

| 04.28.14 | Are you a mobile addict?

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Today's Top Stories:
1. Are you a mobile addict?
2. Wireless communications chip demand spurs turnaround in semiconductor market
3. Smartphone patent wars: You can't tell the players without a scorecard

News Scan:
Apple regains smartphone momentum
Comixology ends iOS in-app purchases, more

Also Noted:
T-Mobile selectively shutting off MetroPCS; Apple to replace faulty iPhone 5 power buttons; Much more...

News From The Fierce Network:
1. FCC and net neutrality; Balancing privacy and security;
2. Too many companies screw up IT security basics
3. 10 ways to close the gap between IT and end users


April 28, 2014

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New Relic
Infinite Convergence


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This week's sponsor is New Relic.

eBook | Getting to DevOps (And Getting the Payoff)

Companies employing DevOps techniques report faster development cycles and higher-quality software. This FierceEnterpriseCommunications eBook covers step-by-step guidance on implementing DevOps for CIOs and IT and application development managers. Download this eBook today.

Sponsor: ProofPoint


> Reduce Datacenter Energy Costs by up to 15%: Software Meets Datacenter ROI - Friday, May 16, 2014 - 2 pm ET / 11 am PT
> Enterprise Messaging: Powering Customer Engagement through Mobile Messaging - Tuesday, April 29, 12pm ET/ 9am PT


> Register: The Premier Connected Home Conference - May 13-15, 2014 - San Francisco, CA
> Becoming an agile, super-effective business - June 2-5 - Nice, France - Sponsored by: TM Forum Live!


> Whitepaper: Avoiding the top three challenges of custom-coded SharePoint applications
> Whitepaper: Customer Experience for Service
> Whitepaper: How to Transform Your Mobile Customer Care Strategy
> Whitepaper: IT Made Easy with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus
> Whitepaper: Know What Customers Want Before They Do
> Whitepaper: Forbes: The Secret Sauce of Oracle's Commercial Success
> Whitepaper: How to Add Attachment Viewing to Salesforce
> Whitepaper: Finding ROI in Document Collaboration
> Whitepaper: Enhancing Enterprise Mobility with BYOD
> Whitepaper: Delight & Engage Customers with Mobile APIs
> Whitepaper: Case Study: USDA Stays at the Forefront of Mobilization with Acronis Access
> Whitepaper: Making the Most of Your CRM: How Best-in-Class Sales Teams Maximize Revenue and Customer Service
> Whitepaper: Five Tips for Integrating Video into SharePoint
> Whitepaper: Best Practices for Migrating to SharePoint Online in Office 365
> eBook: eBrief | How Big Data Changes The Way You Think and Operate
> eBook: Critical Infrastructure and Cybersecurity
> Whitepaper: Best Practices for Migrating to SharePoint 2013
> Whitepaper: 5 Unsung Tools of Dev Ops
> eBook: Getting to DevOps (And Getting the Payoff)
> Whitepaper: 802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies
> Whitepaper: Defense Against the Dark Arts: Finding and Stopping Advanced Threats
> Whitepaper: Longline Phishing: A new Class of Advanced Phishing Attacks
> Whitepaper: Hardware Test Equipment is the Key to Accurate Network Testing

This week's sponsor is CPL.

FastCast Webinar: Reduce Datacenter Energy Costs by up to 15%: Software Meets Datacenter ROI
Friday, May 15th, 2pm ET/ 11am PT

Join us for a look at two Intel Datacenter Software solutions, sample use cases, and implementation overviews. Intel Data Center Manager (Intel DCM): Energy Director provides device-level power and thermal monitoring and management for groups of servers, networking, storage, and other IT equipment. Register Today!

Today's Top Stories

1. Are you a mobile addict?

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Do you launch mobile apps more than 60 times a day? Then you are a mobile addict, according to mobile analytics firm Flurry.

Don't worry. You have plenty of company. There were 176 million mobile addicts as of March, up from 79 million at the same time last year, a 123 percent jump.

While accounting for only 48 percent of mobile users, women accounted for 52 percent of mobile addicts. For female addicts, the most popular app categories are moms, parenting and education, gaming and sports, in that order. For male addicts, the most popular app categories are auto enthusiast, parenting and education, gaming and catalog shopping.

Unfortunately, there is no 12-step program to help with your addiction.

The average mobile user launches apps 10 times a day, according to data collected by Flurry from 500,000 apps across 1.3 billion devices.

