



Photos That Will Make You Fall In Love With Foxes

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 04:00 AM PDT

(Image Via Francisco Mingnorance)

(Image Via Roeselien Raimond)

(Image Via Roeselien Raimond)

The fox is seen as an adorable, beautiful and quite approachable critter by the humans they live alongside. They’re also seen as chicken coop raiding pests and intruders by folks who don’t want the sneaky little buggers on their property.

Whether you like ‘em, hate ‘em, or simply don’t know much about the swift and slinky fox, you’ll absolutely fall in love with foxes of all kinds after you peruse this beautiful photo collection, which features 21 images of foxes feeling right at home in their natural habitat.

The common red woodland fox, the fennec fox, the kit and the arctic fox are all here for your viewing pleasure, doing one of the things they do best- looking adorable!

Check out the rest of these foxy photos at The Mind Unleashed

Celebrate the NeatoShop's 2000th Facebook Follower With This Great Contest

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 03:00 AM PDT

Good news guys, it's contest time again! This time it's to celebrate the NeatoShop Facebook page getting 2000 fans in only a matter of months. We're offering up eight special Transformer toys from our most recent mystery box and a NeatoShop tee shirt. Each entry method in this contest qualifies you for a tee and toy. The contest ends on Friday, June 27 at 11:59 PM PST. 

Wanna play? Here's how you can qualify to win:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

It's An App - Smartphone Star

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 02:00 AM PDT

It's An App by HartmanArts

Odds are he wouldn't find himself in another situation which required him to yell "It's a trap!" but he really liked his catchphrase, liked yelling it out loud to show how excited he was, so he wasn't going to give it up without a fight. With a little fine tuning, and some words that end in -ap, that calamari headed admiral found out life is full of opportunities to bust out a successfully updated catchphrase!

Celebrate Ackbar's updated catchphrase with this It's An App t-shirt by HartmanArts, it's sure to elicit a cavalcade of catchphrases from your fellow sci-fi fans.

Check out HartmanArts's official website, Facebook fan page, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his Neatoshop for more geek-tastic designs:

Pac's Day OffJust Keep DiggingExterminate O'sDinomite

View more designs by HartmanArts | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Scientist Ejected from Classical Music Concert for Attempting to Crowd-Surf

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 02:00 AM PDT

Dr. David Glowacki is a chemistry professor at the University of Bristol (UK). He's an expert on “computational simulation of classical and quantum reaction dynamics” and the “non-equilibrium statistical mechanics & energy transfer,” among other topics. So this kind of behavior should not be unexpected.

He attended a performance of Handel's "Messiah." Departing from the norms of classical orchestral etiquette, Tom Morris, the director, invited members of the audience to "clap and woof" as they felt inspired by the music. Dr. Glowaki, alas, went a bit too far with this freedom. The Independent reports:

But Dr Glowacki, a Royal Society Research Fellow, was so overcome during the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ he began lurching from side to side with his hands raised and whooping before attempting to crowd-surf, witnesses claimed.

Irritated by the distraction, audience members proceeded to physically eject the Bristol University academic from the area, in what Mr Morris claims is the first such incident at a classical concert since the 18th century.

Some ticket holders are now urging Mr Morris to set clearer guidelines for acceptable behaviour but the director is unwilling to re-impose the strict rules of etiquette which he has sought to cast off.

-via Ace of Spades HQ | Photo: David Glowaki

Do Not Remove Alligators from Roadway

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 01:00 AM PDT

What do you do when there’s an 11-foot alligator blocking the road? Not what Glen Bonin and his three friends tried to do when it happened in Sulphur, Louisiana.

"(We) took our shirts off, threw it on his (the gator's) face, and we were going to come from behind it and jump on it... in the process of doing that, it spun around and grabbed my hand seconds before we jumped on it," Bonin said.

The alligator then snapped at Bonin, biting his hand and sending him into a daze.

