

We're Not Waiting for Title III...

Dear Early Investing Subscriber,

One of our Twitter followers recently asked when we think Title III will become a law.

Now, we're dealing with the government here, so delays are always possible. But our current estimate is late summer/early fall.

That said...

We're seeing plenty of opportunities for non-accredited investors to make money in the meantime.

In fact, our good friend Marc Lichtenfeld recently pointed us to a massive opportunity in the technology sector.

It involves a new trend that Business Insider predicts will be bigger than the smartphone, tablet and PC markets combined.

And not surprisingly, big names like Bosch, AT&T and Google are all starting to get involved.

But Marc has found a different way to approach this situation... with an under-the-radar play that could keep you profiting for decades...

To find out everything you need to know, just click here.


Andrew Gordon
Private Equity Strategist, The Oxford Club

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