

Webinar - Don’t Stop at Responsive: Optimize Your Site to Increase Conversions on Mobile


Hi Indiana,


You already know it's critical to give your customers a great mobile experience on your website, and you know that impatient mobile users expect speedy site performance. But did you know that responsive design is only the first stage of mobile optimization? Delivering the most important content first requires a surprisingly simple and new approach to website optimization.

Webinar March 12, 2014 - 1 PM EST

Optimizing the delivery of assets ensures that the most important content and calls to action are prioritized when the site loads. In this webinar by Yottaa and Percussion Software, Ari Weil of Yottaa will explain how Application Sequencing technology can boost site performance and serve up what you want your customers to see

You will learn:

  • What page load times mean for Google

  • Why responsive design is just the tip of the optimization iceberg

  • How Application Sequencing intelligently serves content based on device, browser, and connection speed

  • How site speed and perceived responsiveness impact conversions and sales

Website visitors increasingly expect speed, responsiveness, social integration, and personalization on any device. See how you can still deliver a well-rounded experience and capture business without sacrificing performance.

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