Not surprisingly, teens and college students were among the most mobile-addicted population segments. Perhaps more surprising, middle-aged consumers were also among the most addicted, representing 28 percent of the mobile addicts but only 20 percent of mobile users.

Flurry explains the high number of mobile addicts for middle aged consumers as being parents who share their devices with their children. "The picture we formed is a family of four, with two phones, one tablet, and all three devices shared by the family for education, entertainment and more utilitarian functions as well," writes Simon Khalaf, president and CEO of Flurry, in a blog post.

Not everyone is thrilled by the addiction of users to the mobile device. In South Korea, the average smartphone user spends more than four hours per day on the device. In response, the government is considering introducing a curfew on smartphone uses, the GlobalPost reports.

In his blog, Khalaf observes that the behavior of mobile addicts should provide a "sneak preview" into the types of apps wearables users will want.

"To date, many applications for wearables have focused on fitness and health, but thinking about what's next, developers should think about the other experiences that will delight the people who need to be connected all the time. This includes teens, college students and middle-aged parents who are interested gaming, autos, sports and shopping, and who may have a constant need to entertain or educate their children," Khalaf concludes.

For more:
- read Khalaf's blog
- check out the GlobalPost report

Related Articles:
eBay fires up iPad in-store pickup app with Apple's Passbook integration
What's the next mobile craze?
LinkedIn expands mobile app portfolio, mobile partnerships

Read more about: Flurry, mobile apps
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This week's sponsor is ProofPoint.

The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the use of email as a vehicle for cyberattacks on organizations and large corporations. Recently, Proofpoint researchers identified a new class of sophisticated and effective, large-scale phishing attack dubbed "longline" phishing attacks. Download this whitepaper to learn about the unique characteristics of these attacks, how they are carried out, and the alarming effectiveness they have. Download today!

2. Wireless communications chip demand spurs turnaround in semiconductor market

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The market for wireless communication semiconductors increased 13.1 percent year-over-year in 2013, according to the latest stats from IHS Technology.

This strong showing in wireless communications contributed to 5 percent year-over-year growth in the worldwide semiconductor market, which reached $318 billion in 2013. This was in marked contrast to 2012, when semiconductor revenue totaled $303 billion, a 2.4 percent drop from 2011, according to IHS.

The top 25 chip makers posted revenue amounting to $225.3 billion, or 71 percent of total industry revenue, up from 69 percent in 2012. Heading the list of chip makers was Intel with $47 billion, or 15 percent of the market.

In addition to wireless, strong growth in memory chips also contributed to the semiconductor revenue turnaround. Dynamic random access memory showed the strongest expansion in the memory chip segment, posting revenue growth of 32.5 percent. NAND flash posted 24.2 percent growth in 2013, spurred by demand for smartphone and tablet memory.

Also, small-signal field-effect transistors revenue increased 21.3 percent, logic application-specific standard products (ASSPs) for wireless communications grew 15.3 percent and analog ASSPs for wireless rose 13.5 percent.

Automotive logic ASSPs increased 14 percent, while automotive analog application specific ICs increased 8.1 percent. Microcontrollers for smart cards and IC cards also posted strong growth, up 12.5 percent on the year.

For more:
- check out the IHS release

Related Articles:
Wired telecom, semiconductor jobs among most endangered
Qualcomm lifted on strong smartphone, LTE baseband processor sales
Apple, Samsung lead semiconductor purchasers

Read more about: revenue growth, semiconductor
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3. Smartphone patent wars: You can't tell the players without a scorecard

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Last week saw a number of major developments in the ongoing patent wars among the major smartphone players.

On Friday, a federal appeals court cleared Apple and Google's Motorola Mobility to pursue patent infringement claims against each other, overturning lower court rulings, Reuters reports.

The appeals court ruled that Apple could pursue a patent infringement case against Motorola Mobility involving three of its mobile device patents and could seek a sales ban against Motorola's smartphones.

The court also ruled that Motorola Mobility could pursue patent litigation of its own involving three of its patents that it claims Apple violated, but it could not seek a sales ban against Apple's devices.

To complicate matters, Google has agreed to sell Motorola Mobility to Chinese firm Lenovo for $2.5 billion, although Google is retaining Motorola's patent portfolio.

In another development last week, Google attorney James Maccoun admitted that Google agreed to pay Samsung, the largest maker of Android smartphones, compensation in Samsung's patent war with Apple, CNET reports.

