

The Rising Cost of Liberty

[05.02.14] - Calling All American Patriots by Erika Nolan

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Calling All
American Patriots

By Erika Nolan, Executive Publisher of The Sovereign Society

Dear Sovereign Investor,

I travel about four months a year … Jeff Opdyke travels even more. You, dear reader, often ask us how we survive all the travel. But the truth is, the travel is a benefit. It gives us time to think, read, discuss, debate and, at times, even argue. That's invaluable. Free from the deadlines and obligations of our daily lives, our minds can quietly breathe. It's a luxury. Our time in Uruguay a few weeks ago was no different.

Surrounded by an amazing group of subscribers, we spent time sharing our beliefs and worries, as well as expressing our excitement for the opportunities we see before us. At the heart of many of the conversations and private chats I had were the ideas of freedom and liberty in terms of the very real threats posed these days to both of those precious commodities. We debated what it means to be an American patriot.

Does a patriot stand up for America regardless of the actions America takes? Or does a patriot rebel against those actions and search for freedom, even if that means finding a new land to call home? Does a patriot stay and fight and try to reclaim freedoms that will likely never be returned?

I remember first discussing this concept with one of the founders of The Sovereign Society, the late John Pugsley, well over a decade ago. I dug through my files and found the essay John penned in July 1998, well before the days of the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the empowered NSA, Edward Snowden, and the web of the deep state. I'm sharing it with you now because his words are even more poignant today. – Erika


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What it Means to be an American Patriot

At a recent Sovereign Society conference in the Bahamas, I was asked to speak on my reasons for moving offshore. I spoke of the dwindling personal privacy in the United States. I explained that the ominous growth of government and the increasing intrusion of Big Brother into our everyday lives incensed me. I said I felt compelled to stand up for principle.

I touched on the options that had to be considered which were: moving one's personal assets outside the U.S.; moving abroad while maintaining citizenship; or, the ultimate protest, relinquishing citizenship and becoming a citizen of another country.

After my speech, I was told that a few people in the audience had taken offense. They believed that my remarks were unpatriotic and anti-American.

I understand this reaction. Having been born, raised and educated in the U.S., I have deep feelings for my mother country. However, my study of American history has led me to examine the beginnings of the American experiment and those readings have profoundly changed my perspectives on patriotism.

"The United States of America" is a warm but fuzzy concept in the mind of the average American. It is a kaleidoscope of images evoked by the phrases we learned in childhood — the land of the pilgrims' pride … amber waves of grain … purple mountains' majesty … America the beautiful from sea to shining sea … land of the free, home of the brave. All these phrases generate warm feelings but they fail to bring us close to a real definition of what America is, or what it means to be an American.

In a recent essay in Strategic Investment, my friend James Dale Davidson asked the trenchant questions: What defines America?

Is it geography? No, political boundaries are ever changing, and it is clear that the United States could have been created anywhere on earth as easily as in North America.

Is it race or culture? No, America has always been a great melting pot, an amalgam of many races, many nationalities and a thousand cultures.

Is it religion? No, the nation was founded on the principle of freedom of religion.

The United States of America was not founded on geography, race, culture or religion. It was founded on principle — the principle of liberty. Liberty was the battle cry during the American Revolution. Patrick Henry's ringing proclamation — "Give me liberty or give me death" — is one of the most celebrated quotes in American history. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of the nation. The Liberty Bell sounded the nation's birth. "LIBERTY" is embossed on every coin. Clearly, liberty is the defining attribute of the U.S.A.

What then is the defining attribute of a patriotic American?

Certainly, it could not be that the individual should kneel and unquestioningly accept the authority of the Nanny State — paying any tribute it demands and obeying all its edicts just because it wraps itself in symbols — the Stars and the Stripes, or the Presidential Seal or the Washington Monument.

True patriotism to America must involve a dedication to the same principles that motivated our Founding Fathers when they banded together in rebellion against the tyranny of King George. If there was one thing our Founding Fathers would have wanted to see instilled in the American spirit, it would be a belief that all individuals are endowed with the unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Real American patriots will stand true to the principles of the American Revolution, and refuse to kneel before state power. If this means protecting their assets or their freedom by putting them beyond the reach of a tyrant, then that is what, in good conscience, they must do. In that act, they would follow the lead of millions of immigrants who fled state tyranny in their own countries in search of liberty in America.

In Wealth & Prosperity,

Erika Nolan
Executive Publisher, The Sovereign Society

P.S. Are you looking for your own opportunity to step away from your daily life? Clear your head and let your thoughts quietly breathe? The Total Wealth Symposium in Panama offers the chance to speak with other Americans who are looking for ways to protect their freedom and their assets from the government. For full details, click here.

Today's Editor

Erika Nolan

As executive publisher of The Sovereign Society, Erika travels extensively through Europe, Asia, South America and the Caribbean to find new opportunities around the globe to help protect and grow your wealth. Click here to learn more.

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