"It felt like someone was pulling my arm out. I thought I was about to lose something. It felt like it lasted forever," Bonin said.

Bonin received 80 stitches and a lesson in the wrong way to deal with an alligator.

"I've always been the kind of guy who learns the hard way," said Glen Bonin.

If you ever find yourself in this position, it’s best to call law enforcement or wildlife authorities. You might even consider using a different route until the gator is gone. KPLC has some video footage of the gator encounter, in which it appears there was much more interaction with the animal than was necessary to unblock traffic. -via Arbroath

Rainbow Cake Recipe Post Turns Into Comment Crapstorm

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 12:00 AM PDT

People who write for online media outlets, and those who are avid readers of these sites, know that commenting can go from positive and friendly to shockingly horrible in the blink of an eye.

Case in point- a well meaning baked goods enthusiast named “Web Guy Josh” from Melbourne, Australia posted a recipe for a deliciously psychedelic Amazing Rainbow Tie-Dye Number Surprise Cake on Fox 101.9's site (blogged about on Neatorama previously), and one helpful commenter offered a suggestion to make the recipe better.

What happened next is one of those real life moments too strange to be made up- comments quickly turned from snarky corrections to a full blown crapstorm of craziness, full of insulting name calling and political ranting, all because someone asked a simple question about one step in the recipe.

Read this incredibly ridiculous account of commenting gone horribly wrong at The Concourse, but save room for the ridiculous crapstorm this article about commenting created in their comment section, which proves the internet apocalypse is right around the corner!

Firefighters Free Puppy Stuck in Car Wheel

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 11:00 PM PDT

(Photo: Joseph C. Dowell/Kern County Fire Department)

On Friday, this pit bull puppy was playing with his 7 brothers and sisters. He is, perhaps, not the brightest dog in his litter. He somehow got his head stuck in a car wheel. The worried owner drove him to the local fire department and asked firefighters to free him.

The firefighters used vegetable oil from their kitchen to lubricate the dog. After about 10 minutes of careful movement, they were able to free him.

-via David Burge

15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Tim Burton’s <i>Batman</i> On Its 25th Anniversary

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 10:00 PM PDT

In 1989, June 23rd to be exact, the world was introduced to a Batman that was not Adam West. Tim Burton’s Batman paved the way for the wave of comic book movies that came after: Spider-Man, X-Men, The Avengers, The Dark Knight, and their many sequels. That was a long time ago, so there are probably a lot of things on this trivia list that you never knew, or may have forgotten. For example,

4. Robin Williams had his feelings hurt. Tim Burton and Warner Brothers had always wanted Jack Nicholson as their top choice, but when he hesitated to take the part they began seriously talking to Robin Williams about the Joker role. When Nicholson caught word of this he accepted the part and Williams was left by the curb. Williams was so offended that he refused to play the role of the Riddler in Batman Forever or even do a Warner Brothers production until the studio apologized.

9. Fanboys weren’t happy about Michael Keaton. Dark Knight fanboys hating on Ben Affleck is nothing new for the Batman movie franchise. Michael Keaton’s casting of the caped crusader wasn’t met with positivity at first either. Batman fans were worried that the actor would come off as too comical and Warner Brothers received nearly 50,000 letters from angry fans. The controversy was eventually picked up by national news outlets including the Wall Street Journal.

We know how that turned out, as the movie was a blockbuster and Keaton was cast in the sequel. You’ll learn a lot more in this trivia list at Gamma Squad, with plenty of video clips to enhance the experience.

Newly Commissioned Marine Visits Sick Grandpa to Offer Her First Salute

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 09:00 PM PDT

(Photo: Marty Teufel)

2nd Lt. Taylor Batye is a recent graduate of the US Naval Academy and a newly-commissioned officer in the Marine Corps. The Naval Academy maintains certain traditions for the first salute of a graduate. Batye wanted her first salute to go to her grandfather, retired Army Sgt. Maj. David Teufel.