In a patent trial between Apple and Samsung, Maccoun authenticated emails between Google and Samsung that indicated Google would "defend and indemnify" Samsung in its patent litigation with Apple as part of a mobile application distribution agreement.

Apple is seeking $2.2 billion in damages from Samsung in this round of the two firms' patent wars, after winning a $1 billion judgment against Samsung in 2012.

For more:
- read the Reuters report
- see the CNET report

Related Articles:
Google's Glasshole move at PTO
BlackBerry sues Ryan Seacrest over iPhone keyboard case
News Scan: Can't we all just get along; Samsung mulls iris scanner; more

Read more about: Apple, Google
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is Infinite Convergence.

Webinar: Enterprise Messaging: Powering Customer Engagement through Mobile Messaging
Tuesday, April 29th, 12pm ET /9am PT

In this webinar, Pamela Clark-Dickson, and John Puma will provide insight into the evolution and future of mobile messaging, and present case studies on how organizations have harnessed the power of mobile messaging to support customer business strategies. Register Today!


>> Apple regains smartphone momentum, while Windows struggles

Apple regained smartphone sales momentum in the first quarter, helped by rebounds in the European, Japanese and Australian market, according to Kantar Worldpanel ComTech. "Apple regained ground in the first quarter of 2014, primarily due to the strong performance of the iPhone 5S, By contrast, Windows had a tough start to the year as a result of its entry-level Nokia models facing fierce competition from low-end Motorola, LG and Samsung Android smartphones," says Dominic Sunnebo, strategic insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech. Read more

[More on smartphones: New Malware targets jailbroken iOS devices | Mobile manufacturers, carriers to provide kill switches]

>> Comixology ends in-app purchases of comic books on iOS devices 

Following its acquisition by Amazon, Comixology has announced it is ending in-app purchases of comic books on Apple's iPhones and iPads, Re/code reports. Prior to the acquisition by Amazon, Comixology offered iOS in-app purchases of comic books directly from publishers, which made those sales subject to Apple's 30 percent surcharge on in-app purchases. But now Comixology's new iOS app is a reader with no in-app purchase capabilities. Read more

[Read more on in-app purchases: Apple to refund $32.5M to consumers | NPD: Teens spending seven hours per week on mobile gaming]

>> LG used failed mobile OS for successful smart TV

LG used an orphaned mobile operating system, webOS, and turned it into a successful smart TV platform, according to a report by Digital Trends. LG decided to buy webOS from HP's Palm, which had failed to make it a successful for mobile devices, and use it to power its 55-inch smart TV. "We wanted to make TV simple again. It's a very simple battle cry, and that was the goal of what we did for webOS," Itai Vonshak, vice president of design and product management for webOS at LG, tells Digital Trends. Read more

[More on LG: Android fragmentation challenges enterprises, app developers and manufacturers | Tablet LCD panel shipments are expected to slow after vigorous December, says IHS]

>> Angry Birds maker Rovio is not happy about falling profits

Angry Birds maker Rovio is not happy about slowing revenues and falling profits, notes TechCrunch. The firm reported $215.9 million in revenue last year, compared with $210.6 million in 2012. But net profits fell by more than half to $37.3 million in 2013, compared to $76.8 million in 2012, due in part to the addition of 300 more employees. Read more

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>> Apple preps for $17B bond sale to fund share buyback

Apple is planning a $17 billion bond sale in order to fund its share buyback program, which could total as much as $90 billion, AppleInsider reports, citing a Financial Times story. While it has $130 billion in cash overseas, Apple said it does not plan to repatriate the cash to fund the buyback because of the high U.S. tax rates. Read more

[More on Apple: iPhone subsidies drag down profits at China Mobile | Will Apple become 'irrelevant' without an iWatch soon?]

