

Stories from the field: The Last Walk for Water

It was still dark and cool when 13-year-old Letikiros walked out the door to get water. She never came home.
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The Last Walk for Water by Scott Harrison
Two weeks ago, charity: water founder Scott Harrison hiked nine hours into a remote village in northern Ethiopia. He spent five nights living with the community, hoping to learn more about a girl whose story he'd heard over a year ago.

What follows isn't a typical charity: water story. There are no pictures of smiling children or clean water, and there's no happy ending yet. However, we believe it should be told as it illustrates the urgency of our work and the reality of the water crisis.
It was still dark and cool when 13-year-old Letikiros walked out the door to get water. She slung a clay pot over her shoulders and headed toward the water source. It would be an all-day affair, and it was usually around 3 p.m. before she'd return home. But this day was anything but usual, and Letikiros never came home. Around 4 p.m. a man found her lifeless body swinging from a tree, a rope tied around her neck.
Story & photos by Scott Harrison / cover image by Julian Lennon

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