

Why Marijuana Stocks Will Not Go Up in Smoke

The Stock Junction Daily Newsletter

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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Why Marijuana Will Not Go Up in Smoke


by Rob Goldman



The best-performing stock group this year is medical marijuana. In fact, the competition is  not even close. A number of these stocks have tripled or generated even greater returns in just a matter of weeks.  Interestingly, each time I see an article or a column suggesting that the nascent stocks' growth is just a shining example that the sector is the latest bubble and that the gains are sure to quickly evaporate, the stocks scream higher. Granted, this space has all the makings of a typical bubble. However, there are quite a few reasons why this industry is not the bubble as some profess it to be, and the space actually has room to move much higher, albeit in a more tempered fashion.


For starters, there is a real shift in public sentiment across the country regarding the prospective use of marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use. Major news outlets, polling firms, and major physician groups have recently released a variety of figures demonstrating the ever-increasing support for medical marijuana. In response, many states have forged ahead on the legislative front.  Some state legislatures are keenly watching how recreational marijuana use is affecting society at large in Colorado and Washington. Moreover, the fact that the Super Bowl participants hail from these two states have also helped put focus on the space. Frankly, although 21 states have already approved the use of medical marijuana in some form, some are chomping at the bit by just thinking about the upside from the passing of legislation enhancing the overall legalization of marijuana, based on higher tax revenue and lower criminal justice expenses.  


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Why I'm Investing $117,238 In This Stock
-Jeremy Phillips, Motley Fool Chief Technology Officer
It's growing faster than Apple, Amazon.com, and Google combined. And now I'm so confident that I'm investing 5X more than I ever have. I say we get rich together! Just click to discover my favorite stock!



This Stock is Worth a Trade


by Rob Goldman



Reaching an "a-ha" moment with a stock you have long followed - but for which you have not yet pulled the trigger - can be uplifting emotionally and can also lead to potentially profitable opportunities.  The "a-ha" moment can be when a company fundamentally turns the corner or when the stock turns positive from a technical perspective.  Sometimes, it can just be all about a shift in valuation. In my view, RiT Technologies, Ltd. (NASDAQ - RITT - $1.88) exemplifies all of the above. RITT's shares finally reflect a reasonable valuation and may have turned the corner on both a fundamental and technical basis. Therefore, it is possible that RITT could offer a 25% to 40% return.


RiT Technologies is a leading provider of IIM solutions and a developer of an innovative indoor optical wireless technology solution. Its IIM products provide and enhance security and network utilization for data centers, communication rooms and work space environments. They help companies plan and provision, monitor and troubleshoot their communications networks, maximizing utilization, reliability and physical security of the network while minimizing unplanned downtime. RiT's IIM solutions are deployed around the world, in a broad range of organizations, including data centers in the private sector, government agencies, financial institutions, airport authorities, as well as health care and education institutions. The company also offers an indoor optical wireless technology solution that is designed to help customers streamline deployment, reduce infrastructure design, installation and maintenance complexity and enhance security in a cost-effective way.


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