T-Mobile selectively shutting off MetroPCS
>> T-Mobile Shutting Off MetroPCS Network in Las Vegas, New England July 1 (WirelessWeek)

First mobile video ads benchmarks
>> First mobile video ads benchmarks a significant step for future growth (Mobile Marketer)

Apple to replace faulty iPhone 5 power buttons
>> Apple to Replace Faulty iPhone 5 Power Buttons for Free (Computerworld)

Intel sets up new IoT division
>> Intel Declares IoT Important Enough to Start a New Division (eWeek)

BYOD is a work in progress
>> Why BYOD remains a work in progress and faces a number of growing pains (TabTimes)

Social Scan:

RT @nytimesbusiness: Few Consumers Are Buying Premise of Mobile Wallets http://t.co/G1E6dKgtK7

Print on the Go With This Pocket-Sized Device: Print's not dead yet, and now one company wants to make it mob... http://t.co/B4zLg4VRNl

How cell phone spy tracking work http://t.co/RfB4GryiDJ

And finally... Is the tablet honeymoon coming to an end? (Wired)


> Reduce Datacenter Energy Costs by up to 15%: Software Meets Datacenter ROI - Friday, May 16, 2014 - 2 pm ET / 11 am PT

Join us for a look at two Intel Datacenter Software solutions, sample use cases, and implementation overviews. Intel Data Center Manager (Intel DCM): Energy Director provides device-level power and thermal monitoring and management for groups of servers, networking, storage, and other IT equipment. Register Today!

> Enterprise Messaging: Powering Customer Engagement through Mobile Messaging - Tuesday, April 29, 12pm ET/ 9am PT

In this webinar, Pamela Clark-Dickson, Senior Analyst at Informa Telecoms & Media; and John Puma Vice President of Product Management at Infinite Convergence Solutions will provide insight into the evolution and future of mobile messaging, and present case studies on how organizations have harnessed the power of mobile messaging to support customer business strategies. Register Today!


> Register: The Premier Connected Home Conference - May 13-15, 2014 - San Francisco, CA

CONNECTIONS™: The Premier Connected Home Conference, hosted by Parks Associates, focuses on consumer trends, emerging technologies, value-added services & business strategies for the entertainment and smart home industries. Keynotes: AT&T, ARRIS, Cisco, iControl Networks, Lowe's. www.connectionsus.com

> Becoming an agile, super-effective business - June 2-5 - Nice, France - Sponsored by: TM Forum Live!

Examine ways to gain an edge by employing agile methodologies and cloud-based services with presentations from; Century link, Microsoft, DGIT, Gartner and more. Save up to $400 on a gold pass when you register with voucher code PW3DA2!


> Whitepaper: Avoiding the top three challenges of custom-coded SharePoint applications

In this white paper, learn about the challenges of custom coded SharePoint applications. Then, see how you can overcome them to create the SharePoint sites you want. Download Today!

> Whitepaper: Customer Experience for Service

This Executive Brief explores the role of service and support in creating great customer experiences, the service goals market leaders use related to customer experience and the Oracle approach for empowering new service experiences. Download today!

> Whitepaper: How to Transform Your Mobile Customer Care Strategy

It's all about the SCI: the smart, connected interaction. It's not easy - mobility increases the number of variables going into each interaction, requires the preservation of context across channels, but it allows each interaction to naturally evolve. Read this document to learn how to go SCI and naturally connect with your customers.

> Whitepaper: IT Made Easy with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is an ITIL-Ready Help Desk Software with integrated asset and project management. True to our tagline, "IT Made Easy", ServiceDesk Plus wins hands down when it comes to ease of use, out of the box settings and integration. Visit http://www.servicedeskplus.com/ to check out the list of features that come at just $995 and to download a 30-Day Free Trial!

> Whitepaper: Know What Customers Want Before They Do

Today's consumers only want interactions that are relevant, personalized, and based on a customer’s situation and preferences. Discover the framework for creating effective NBOs for B2C and B2B companies. Download today.

> Whitepaper: Forbes: The Secret Sauce of Oracle's Commercial Success

This whitepaper addresses how the Sales Cloud is rapidly becoming a strategic asset that delivers better intelligence, social collaboration, and native mobile apps for Sales and Marketing professionals. Learn how Oracle Sales Cloud helped Oracle increase annual revenue to $37 billion. Download Now!

> Whitepaper: How to Add Attachment Viewing to Salesforce

Read this Accusoft whitepaper to learn about the case for an attachment viewer for Salesforce. Download now.

> Whitepaper: Finding ROI in Document Collaboration

Read this Accusoft whitepaper to learn about the factors that make document collaboration more difficult than it should be, and about how to create a collaboration strategy that makes sense for your organization. Download Now!

> Whitepaper: Enhancing Enterprise Mobility with BYOD

This white paper introduces the key benefits and challenges of BYOD movement. Understanding the ins and outs of everything BYOD is the first step of establishing an easily managed, secure enterprise with a mobile workforce. Download today!