Unfortunately, Teufel was too ill to attend Batye's graduation in Annapolis. He was in an intensive care unit in a hospital in Missouri. So Batye drove 16 hours from Maryland to Missouri to exchange her first salute with her grandfather. The Marine Corps Times reports:

On Sunday, Batye’s mom, Marty Teufel, snapped a photo as the newly minted Marine officer got the salute for which she had waited.

“I wish you could’ve seen the emotion when she walked in in uniform and said, ‘Give me my salute, grandpa,’ ” Marty Teufel told Marine Corps Times.

When Batye arrived, three of the nurses on staff in the ICU joined the family to see the exchange. Teufel has since requested that the photo be blown up and framed so he can keep it by his bed, Marty said.

-via I Own the World

Crosswalk Flag

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 08:00 PM PDT

Photo: City of Bridgeport - via Fast Company

If crossing a street is like a life-and-death game of chicken, then perhaps you need this: "crosswalk flags" that pedestrians crossing a street in the City of Bridgeport, Connecticut, can wave to make themselves more visible to drivers.

"These pedestrian flags are out of the box thinking," said Joseph Gaudett, Bridgeport police chief to WNPR, "We've provided small one-foot-by-one-foot flags that people can hold in thier hand to make traffic aware that they're out there, that they're coming, they'd like to cross."

The idea is that pedestrians would carry and wave the neon-colroed flags while crossing the street, then deposit the flag in a box on the opposite side for the next person.

At $500 total project costs, it's certainly cheaper than putting traffic lights, though the city acknowledged that theft is a problem (in fact, one flag has already been stolen). "When we talked to Salt Lake City [which initated a similar project back in 2000], they said that was probably the biggest issue with the flags," Gaudett said to WNPR. "They tend to walk away with the pedestrians. But it's a small amount to pay. If we can save one life by using these flags then it's absolutely worth it."

20 Yard Sale Signs That Are Advertising Gold

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 07:00 PM PDT

You see so many yard sale signs that are not effective because 1. the writing is too small, 2. they don’t give the information you need, and 3. they were probably put there three weeks ago, back when the yard sale was going on. But some folks know the value of a good sign, and go above and beyond the call of duty to get your attention, They aren’t all politically correct, and some are a bit rude, but they all tempt you to check out the goods. See twenty such signs at College Humor.

The World Cup Logo Is Actually Picard Facepalming

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 06:00 PM PDT

France is doing pretty well, so I don't know what Captain Picard is facepalming about. Perhaps instead the graphic designer responsible for the logo was expressing personal frustration at his own team.

-via Geekologie

Star Wars Gets The Macross Treatment

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 05:00 PM PDT

(Video Link)

You may have already drawn a correlation between Star Wars and Robotech, you may have pulled out this geeky trump card while in a heated discussion with a fellow fan over which franchise is better, and you may feel like all SW is missing is an animated treatment in Macross era anime style.

If this sounds like you then this animated short by otaking77077 will be right up your alley, even though it’s missing transforming TIE fighters and a brash young pilot like Rick Hunter, but to those who have never compared the two series you'll flip at how well these two sci-fi flavors go together!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Peekaboo, a Drone Sees You

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 04:00 PM PDT

Whether or not any of us has seen a drone, chances are increasing that a drone has seen one of us. Photographer Tomas van Houtryve, interested in "the changing nature of surveillance, personal privacy and war," got himself a drone and made it capable of taking and transmittiing high-resolution images from the sky. 

The resulting photos, shot over U.S. skies, are part of van Houtryve's series Blue Sky DaysThe project was inspired by a news report on an October 2012 drone strike in Pakistan, in which a 67-year-old woman was killed while picking okra outside of her home. At a Washington, D.C. conference with five legislators in attendance, the woman’s 13-year-old grandson said, “I no longer love blue skies. In fact I now prefer grey skies. The drones do not fly when the skies are grey.” 

