

Update | Asia Office Opens, New Communications Director, Holiday Email Marketing Lessons

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Stevie Awards Open Office in Seoul to Serve Asia-Pacific Region
  Asia Journalist Association to Represent the Stevies in 16 Asian Markets
  5 Days of SPAM - Lessons Learned from Holiday Email Marketing
  IN BRIEF: German Stevie Awards Are Coming; Apply to Judge Stevie Awards Competitions.
  Upcoming Stevie Awards Calendar
Stevie Awards Open Office in Seoul to Serve Asia-Pacific Region


This week the Stevie Awards opened its second office and its first outside the U.S.A.

Clara ImThe Stevie Awards new office to serve the Asia-Pacific region is colocated in the offices of Hanaroadcom in Seoul, South Korea. The address is the 5th floor of the Sando Building, 8, Dosan-daero 33-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-893. The phone number for the office will be published soon.

Concurrent with the opening of the office, the Stevies have hired Clara Im to be Communications Director for Asia. Clara may be contacted at Clara@thestevies.com.

Clara has 10 years experience in public relations and corporate communications with Hanaroadcom, the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, and the Korea Leadership Center Group. Her brief will be to raise awareness of the Stevie Awards, particularly our new Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards program, throughout the 22 nations of the APAC region; to provide communications support to our marketing representatives in key Asian markets; and to support the needs of media, entrants, and judges throughout the region.

A revised schedule for the first Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards was published last week.

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Asia Journalist Association to Represent the Stevies in 16 Asian Markets


The Stevie Awards signed a letter of agreement this week with the Asia Journalist Association to provide marketing representation for its awards programs in Asian markets including Indonesia, Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, among others.

AJA SigningStevie Awards president Michael Gallagher cosigned the agreement with AJA president Lee Sang-ki during his visit to Seoul, South Korea to open the Stevies' new office there. (See the related story above.)

The Asia Journalist Association is an international organization dedicated to the fulfillment of truthful and impartial reporting, the realization of press freedom, and the advancement of journalism in close cooperation with journalists of Asia. AJA individual members and/or chapters will be selected by AJA president Lee to raise awareness of Stevie Awards programs in their nations, to encourage organizations in their nations to participate in Stevie Awards programs, to provide editorial and logistical support to nominees in the preparation and submission of their entries, and to recruit judges for Stevie Awards programs.

Learn more about the AJA at www.ajanews.asia.

Other Asian nations in which AJA members or chapters will represent Stevie Awards programs include Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Fiji, Laos, Mongolia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vietnam.

When AJA member representatives have been selected their contact information will be published on the Stevie Awards websites.

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5 Days of SPAM - Lessons Learned from Holiday Email Marketing


Becky Johns, Vice President of MarketBridge in Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A., will chair the final judging committee for the Sales Achievement categories in the sales awards section of the 2014 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. (The final entry deadline for the 2014 competition is January 14 — get your entry kit here )  She shares some timely advice on the do’s and don’ts of holiday emails.

Becky JohnsIn the U.S.A, the dust has finally settled on yet another record-breaking Black Friday and Cyber Monday. While retailers and shoppers recover from the highs and lows of record breaking sales, near riots, and yes, even the token Taser fight, it’s time to pay homage to the real victim of the holiday shopping melée: your Inbox.

I’ve just finished spending some time sifting through my email over the past five days. Most of the Holiday Shopper-targeted emails were caught by spam folders, which ironically enough included an email from a national grocer with a special on canned goods (yup, SPAM stuck in spam). Some of the fortunate few survived the treacherous journey past the spam detectors and managed to make it into my actual Inbox … only to lie un-opened and largely ignored over the last few days.

Going through this exercise was both exasperating and somewhat deflating, especially when you consider that retail marketers have likely been planning and conceptualizing these Holiday Shopping emails for months. As a marketer and reformed spammer myself, I can’t help but ask the question: Is this the best we can come up with?

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IN BRIEF: German Stevie Awards Are Coming; Apply to Judge Stevie Awards Competitions.

The Stevie Awards will soon launch its sixth awards program, the German Stevie Awards. This program will be open exclusively to organizations operating in Germany. Join the mailing list for these awards and we'll send you the entry kit next year, as soon as it's available...

You're invited to apply to be a preliminary-round judge in the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service and/or the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. As a judge you'll see how many individuals and organizations around the world are innovating and achieving success, and you'll receive a certificate of appreciation suitable for framing...

Upcoming Stevie Awards Calendar

December 18: Second early-bird entry deadline for 2014 American Business Awards

January 14: Final entry deadline for Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

January 20 : Entries open for IPRA's Golden World Awards for PR Excellence, managed by the Stevie Awards

February 19: Entry deadline for Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

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