

Harness the power of smart grid data: silverLink Sensor Network

This week's FierceSmartGrid is brought to you by SilverSpring Networks.

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Introducing the SilverLink Sensor Network

A new solution to make it easy to unleash the power of smart grid data. 

The smart grid drove a paradigm shift by creating the first ever continuous connection to your customers. Yet your traditional business systems can't capture the full potential value of this continuous connectivity, making it difficult to analyze smart grid data fast and at a lower cost.

The SilverLinkTM Sensor Network is the first network-based service that transforms how you can use big data from the real time smart grid to improve operations and increase customer engagement.  With fully networked sensor devices, you can easily and quickly organize, program and use smart grid data to: 

  • Create breakthrough business applications ten times faster, and up to 1/10th the cost of existing solutions
  • Enable new business models by making it effortless to use sensor data to build and deliver breakthrough applications for competitive advantage
  • Create a more agile and innovative organization by empowering your team to learn, adjust and improve at speeds faster than ever before
  • Empower employees to make smarter, faster decisions with real-time smart grid data available at their fingertips
Download this complimentary eBook to understand how your organization can unleash extraordinary value from big data with sensor networks.

“Several years ago OG&E embarked on a transformational journey with Silver Spring.  We knew that by creating a continuous connection with our customers, our grid assets, and the data running across our network, we would be able to deliver more reliable service to our customers, remove costs and lower our carbon footprint,” said Pete Delaney, Oklahoma Gas & Electric. “I’m proud to say OG&E’s Positive Energy Smart Grid program has been fully embraced by our customers.  We are excited for the next-generation of technology Silver Spring is bringing to the market to help us deliver even more innovative services to our customers, and unlock even more value from the ocean of real-time data that our network is providing." - Pete Delaney, President and CEO, Oklahoma Gas & Electric
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Silver Spring Networks
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Redwood City, CA 94063

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