This week's sponsor is Alianza. |  | Ready to Transform VoIP? Voice remains a key part of the cable bundle. But delivery and business models need to adapt to today's all-IP world. The answer lies in the cloud. Read the white paper & learn more Service Provider VoIP: Next-Gen is the Cloud | Also Noted: IneoQuest Spotlight On... Nod Labs, Broadcom demonstrate wearable control of connected devices Franken calls FCC plan an 'affront to net neutrality'; BlackArrow works with Nielsen ODCR and much more... The Cable Show 2014: Live coverage Los Angeles plays host to The Cable Show 2014, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association's annual trade show, at the Los Angeles Convention Center from April 29-May 1. FierceCable is on hand covering the events, keynotes and panels as they happen. Check here regularly for updates from Fierce Editor-in-Chief Sue Marek and correspondent Craig Kuhl. (Image courtesy of The Cable Show.) Read more Follow @FierceCable on Twitter!  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Webinars > Self-optimizing networks deliver the new customer experience - Wednesday, May 7, 9:30 am ET/ 6:30 am PT > Making Money From OTT - Thursday, May 8, 2014, 10am GMT / 5am ET > Video Analytics Strategies for Monetizing the Video Experience - Thursday, May 15, 2014 11am ET / 8am PT Events > Register: The Premier Connected Home Conference - May 13-15, 2014 - San Francisco, CA Marketplace > eBook: Ooyala's Q4 2013 Global Video Index > eBook: Dissecting Telco Customer Data Analytics > eBook: Profiting from Over the Top Video > eBook: VoLTE and the Future of Mobile Voice > Whitepaper: 802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies > eBook: eBrief | MSOs See New Era for VoIP Jobs > Sr. Network Engineer Telephony - Jonesboro > Staff Manager, Product Planning - San Diego, CA (US) > Vertical Sales Manager - San Leandro, CA > Wireless Technician - Warner, OK * Post a classified ad: Click here. * General ad info: Click here * Post a job: Click here. | Today's Top News 1. Cable leaders: authentication issues, OTT threat are plaguing the industry LOS ANGELES--Cable industry's top executives bemoaned the ongoing authentication issues that plague TV Everywhere apps, complained about rising programming costs, and admitted to the growing threat of over-the-top players. However, they also said that without the underlying broadband infrastructure of the cable companies, OTT players cannot succeed.  | From left, A&E Networks' Nancy Dubuc, Suddenlink's Jerry Kent and Time Warner Cable's Rob Marcus debate some of the challenges facing the cable industry during The Cable Show's opening session. (Photo by Sue Marek) | "Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) would not exist without the cable industry," said Jerry Kent, Suddenlink Communications chairman and CEO, during the opening session of The Cable Show held here this week. "There are a lot of companies that are in existence today because we spent time building the Internet and broadband business," Kent noted. But not everyone views the OTT players as a threat. Rob Marcus, chairman and CEO of Time Warner Cable (NYSE: TWC), said that he believes that the onslaught of OTT players just makes the high-speed broadband connections that cable MSOs can offer even more appealing. "In video there is potential for competition, but it drives us to be better than we are," he said. A similar philosophy was echoed by John Skipper, president of ESPN and co-chairman of Disney Networks. However, Skipper called upon the cable industry to do a better job of selling its offerings to consumers. "Shame on us if we don't work to sell the value of a pay subscription and a triple-play. We are allowing them [OTT players] to set the tone of the conversation. We should be saying we have a better product." Skipper also called for a tighter partnership between programmers and distributors, noting that initiatives like TV Everywhere are not progressing as quickly as they should and that's impacting the customer experience. In fact, improving authentication on TV Everywhere services was a recurring complaint among the programmers on the panel. "I wish our cable partners would look at how to make the customer experience better," said Nancy Dubuc, president and CEO of A&E Networks. "That part of the partnership needs to be solidified." Turner Broadcasting CEO John Martin even called for a "call to action" over authentication. "Authentication is a barrier to usage," Martin said. "If you poll most people in audience and ask them their user name and password, most people don't know it." In fact, Martin even admitted that he doesn't use TV Everywhere because he doesn't know all his passwords and user names. "I have three homes with three different cable providers and I don't know any of them. I don't have TV everywhere because I can't use it." While Time Warner Cable's Marcus agreed that TV Everywhere authentication needs to be improved, he still touted the strides his company has made with its TV Everywhere app, called Fan TV. "I agree that authentication must be easier but the early returns are good …. We had 1 million unique users access our content on ways other than a set-top box last month." Another hot-button issue that the cable execs debated was the increasing costs of programming, which in turn is causing consumer cable rates