

This will change everything...

This weekend, we bring you the  week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...
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This will change everything...
By Brianna Panzica | Saturday, March 29th, 2014
Brianna Panzica

This weekend, we bring you the week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...

Technology Slashes Energy Costs: This Will Change Everything...
In today's energy landscape, solar has gone by the wayside... for now. Truth is, no matter how little you think of the renewable source, your opinions will change immediately when you see what this small company is capable of.

Investing in Biotech Diagnostics: CombiMatrix (NASDAQ: CBMX) to Rebound in 2014
Recent research from the New England Journal of Medicine has just opened this innovative industry to billions in revenue. These are the players ready to see a profit.

What if Russia Dumped U.S. Debt?: How Putin Plans to Break America
To strike back at the United States, Russia doesn't need to use tanks and missiles. It just needs start a domino effect on U.S. Treasury sales. And there are now some indications that this is exactly what Putin may be up to.

West Texas' Massive Gushers: Check Out These Numbers!
It started as one well in 1923 and grew production to 1.7 million barrels per day. Now drillers have found the source rock... which means billions of barrels to come.

Heavy Metal — Putin's War: Palladium Will Run
Crimea is now Russia. It's a done deal. And backing the neo-Nazis now in power in Ukraine will end badly, just as getting involved in a long list of other third-world hellholes ended badly.

Living Without Russian Gas: Energy at War
An emboldened Russia is tightening its grip on the energy market in Europe. Here's what the Germans plan to do about it and how you can take advantage.


You Made a Big Mistake. Here’s How to Fix It...

Over the last 7 months, I've been making the call on a small biotech company with a patented cancer-curing liquid that will soon hit the market.

But you missed out. Those who followed my call made 300% returns in 7 months.

On the heels of major news concerning this company, I am making a final push for you to get in now while this company still trades under $3 a share.

But there isn't much time left. Either you get in now, or miss out again.

Go here now to buy this stock.

Investing in the Petroplex: Riding the West Texas Oil Boom
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals why the Petroplex region is experiencing a new boom after more than a century of oil production.

Natural Gas Worth TRILLIONS: America's Biggest Bull Market
The natural gas boom is taking place all across this region of the U.S., churning out millionaires. But it's not the oil majors who are raking it in... I'll tell you about the real cash cows in this boom.

A Bottom in Coal: King Coal is Back
Coal is still one of the most hated investments out there. But this is good news for us contrarian investors who like to buy stocks everyone else has already sold...

Military Tech Bull Market: Smart Munitions Technology in the Infantry
The Cold War actually did one thing remarkably well: it stimulated the arms industry. And as we head into an eerily similar conflict, here's what savvy investors have to look forward to...

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The Bottom Line

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