Van Houtryve intended to capture shots of settings and gatherings that could conceivably be considered targets in a foreign air strike. Included were weddings, funerals, prayer and exercise groups, prisons and oil fields. See more of Tomas van Houtryve's work at his website. Via Juxtapoz

Images Credit: Tomas van Houtryve  

Meanwhile on NeatoPicto - June 23, 2014

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 03:00 PM PDT

Bell Telephone’s Picture Phone

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 02:00 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

I well remember the marketing for Ma Bell’s Picture Phone. It was a remarkable piece of technology, to talk to someone and see them as if they were in the room! Except that they were in black and white, and on a five-inch screen. But to actually have such a conversation, both parties had to pay for the service, which was so expensive that one of you could just get on a plane every once in a while and visit.

We were told that someday this would be universal, but who wants to answer the phone and have just any old person see what you look like first thing in the morning? We made jokes about having to comb our hair before we answered the phone. Remember, there was no caller ID widely available, so you did not know who was calling. The Picture Phone was not a success, to the surprise of no one at all. Bill Hammack, the Engineer Guy, tells us the story of the Picture Phone. -via mental_floss

A Powerful Ally - Hitchhiking Across The Stars

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 01:00 PM PDT

A Powerful Ally by JVZ Designs

Two science fiction franchises entered the black hole, one about a war in the stars the other about an intergalactic hitchhiker, but only one came out on the other side. It was an odd combination of the two featuring sayings from the one series in the bold graphic style of the other series. It was a most confusing place to let your mind wander within, yet somehow succeeded in entertaining all those dolphins who had come for the free fish!

Things have gotten all mixed up on this A Powerful Ally t-shirt by JVZ Designs, it's more comfortable than wearing just a towel, and it will give your guests something to read when they come over for dinner.

Visit JVZ Designs's Facebook fan page, official website, Tumblr and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more spaced out designs:

Use The Fourth WallSquirrelMy Mogwai GizmoroGamma Monster

View more designs by JVZ Designs | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Iggy Pop, The Dalai Lama And Karl Lagerfeld Are Tortured For A Good Cause

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 01:00 PM PDT

What do Karl Lagerfeld, the Dalai Lama and Iggy Pop have in common, besides fame and critical acclaim? They’re all representing victims of physical abuse in this thought provoking ad campaign created by Amnesty International to raise awareness about the unjust torturing of prisoners.

The underlying message is that torture isn’t really effective because a tortured man will say whatever you want him to say, for example- Lagerfeld will claim that Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops are the height of elegance, and the Dalai Lama will claim that a man who doesn’t own a Rolex by the time he’s fifty is a total failure if you beat them badly enough.

It's a bit jarring to see the Dalai Lama all battered and bruised, but somehow this look really suits Iggy!

-Via Dangerous Minds

<i>Star Wars</i> Gets The <i>Guardians Of The Galaxy</i> Trailer Treatment

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 12:00 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

What makes the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer so appealing? Is it the quick out-of-sequence cuts that give no context, but make you want to see more? Is it the comedy plopped into the middle of the action? Is it the goofy selection of '70s music? Maybe it’s all the above, instead of the movie itself, because YouTube member The Unusual Suspect recut scenes from Star Wars using the Guardians trailer style. The result makes me want to go back to 1977 all over again! -via Uproxx

Neuroscientist Explains Why Hodor Can Only Say Hodor

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 11:00 AM PDT

The hulking mass of a man they call Hodor (even though his real name is Walder) is considered mentally inept by every character he meets in the fantasy world George R. R. Martin built because he can only say one word, but what’s really going on in that giant, meaty head of his?

According to neuroscientist Indre Viskontas he may actually be suffering from expressive aphasia- “a neurological condition usually caused by a localized stroke in the front of the brain”, which leaves him with relatively normal comprehension but reduces his power of speech to just one word.

It’s a fascinating theory, but I’ll stick to my own theory that he’s looking for his missing dog Hodor and won’t stop saying his name until he’s found!

