

Your immediate help for our troops

The USO needs your immediate help to support our troops by helping to fund life-saving programs. »
The USO stands with our troops from sign-up to their transition into civilian life. Help our troops begin the rest of their lives.

USO Supporter –

Down to 14 hours until midnight, the USO needs your immediate help. We’ve introduced you to the ways the USO provides programs to our troops and their families the second they land home to help them restart their lives after the toll of war.

With so many troops suffering emotional and physical wounds, we need programs like Wyakin Warrior and Hire Heroes USA to provide highly individualized support to help them recover.

Right now, we've got 14 hours to raise $70,000 to help us expand our life-saving programs so that no troop goes without. If everyone looking at this email – that means you – gave at least $.89 right now, we'd change untold lives of those who serve.

Help us do it.

Click here to make a tax-deductible donation now – in the next 14 hours – to be there for heroes returning from service to our country. They’re counting on us.

Thanks so much,
USO for our Troops



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