay because of the type of buildings they were in that were specific to their unique sets of needs.

To date, subscribers who've bought shares of Sabana upon my recommendation are up over 40%. As part of that, subscribers have picked up a dividend yield of over 10%.

I remain confident that Sabana is still entrenched in a Sigma event. The shares, which trade in Singapore under the symbol SSREIT, currently fetch around S$1.09 and are a buy up to S$1.25.

Until next time, stay Sovereign …

Jeff D. Opdyke
Editor, Profit Seeker

P.S. Sabana is just one of the companies crossing the Sigma-event horizon. To learn more about stocks and sectors that are on the cusp of breaking out, click here.


Jeff D. Opdyke

today's editorFor his Profit Seeker subscribers, Jeff is always looking for companies in position to benefit from the rise of a growing global middle class.
Click here to learn more


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