Twin Tornadoes Captured on Video

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 10:00 AM PDT

YouTube Link

Often, as the old saying goes, "the more, the merrier." That doesn't apply when we're talking tornadoes (unless, of course, you're a tornado watcher who is anxious for action and a safe distance away)!

Storm watcher Pecos Hank posted to his YouTube account this recording of twin twisters in Pilger, Nebraska. Mother nature rages as the witnesses comment in awe. This powerful storm resulted in two fatalities. Via Unique Daily.

Homeless in Hawaii: A Nightmare in Paradise

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 09:30 AM PDT

Roberta Huddy, 50, has lived in her van with her husband for about a year. They are constantly moving to avoid harassment and ticketing by the police. Photo: PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Living in the tropical paradise of Hawaii - with its glistening surfs and golden sands - is dream to many of us, but to some, it's a living nightmare.

With the highest cost of living of any state in the United States of America, it's no wonder that Hawaii has a problem with homelessness. There's an estimated 4,700 homeless people living in the Hawaiian island of Oahu (1,600 of them go without shelter at any given night). Honolulu, the largest city of the island, has the dubious distinction of being fifth in the list of US cities with high homelessness rate. The island itself has the largest homeless encampment in the United States.

But tourists visiting Honolulu probably didn't notice. Mayor Kirk Caldwell was recently lauded for cleaning up the problem at the beaches of Waikiki. "Police officers came up to me and said it looks much better," Caldwell said to Civil Beat, "Residents who live there came up to me and said, 'Mayor, what are you doing? It looks so much better.'"

But the reality is that the homeless are still homeless - they didn't find housing, but instead, they were being bounced from "sidewalk to sidewalk and park to park," as Nick Grube of Civil Beat reports:

A good night’s sleep in Waikiki is hard to come by for Roberta Huddy.

She became homeless about a year ago after losing her job as a guest services agent at one of the hotels.

Now Huddy, who was born and raised on Kauai, lives in a worn-down Ford Astro with her husband, Greg, on Kalakaua Avenue next to Kapiolani Park.

Their few belongings fill the vehicle from the passenger seat to the back hatch, blankets on the floor serving as a makeshift bed.

The van is also their getaway vehicle. It allows them to avoid police and city park crews who have ramped up their efforts to clear the homeless out of Waikiki.

Like many others who live on the streets, the Huddys are on the run.

“All they say is that we should move around,” Huddy complained while perched on the edge of her Astro. “At night I like to go up to Kapahulu because at least there I can sleep in peace.”

Read the entire story over at Civil Beat.

The Tattoos We Don't See

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT

Vancouver-based photographer Spencer Kovats’ photo series Uncovered consists of a number of photo pairs. The first image in each pair is an ordinary shot of a casually clothed person. The second image is of the same person, only less clothed and covered with tattoos, which were hidden under their garments in the first shots. The series is intended as an exploration of the ages-old manner in which humans make assessments (and, thus, assumptions) about others, solely based on their appearance. 

Kovats' shoot is part of a larger project with 10 other photographers called “The Tattoo Project,” which began in 2010. Hundreds of tattooed people were invited to be photographed for various studies of body art. Via Beautiful Decay.


Six Facts You Might Not Know About Bruce Campbell And The Evil Dead

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 08:30 AM PDT

Well before Ash worked at S-Mart, donned a chainsaw arm, and shared the value of owning a good Boomstick, he was just a guy hanging out with his friends in a cabin in the woods, trying to score with a girlfriend he was ultimately forced to decapitate with a shovel.

Sam Raimi’s seminal horror flick The Evil Dead changed the way many viewers saw the horror genre- it added a much needed dose of humor, successfully launched a franchise still wildly popular with fans to this day, and helped kickstart the career of Bruce Campbell, which is an amazing contribution in itself!

Celebrate Bruce’s belated birthday with 6 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Bruce Campbell And The Evil Dead, it's a fun way to say "Hail to the King!" as he turns 56 years young.

