

The Ultimate Guide To Portrait Posing: Striking the Pose

Hi there,

Some of our most popular articles on dPS in last few years have been about portrait posing -- and it's no surprise.  

We hear that many of you are taking photos of people and our Portrait eBooks are among our most popular.

So it's with great pleasure, and a little drum roll, that we can share with you the news that our brand new eBook Portraits: Striking The Pose is officially available.

Not only can own you own a copy right now, for a limited time you'll also pick up 7 super-handy printable posing guides (worth $9.99) for FREE. They're perfect to tuck away in your camera bag or device when you need to quickly access some posing inspiration.

Pick up a copy here today.

What can you expect in Portraits: Striking The Pose?

You're about to get your hands on the posing secrets of super talented portrait photographer Gina Milicia. With more than 25 years experience taking stunning pictures of people, she's going to share with you all the posing tips and tricks she's used on royalty, rockstars and supermodels.

We're not talking here about crazy unnatural poses, we talking about everyday poses you can use with anyone, at any time. 

Gina shows you how to connect with people, organise and direct like a pro. She then dives into the specifics of different posing scenarios (men, women, couples, groups) with loads of examples for you to refer back to again and again.

Now we're always excited when we announce our new eBooks, but this one has us all just bursting with joy to share with you. Here's a few reasons why:
  • Because it contains 25 years of portrait photography experience.

  • Because it's instantly downloadable and you can start learning straight away.

  • Because it's beautifully presented, laid out and just so easy to read.

  • Because it's both actionable and inspiring.

  • Because it's guaranteed to improve the quality of your portrait photography.

And mostly because it's JAM PACKED with some amazing portrait posing wisdom you'll be able to apply to your own portrait photography right way.

Gina often talks about giving your portraits heart and soul and from the very first chapter you'll discover she's put both in every single page of this eBook. Everything she knows about posing is right there at your fingertips. 

Photographing men, women, couples, kids, or groups? This eBook has you covered, and so much more.

You can pick up a copy here. And don't forget as a special early bird you'll also pick up for FREE the 7 printable portrait guides (worth $9.99) but only if you act quickly.

All the best,

Darren Rowse
Digital Photography School

PS: As with all our eBooks this one comes with our 60-day money back guarantee. But Gina has put together one a brilliant book, so we're pretty confident you'll won't need it.

PO Box 1181, Blackburn North, Victoria 3130, AUSTRALIA

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