

Getting Up To Speed about Spectrum and Auctions - Mobility TechZone


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The 2014 Mobile Payments Conference will be held January 29-30, 2014 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. The event will be collocated with ITEXPO, one of the nation's largest technology-oriented conferences. ITEXPO expects to draw some 7,000 attendees from a variety of sectors, including enterprises, service providers, government, resellers, manufacturers and developers. The ITEXPO exhibit dates are January 29 - 31, 2014. The 2014 Mobile Payments Conference will highlight the many new mobile commerce solutions that continue to enter the market, and will be an invaluable resource for companies that are looking at or are already active in participating in this dynamic space.

EMV Training sponsored by ACT Canada will take place at the event on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 in the afternoon.

Sponsored by Mobile Marketing & Technology Magazine, Mobile Payments Conference attracts an executive level audience from all parts of the mobile commerce ecosystem. The 2014 conference marks the sixth Mobile Payments Conference that Mobile Marketing & Technology will produce.

We are working with the industry's leading experts to present the latest thinking by firms and suppliers about how mobile payments and mobile wallet services now make sense for retailer mobile commerce efforts in a broad sense and how leveraging the transition to mobile payments can benefit the businesses of retailers and payment providers alike.

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November 27, 2013

Getting Up To Speed about Spectrum and Auctions

For those wondering how we are going to solve the spectrum crisis, I thought I would share what I consider to be a key resource: J. Armand Musey’s “The Spectrum Handbook 2013.” Musey’s book serves as a good primer and it provides a great means for developing an understanding of the opportunities and implications of spectrum policy. For most of us the goal is to keep a focus on current issues and not to delve into a diatribe on Shannon’s Law or a discussion about IEEE standards and the ITU, and the brevity Armand brings to his subject is quite welcome. As Armand puts it in the book’s Executive Summary (page 3):

“…basically it's a primer for people new to the industry and a reference tool for more seasoned practitioners. It covers the basic technical issues related to spectrum, the applications for each band and business dynamics within each application, the current regulatory dynamics as well as valuation issues. While mobile is discussed in depth, the handbook covers the range of spectrum issues from Low Frequency to Extremely High Frequency. Detailed analysis of spectrum sharing, government spectrum use and the various spectrum reallocation process under way in the US and internationally...Read More

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