to rise. Marcus said that Time Warner Cable charges its customers the equivalent of 20 cents per viewing hour for the content it delivers, a price that he believes is fair. "We charge customers 20 cents a viewing hour. That's well worth the price of admission," he said. However, Suddenlink's Kent said he is fearful that the cable operators may soon price the average household out of the market. "I think we will reach a tipping point and price people out of the market," he said, adding that he's not advocating a la carte pricing but instead more affordable packages. "People should have more choice than everything in an expanded basic bundle. If we don't do that, cable operators will have to raise prices," he said. Related articles: Marcus: Wireless hotspots give TWC a 'complementary offering' to cellular Time Warner Cable names Rob Marcus next chairman and CEO NCTA explores dropping 'cable' from brand Read more about: cable14 back to top | This week's sponsor is Ooyala. |  | Webinar: Making Money From OTT Thursday, May 8th, 11am CET/ 10am UTC With rising programming costs, pay-TV providers are looking at ways they can benefit from OTT entertainment. This webinar will look at how Pay-TV providers can embrace OTT and not erode their core subscription TV services. Register Today! | 2. Cox, Mediacom plot broadband speed increases, as DOCSIS 3.1 rebranded as Gigasphere A pair of cable MVPDs plan to hike broadband speeds to meet customer demand and negate advances by competitors such as Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Fiber, AT&T (NYSE: T) GigaPower and CenturyLink (NYSE: CTL). Cox Communications President-CEO Pat Esser told Bloomberg that his company is "working on our road map now to bring gigabit speeds to customers this year" to meet the Google Fiber and AT&T GigaPower challenge head-on. Mediacom, on the other hand, is not going quite that fast, but it is going faster in its franchise areas in primarily secondary U.S. markets. The company announced an overall speed increase for three tiers of service, the eighth such upgrade in the last decade. Additionally, Mediacom recently announced a 305 Mbps tier in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The across-the-board increases, which drove standard packages from 30 Mbps to 50 Mbps, premium speeds from 50 Mbps to 100 Mbps, and 105 Mbps to 150 Mbps, came about "because of consumer demand and the increased use of bandwidth," Mediacom spokeswoman Phyllis Peters told the Des Moines Register. The changes show that the gig is up for more than just bandwidth in the cable industry. Cable, which has never been known for creating signature names that roll off consumer tongues, is hoping to change that by coining "Gigasphere" to be its consumer-facing brand for what had previously been known as DOCSIS 3.1. Cable marketers and communications executives have been tasked with developing guidelines for the proper use of Gigasphere while DOCSIS remains in se by CableLabs, cable engineers and the technical community, a press release issued by the NCTA said. "Gigasphere stands for incredibly fast access to the Web, the world and our lives," NCTA President-CEO Michael Powell said in a press release. "It breathes life into the breadth, scope, scale, opportunity and impact of this next-generation technology." For more: - Bloomberg has this story - the Des Moines Register has this story - and the NCTA has this press release Related articles: Google documents hint at Wi-Fi component to Fiber buildout Cities in N.C. expect AT&T 1 Gbps service, while Minneapolis subs tap USI Wireless fiber New Jersey regulators: Verizon can use DSL, wireless to deliver broadband to rural areas Time Warner Cable boosts broadband speeds in Los Angeles, NYC AT&T ready to launch ultra-fast broadband in up to 100 cities Read more about: Mediacom, cable14 back to top | 3. Cable execs say Wi-Fi is complementary to cellular ... for now LOS ANGELES--Cable MSOs touted the rapid expansion of their Wi-Fi footprints but stopped short of saying that they envision a day when their wireless networks may be competitive to cellular operators. At The Cable Show here representatives from Bright House Networks, Cablevision (NYSE: CVC), Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA), Time Warner Cable (NYSE: TWC) and Cox Communications touted the CableWiFi Alliance's growing footprint of 250,000 hotspots nationwide. Of course, that number will grow even larger with Comcast's announcement that its XFinity WiFi will reach 8 million hotspots by year-end, blanketing 19 of the country's 30 largest cities with WiFi access. Despite that growing footprint, the cable execs insisted that they do not plan to use Wi-Fi network to compete with wireless operators for voice and data services. Leo Cloutier, senior vice president of strategy and business development at Bright House Networks said that his company views its Wi-Fi footprint as a complementary offering that helps wireless subscribers manage their data usage so they don't go over the data caps imposed by wireless carriers. That sentiment was echoed by Cablevision Senior Vice President for Video Product Management Brad Feldman. "We are using this to help us differentiate from the telcos," he said. "We are investing in Wi-Fi and we'll see where it goes. But we are not a direct competitor." Tom Nagel, senior vice president