

Why is Google Funding ALEC? | Obama's Speech Falls Short | The Onion's 'Stop and Kiss' Video

AlterNet Newsletter

NEWS UPDATE - December 5, 2013

Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio Names Bill Bratton New York Police Chief

Tom McCarthy, Kayla Epstein, The Guardian

Not everyone is pleased with the controversial appointment. READ MORE»

Why is Google Funding Grover Norquist, Heritage Action and ALEC?

Nick Surgey, Center for Media and Democracy

Whatever happened to 'don't be evil?' READ MORE»

Why Obama's Big Inequality Speech Missed Out on the Political Realities That Stand in the Way of Progress

Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Obama's powerful rhetoric didn't get into how Democrats can regain control of the Federal budget and stop a decade of draconian cuts. READ MORE»

NPR's Robert Siegel Needs a Reality Check

By Peter Dreier, Huffington Post

No, Robert, nowhere in the country can you live on bank tellers' wages—$11 an hour, or $22,000 per year. READ MORE»

VIDEO: Hilarious Onion Spoof, 'Stop and Kiss,' Goes Viral

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

Like Stop and Frisk, 'Stop and Kiss' overwhelmingly targets blacks and latinos. Funny video makes serious point. READ MORE»

GOP Candidates Being Schooled on How to Avoid Gaffes When Running Against Women

By Rod Bastanmehr, AlterNet

'Binders of women!' 'Legitimate rape!' War on choice! Good luck guys! READ MORE»

WATCH: Stewart Lambasts Paltry Penalties for Major Corporate Crimes

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

"You're not even allowed to do that in Grand Theft Auto." READ MORE»

Shocking: New Finding Suggests Our Ancestors Mated With Unidentified Species

By Rod Bastanmehr, AlterNet

Scientists have found a genome that links humans with species that is neither human nor neanderthal. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Matt Davies on Amazon's Drones

By Matt Davies, AlterNet

No, not the workers. READ MORE»

Tennessee Makes Unprecedented Push to Speed Up 10 Executions

By Rod Bastanmehr, AlterNet

The state wants 10 death row inmates to be executed in 2014, despite questions about its new lethal injection drug. READ MORE»

Fired Black Exec at BP Told Her Dashiki Made Colleagues 'Uncomfortable,' Lawsuit Says

By Jamie Ross, Courthouse News

Just one of a litany of overtly racial complaints. READ MORE»

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