

How Republicans And Democrats Ended Up Living Apart

Plus: 5 Ways The Iran Nuclear Deal Collides With U.S. Politics
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How Republicans And Democrats Ended Up Living Apart

Democrats and Republicans are much less likely to live amongst each other than they were a generation ago. And new social-science research suggests that more Americans are motivated to move because they want to live among partisans of their own stripe.

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It's All Politics

Rep. Issa Takes Anti-Obamacare Campaign To The States

On Monday, Republicans held the second of at least four planned hearings designed to focus on health insurance price increases. GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, blames the problem on the Affordable Care Act.

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5 Ways The Iran Nuclear Deal Collides With U.S. Politics

President Obama's weakened political standing and the upcoming 2014 elections complicate the future of the historic agreement with Iran.

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Stumping For GOP Governors, Chris Christie Gets His Own Boost

As the new chair of the Republican Governors Association, the New Jersey governor's duties will have him crisscrossing the country for photo ops, fundraisers and stump speeches — fueling speculation he's readying a White House run.

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It's All Politics

You Can Vote, You Can Enlist — But Can You Buy A Cigarette?

New York City and Hawaii's Big Island recently approved regulations that increased the minimum age to buy cigarettes from 18 to 21. But the nascent movement is limited nationally by a focus by anti-smoking groups on regulating electronic cigarettes.

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