In the current edition of the
Investment U Weekly Update, Bond Strategist and Host of The Oxford Club's
Market Wake-Up Call Steve McDonald runs down the key issues affecting the global economy - and your investments. (Click the image to play.)

This week, you'll find...
- Obamacare Will Boost Big Pharma Stocks Even Further
- Another Emerging EU Play
- The "Slap in the Face" Award: Where's the Beef?
You can check it out
in this video.
This Week's Best-Sellers: Scientists Learn to "Switch Off" Deadly Diseases Thanks to Nobel Prize-winning science, doctors are learning how to "switch off" disease inside cells. Cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes - even aging itself... all could be cured at last. And one tiny company in Massachusetts holds the key to rapid FDA approval of this breakthrough treatment. Click here to see what this is all about. Social Security's "Final Deathblow"? A coming $91 trillion market shock - lasting just 3 minutes - could gut our Social Security system once and for all. If you're at or near retirement age, you need to know what's coming. And there's still time to prepare. Here's the shocking truth, from America's most conservative income investor... including his recommendations for surviving the possible crisis. The Stock About to "Rock" Your Financial World Thanks to a newly discovered "super substance," you could turn $9,000 into a small fortune. In short, a tiny American company is about to revolutionize all smartphones and HDTVs using this material. They hold key patents on it, yet oddly it's based on a common rock! At around $9 a share today, even a small stake in this company could catapult into a windfall. Details here. |
Here are the stories that were featured in
Investment U this week...
Watch Out for "The Thief That Robs Us All" By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist
Political columnist George Will once noted that he couldn't understand the traveler who flies with white knuckles from New York to L.A. - then heaves a sigh of relief as he pulls onto the San Diego Freeway.
He was talking, of course, about the misperception of risk.
The same thing happens in the stock market. Investors fear a correction, a crash, a bear market. And it's not hard to see why.
Click here to read the full story.
A Near-Perfect Portfolio Mailbag Edition
This week, a troubling email was sent to the
Investment U Mailbag...
"I'm worried about another crash... I'm thinking it's better to sell everything now and maybe wait a year or two, see if the world burns down. What do you think?" Selling it all to live under a rock is not The Oxford Club way. Alex explains...
Click here to read the full story.
You're Your Own Worst Enemy By Marc Lichtenfeld, Chief Income Strategist There are few things more frustrating in investing than being "right" about a stock, but not making any money. You do your research, pick a stock and buy it. Then for any number of reasons you end up selling it, only to watch it soar after you've sold (usually right after). And then you feel like an idiot. But this happens to every investor. Anyone who tells you they've never experienced the pain of being right and not making any money is lying to you... Click here to read the full story. |
Don't Take Advice From This Scaremonger-in-Chief By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist
If you had a good chuckle when Al Gore claimed he invented the Internet, you must have really loved his op-ed piece in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal.
You say you didn't read it? Maybe that's because you had something more important to do. Like, say, filing your fingernails.
It turns out he knows even less about the energy sector than he does about inventing the Internet.
Click here to read the full story.
How to Profit From Low Oil Prices By Sean Brodrick, Resource Strategist
This Halloween season, the scariest story for energy investors is how the price of crude oil keeps sliding. But don't worry - there are ways to profit when oil prices go down.
But first, why are oil prices slumping anyway?
Click here to read the full story.
Be sure to check out some of the other investment stories that we've published recently on our website at
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