

Webinar Tomorrow: Enterprise Messaging: Powering Customer Engagement through Mobile Messaging

This week's FierceITSecurity is brought to you by Infinite Convergence.


WEBINAR: Enterprise Messaging: Powering Customer Engagement through Mobile Messaging


DATE: April 29, 2014  |  TIME: 12 pm ET / 9 am PT  |  DURATION: 1 hour | Register Today!

The use of mobile messaging has become a powerful way for enterprises and brands of all sizes to communicate with their customers, employees, partners and the general public.

In this webinar, Pamela Clark-Dickson, Senior Analyst at Informa Telecoms & Media; and John Puma Vice President of Product Management at Infinite Convergence Solutions will provide insight into the evolution and future of mobile messaging, and present case studies on how organizations have harnessed the power of mobile messaging to support customer business strategies. The webinar will also provide information on how to partner with a mobile-messaging service provider to optimize your investment.



Pamela Clark Dixon,
Senior Analyst at Informa Telecoms & Media

John Puma
Vice President of Product Management at Infinite Convergence

Register Today!

Schedule conflict? Sign up anyway and get a copy of the slides and access to the on-demand presentation.

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