and general manager of wireless services at Comcast, added that while the cable companies have built a compelling network of Wi-Fi hotspots and it can do a lot, it is not a cellular network. "Wi-Fi is not a licensed technology and it will never be. It's about nomadic sessions. They are very different." But there are companies such as Sprint (NYSE: S) MVNO Scratch Wireless that are actively going after cable companies in hopes of getting them to leverage their Wi-Fi footprints to compete against cellular carriers. Scratch co-founder and CEO Alan Berrey revealed during a recent webcast presented jointly with Multichannel News that Scratch is in "active discussions" with cable operators. He said pilots of a tailored "Wi-Fi First" service could begin this summer, followed by actual deployments in the fall. Nevertheless, these cable executives were adamant about their services being complementary. And they sounded a bit like wireless company executives, particularly when the topic of spectrum was broached. The members of CableWiFi Alliance all bemoaned the lack of available spectrum but said they were encouraged by the FCC's recent decision to allocate 100 MHz of spectrum in the 5 GHz band to unlicensed spectrum. "Spectrum is the core building block of anything you want to do wirelessly," said Nagel, who praised the FCC's move. However, he added: "We believe more needs to be done." However, the cable operators do have more in mind for their Wi-Fi hotspot network than just a convenient way for consumers to offload their cellular data traffic and watch videos over their iPads. Nagel described how Comcast is outfitting public spaces such as shopping centers and sporting venues with Wi-Fi hotspots as well as giving hotspots to business customers for no charge as a value-added feature. The company also is providing residential customers with gateways that have a second Xfinity signal that is separate from their own private Wi-Fi that can be used for visiting Xfinity customers. The company said that currently about 54 percent of Xfinity's Wi-Fi usage in neighborhoods travels over the second signal, or SSID. For more: - see this Comcast press release - see this CableWiFi Alliance release Related articles: Time Warner Cable: Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi provides a 'complementary offering' to cellular Sprint MVNO Scratch Wireless crafting Wi-Fi-centric service for cable operators Time Warner announces massive Hotspot 2.0 deployment Confirmed: Hotspot 2.0 is on Comcast's roadmap for its Xfinity Wi-Fi network Comcast Wi-Fi hotspots reach 1M milestone Report: Comcast thinking of launching a Wi-Fi-centric wireless service Sprint MVNO Scratch Wireless starts offering 'free' Wi-Fi-based service Read more about: CableWiFi Alliance, Comcast back to top | 4. L.A. Mayor Garcetti tells Time Warner Cable to cut deals on Dodgers broadcasts Viewing the home team on television on any given day may not be a Constitutional right--as Philadelphia sports fans with satellite service have known for years--but it is a potential political football. Los Angeles fans want to watch their Dodgers play baseball, and they don't necessarily want to switch service providers to Time Warner Cable (NYSE: TWC) to do so. The city's mayor took advantage of the presence of The Cable Show in the City of Angels to put across that point during a keynote address. "I'm calling on all participants to resolve this so we can get our hometown Dodgers," Mayor Eric Garcetti said, according to a story in Deadline. "We love the Dodgers and we love Time Warner." Garcetti conceded that his office cannot legally do anything to resolve the matter which could come down to which one the city's residents love the most--the Dodgers or Time Warner Cable, which is enmeshed in one of the more public sports carriage disputes in recent times. The MSO's local channel SportsNet LA bought the rights to televise the games for a reported $8.35 billion and is, according to most reports, playing hardball when it comes to selling the broadcasts to competitors. The cable company, meanwhile, hasn't done anything to endear itself to fans. In fact, it's reportedly become more aggressive about urging non-TWC subscribers to join the cable fold with an advertisement that suggests non-subscribers should "switch today and never miss a game." Analysts and other listeners on hold during the MSO's recent first quarter earnings call were also bombarded with messages about the value of a TWC subscribership to view Los Angeles sports. "Los Angeles sports fans are growing weary of getting entangled in the stalemate of TV negotiations," USA Today Sports featured columnist Robert Pace summed in an opinion piece for the Bleacher Report. "Why should consumers be subjected to the hassle of switching providers over one channel? It doesn't take a genius to decipher that the onus is on the provider and channel to find resolution, not the paying consumer." For more: - Deadline has this story - ABC News has this story - the Los Angeles Times has this story - and Bleacher Report has this story Related articles: Verizon gives LA subs free HBO or Showtime in lieu of Dodgers; Discovery buys into DogTV DirecTV suggests a la carte distribution for TWC's SportsNet LA Subscribers sue Time Warner Cable for spending $11B for rights to Lakers, Dodgers games Univision CEO says