> Whitepaper: Delight & Engage Customers with Mobile APIs

Read this success story and learn how a robust API and secure API Management powered Keep’s iOS app to become one of the most popular apps in the Lifestyle category in the iTunes App Store.

> Whitepaper: Case Study: USDA Stays at the Forefront of Mobilization with Acronis Access

With the new era of mobile computing, smartphones and tablets, wireless communications and cloud services, the USDA sought to take advantage of a mobilized workforce and the blurring lines between personal and corporate computing resources. However, to utilize these technical trends, the agency needed to construct and execute a mobile strategy, combining device management, application delivery, and Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) concepts while improving IT insight, retaining control, and cutting costs. Download this case study to learn more.

> Whitepaper: Making the Most of Your CRM: How Best-in-Class Sales Teams Maximize Revenue and Customer Service

This Research Brief combines research from a number of Aberdeen Sales Effectiveness research data sets, to create a holistic view of the most effectively deployed CRM systems. Download today.

> Whitepaper: Five Tips for Integrating Video into SharePoint

Learn our top 5 suggestions for successfully integrating video into SharePoint, including specific suggestions around infrastructure, discoverability, usability, collaboration and more. We encourage you to download this paper, and consider how your company can take advantage of the video explosion. Download today!

> Whitepaper: Best Practices for Migrating to SharePoint Online in Office 365

Having evolved from a document repository into collaborative platform, learn the best practice for migrating to SharePoint Online in Office 365, and harness the power of the cloud for high availability and secure data storage. Download Now.

> eBook: eBrief | How Big Data Changes The Way You Think and Operate

Big data allows companies to focus on individuals instead of vague trends. Businesses that jump in and start learning now can reap an advantage over slower competitors. Download this eBrief today!

> eBook: Critical Infrastructure and Cybersecurity

This FierceITSecurity eBook looks at key dependencies among critical infrastructure sectors and how companies in these areas can stay ahead of threats and maximize their defensive efforts. Download this eBook today!

> Whitepaper: Best Practices for Migrating to SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 has the industry buzzing. It’s powerful and a vast improvement over previous versions. In this white paper, get best practice to ensure your migration to SharePoint 2013 is quick, easy and cost effective. Download Today!

> Whitepaper: 5 Unsung Tools of Dev Ops

Jonathon Thurman shares his five favorite DevOps tools which have been around a long time. They may not be flashy but they're time tested and just work. He also tells you how to use them and how to configure them for maximum value. Download 5 Unsung Tools of DevOps to see which tools make the cut and why.

> eBook: Getting to DevOps (And Getting the Payoff)

DevOps is a more holistic approach to application development, more fully taking into account deployment and ongoing operational needs – and tossing a lot of automation into the mix. This FierceEnterpriseCommunications eBook provides step-by-step guidance on implementing DevOps for CIOs and IT and application development managers. Download this eBook today!

> Whitepaper: 802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies

Download the White Paper "802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies" to learn from industry expert Craig Mathias about the technologies behind 802.11ac, deployment misconceptions and review steps that every organization should take in getting ready for 802.11ac.
Download today!

> Whitepaper: Defense Against the Dark Arts: Finding and Stopping Advanced Threats

Today's most-damaging targeted attacks don't occur by happenstance. They are carefully planned and executed by a new breed of professional adversaries. Read this white paper, Defense Against the Dark Arts: Finding and Stopping Advanced Threats to gain a practical understanding of today's Advanced Threat Landscape and strategies for detecting and stopping Advanced Threats. Download today!

> Whitepaper: Longline Phishing: A new Class of Advanced Phishing Attacks

The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the use of email as a vehicle for cyberattacks on organizations and large corporations. Recently, Proofpoint researchers identified a new class of sophisticated and effective, large-scale phishing attack dubbed "longline" phishing attacks. Download this whitepaper to learn about the unique characteristics of these attacks, how they are carried out, and the alarming effectiveness they have. Download today!

> Whitepaper: Hardware Test Equipment is the Key to Accurate Network Testing

Surprisingly, many organizations are not adequately testing their networks. Network testing is crucial for any IT organization that wants to ensure availability, security and performance of applications and services running on their networks. Download this whitepaper now to learn more!

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Editor: Fred Donovan. VP sales and business development: Jack Fordi. Publisher: Ron Lichtinger.


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