Tomb Raider from 1996 through 2013

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 08:00 AM PDT

This clever digital image by artist Jerome Caillere shows every incarnation of the character Laura Croft in the Tomb Raider games spanning 17 years. You can view a much larger version here. He made it to celebrate the 2015 release of Rise of the Tomb Raider, which is the next game in the franchise.

The Gory New York City Riot that Shaped American Medicine

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 07:30 AM PDT

Medical doctors didn’t always get the respect they do today, because today they undergo many years of expensive and difficult training and then go on to save lives and/or make us feel better. Neither was the case a couple of hundred years ago. Oh sure, there were some very educated physicians, but many doctors in training were seen as not much more than grave robbers.  

In the closing years of the 18th century, New York was home to only one medical school: Columbia College. At the time, those looking to practice medicine didn’t have to graduate from a professional school, and this led to some students attending private, not-for-credit classes at New York Hospital, taught by Richard Bayley, a Connecticut-born doctor who had studied in London with the famous Scottish surgeon John Hunter. Anatomical dissections were a central component of these classes, and medical training in general, but they were offensive, even seen as sacrilegious, to early New Yorkers. In the winter of 1788, the city was abuzz with newspaper stories about medical students robbing graves to get bodies for dissection, mostly from the potter’s field and the cemetery reserved for the city’s blacks, known as the Negroes Burial Ground. While some of those reports may have been based on rumor, they pointed to an underlying truth: with no regulated source of bodies for dissection, the medical students had taken matters into their hands and begun plundering the local graveyards.

The riot that ensued led to the deaths of up to 20 people. And it wasn’t the only one, as people in other cities were fed up with medical training that involved stolen corpses. Read about the riot, and the reforms that followed, at Smithsonian.

Inside the Tour de Suisse Peloton

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 07:00 AM PDT

YouTube Link

This video is shot from inside the peloton (main group of riders in a bicycle race) of the Tour de Suisse, as the cyclists near the finish. It may be business as usual for the athletes, but it looks like a rough ride to me! Via Twisted Sifter

Future Masters of the Universe - My You're A Big Boy!

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 06:30 AM PDT

Future Masters of the Universe by LadyTank Studios

By looking at what a man he had become you never would have guessed that Adam was such a goofball when he was a kid! He loved playing with his cringing cat friend all day, taking imaginative trips through the universe and generally acting like goofballs, proving that he was born with the power...of imagination!

Add a childlike sense of wonder to your geeky wardrobe with this Future Masters of the Universe t-shirt by LadyTank Studios and let your love of classic cartoons and comic strips shine!

Visit LadyTank Studio's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more masterful designs:

ShinyKeep Calm and Brohoof OnKeep Calm and Morse OnGentleman Ood

View more designs by LadyTank Studios | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Was Voldemort a Virgin? J.K. Rowling Responds

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 06:30 AM PDT

A Quora contributor posed this incredibly indelicate question. Slate, which has been very Slate-like lately, posted it and the most highly ranked response. This led to lengthy discussions in social media about that topic.

On Twitter, Michael Tabb pinged J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, and asked her the question. Rowling responded with a perfectly phrased response to this indecent inquiry.

Bravo, Ms. Rowling! There are some topics that do not warrant public discourse.

-via Pleated Jeans

Japanese Ab Machine Ads Give Eyebrows in Other Parts of the World a Workout

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 06:00 AM PDT

YouTube Link

Have you ever watched late-night television from the couch, in a post-pizza-binge haze, and briefly considered ordering a workout machine featured in one of those insidious infomercials? The ads in which F-list celebs or gym gurus faux earnestly declare their devotion to the product, as well as imply that whatever they're selling is the only thing standing in the way of their body looking like Jabba the Hutt's? 

These Japanese commercials for the abdominals workout machine "The Wonder Core" have the opposite effect on me. Suddenly I want movie popcorn! Via Geeks are Sexy.

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