Comcast-TWC merger would hurt Hispanic TV viewers Comcast expected to ride Internet and sports to Q1 gains, but analysts wary of TWC merger At what point do the bucks stop for sports? Read more about: Time Warner Cable back to top | 5. Analysts: Watch out for Dish's OTT ambitions, but business model is unclear LOS ANGELES--The cable industry is facing an onslaught of new competition from over-the-top players like Amazon's (NASDAQ: AMZN) Fire TV, Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) and more. But the biggest threat is likely coming from Dish Network (NASDAQ: DISH), which earlier this year inked a carriage deal with Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS), said a group of financial analysts speaking at The Cable Show here. The deal makes Dish the first pay-TV provider to land rights to deliver ESPN, Disney Channel and other networks through an OTT service. Terms of the deal include prohibiting subscribers from skipping commercials from ABC with Dish's Hopper DVR. "What Dish was able to get out of Disney is unique," said Benjamin Swinburne, managing director with Morgan Stanley. "I don't look at Netflix as a competitor to pay-TV. But an OTT-rich bundle of services at a lower price point can be a game changer." However, others are less bullish. According to Jessica Reif Cohen, managing director with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the Dish-Disney deal is structured in a way that makes it impossible for two people to watch the same channel in different rooms. "Is this going to be limited to single people or single person dwellings?" Aside from Dish, the analysts said that many of the new OTT players have business models that are uncertain. "Many are struggling to find a business model," said Craig Moffett, partner and senior analyst with MoffettNathanson. Specifically, Moffett said that OnCue, which Verizon (NYSE: VZ) acquired from Intel's Media division, was envisioned as a virtual MSO. Moffett said that before Verizon acquired OnCue, the company had a cost disadvantage in programming procurement. In addition, OnCue is also expected to have transport costs for usage-based pricing. "They have a product that is like cable, but has latency and is 20 percent more expensive," Moffett said. Whether OnCue will face those same disadvantages as part of Verizon's business is unclear. Verizon has indicated it plans to integrate OnCue with its FiOS platform. Interestingly, when asked about any competitive threat posed by Google, Moffett said that he doesn't think Google has any ambition to be a network provider. "They [Google] understood 10 years ago that cable was going to become the only high-capacity infrastructure. Google recognized that the only way to change that is to create a second network," Moffett said. However, Google doesn't really want to be in the network business. Instead, Moffett said that their goal is to build their network in enough places that people realize they can do it and then drive others like AT&T to follow their lead. That sentiment was echoed by Phil Cusick, managing director of J.P. Morgan. "Google doesn't want to be a telco. All they are is the whip behind companies like AT&T." Related articles: Verizon agrees to buy Intel's OnCue OTT project Cox, Comcast test virtual cable with FlareWatch, Xfinity On Campus- Year in Review 2013 Viacom CEO sees 'very strong chance' of virtual multichannel provider launching in 2014 Pleper: HBO prepared to go direct to consumer 'if model changes' Read more about: Dish Network back to top | Also Noted This week's sponsor is IneoQuest. |  | Webinar: Video Analytics Strategies for Monetizing the Video Experience Thursday, May 15th, 11am ET / 8am PT As consumers have more ways to watch video than ever before, video providers are looking at new business strategies for monetizing their video services, to reduce churn, increase subscriber base, reduce capital and operational expenditure and optimize investments. This webinar will provide an overview of how providers can monetize their video services through video analytics strategies. Register Today! | SPOTLIGHT ON... Nod Labs, Broadcom demonstrate wearable control of connected devices Handheld remote control devices are apparently so cumbersome that Nod Labs and Broadcom developed--and are demonstrating--a better way to control TV screen content. Nod has contributed gesture and motion technology and Broadcom added silicon for an integrated wearable device capable of controlling connected home devices, including set-top boxes. The two companies are demonstrating the capability at The Cable Show in Los Angeles. "Nod's technology builds on the inherently human behavior of pointing--but aims to eliminate the archaic ways we interact with our home technology," Nod Labs CEO Anush Elangovan said in a press release. Continue... More cable industry news from around the Web: > U.S. Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota not unsurprisingly blasted a reported FCC proposal that creates Internet toll lanes as an "affront to net neutrality" that will "destroy" the open Internet in a letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. Story > BlackArrow said it has a scalable solution to automate workflows and operations needed when implementing Nielsen's On-Demand Commercial Ratings (ODCR). Press release > Pace said its Elements middleware platform is now available with full RDK compatibility. Press release > Vyve Broadband has become the latest small market cable operator to drop Viacom's MTV, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central because of annual programming fee increases. Story > TiVo said it now has more than 4.5 million subs--including TiVo's retail TiVo-Owned and pay-TV subscriptions--surpassing the previous record of 4.45 million company hit in December of 2006. Press release > Time Warner Cable Director Glenn Britt reaped about $4.208 million when he sold 30,000 shares of company stock at an average price of $140.28. Story Telecom News > Level 3's first-quarter 2014 earnings were driven again by Enterprise Core Network Services (CNS) revenue, which rose 11 percent year-over-year to $962 million. Full article Online Video News > FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler took to the FCC website's blog Tuesday in a continued attempt to counter criticism of the commission's soon-to-be-released net neutrality revisions. Calling some industry analysts' and experts' commentary on the proposed changes "misinformed," Wheeler said the proposal was not a final decision, but instead a "formal request for input" on Open Internet rules. Full article And finally … iTV-3 will use Entone's video networking technology to offer hybrid IPTV services as part of its Central Illinois FTTH network. Story > Self-optimizing networks deliver the new customer experience - Wednesday, May 7, 9:30 am ET/ 6:30 am PT In this presentation, the speakers will discuss the strategic move towards automation, the impact of current and future self-optimizing network (SON) use cases on the customer experience, and identify key differentiators among the leading SON providers. Register Today! > Making Money From OTT - Thursday, May 8, 2014, 10am GMT / 5am ET With rising programming costs, pay-TV providers are looking at ways they can benefit from OTT entertainment. This webinar will look at how Pay-TV providers can embrace OTT and not erode their core subscription TV services. Register Today! > Video Analytics Strategies for Monetizing the Video Experience - Thursday, May 15, 2014 11am ET / 8am PT As consumers have more ways to watch video than ever before, video providers are looking at new business strategies for monetizing their video services, to reduce churn, increase subscriber base, reduce capital and operational expenditure and optimize investments. This webinar will provide an overview of how providers can monetize their video services through video analytics strategies. Register Today! | > Register: The Premier Connected Home Conference - May 13-15, 2014 - San Francisco, CA CONNECTIONS™: The Premier Connected Home Conference, hosted by Parks Associates, focuses on consumer trends, emerging technologies, value-added services & business strategies for the entertainment and smart home industries. Keynotes: AT&T, ARRIS, Cisco, iControl Networks, Lowe's. | > eBook: Ooyala's Q4 2013 Global Video Index If you thought mobile video was growing fast, think again: it’s growing incredibly fast. Ooyala’s Q4 Video Index reports that time spent watching video on tablets and mobile devices is up an astounding 719% since Q4 of 2011. Ooyala has just released its Global Video Index for Q4 2013, loaded with numbers and useful tips that will help publishers and broadcasters earn more. Download the report today! > eBook: Dissecting Telco Customer Data Analytics Analysts expect the data-driven telecom analytics market to grow at an astounding rate over the next five years to become a $5.4 billion revenue market by the end of 2019. FierceTelecom will explore the different tools and techniques that operators can use to analyze and mine their data. Download this eBook today! > eBook: Profiting from Over the Top Video With rising programming costs reducing margins for their subscription video product, pay-TV providers are relying on sales of broadband Internet service to grow profits. This eBook will look at ways cable operators can benefit from subscribers that are relying more on Internet video for home entertainment. Download this eBook today! > eBook: VoLTE and the Future of Mobile Voice Despite more than two years of anticipation, the U.S. is still waiting for the widespread deployment of voice over LTE as major operators delay deployment. Experts say this shouldn't come as a surprise given the complexity of the technology. FierceWireless will take an in-depth look at VoLTE as well as explore HD voice and other advanced services made possible by VoLTE. Download this eBook today! > Whitepaper: 802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies Download the White Paper "802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies" to learn from industry expert Craig Mathias about the technologies behind 802.11ac, deployment misconceptions and review steps that every organization should take in getting ready for 802.11ac. Download today! > eBook: eBrief | MSOs See New Era for VoIP This FierceCable eBrief will explore that while cable MSOs may be struggling to retain video customers, several Tier 2 and Tier 3 operators are growing their revenues by bundling VoIP services with their existing video and high-speed Internet packages. Download this eBrief today! | |
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