

Cheaper, Faster, Eco-Friendly Oil Recovery

This weekend, we bring you the  week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...
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Cheaper, Faster, Eco-Friendly Oil Recovery
By Jeff Siegel | Sunday, July 6th, 2014
Jeff Siegel

This weekend, we bring you the week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...

The Technology That's Speeding Up Oil Recovery: Cheaper, Faster, and Eco-Friendly
The days of digging up large sections of land to tap small amounts of oil are gone. The "Octopus" has helped a number of companies hit pay dirt, and investors stand to do the same.

Small-Cap Stem Cell Stocks: Stem Cells, Idiots, and the Fountain of Youth
According to Dr. Lionel Bissoon, "If you're a wealthy guy and haven't stored your stem cells, I think you're a total idiot."

Investing in Internet Banking: Buy First Internet Bancorp (NASDAQ: INBK)
Imposing bank structures used to be a symbol of confidence and trust. But as more consumers choose to bank online, a whole new industry is opening up...

Investing in a Heart Disease Super Treatment: The Vatican's First Biotech Investment
Heart disease is a main killer of baby boomers. Those who need a transplant could wait years. But this company's treatment is so promising that the Vatican has laid down $1 million in support.

Investing in the Solar Bull Market: These 3 Solar Stocks Fight for $5.1 Trillion Payday
If you're looking for a massive payday in the energy space, look no further than solar stocks.

Make 50% More on Your Investments: Use One Simple Trick for More Profit
Why lose money on a falling stock when you could be making money? Covered calls have helped these investors pocket cash from a stock others are down $850 on...


The True Shale Game-Changer

A small energy company has replaced the infamous horizontal drilling technology with a newer, environmentally friendly method that is already pushing oil production into record-breaking territory...

We cover the full story — including the name of this little player — right here.

Admiral Rickover Missed the Boat on Thorium and Doomed Us All: A Contrarian Investment
Thorium is an element that was first discovered in 1828 by a Norwegian priest. And it could solve the energy needs of America and the world for all time.

Multiplying Your Oil Wins: Brokers Hate This Man
Want to pull in oil gains that are up to 52 times higher than those made by average investors? Big Oil can't deliver. But the "Oil Profit Multiplier" can...

Revolutionizing Air Travel Data Sharing: This Could Have Saved Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
In this day and age of constant communication, we recently saw how possible it still is for an aircraft to lose all communication. Here's the company that will change that.

Nuclear Ambitions: Breaking the Curse of Fukushima: Can 66 Million Frenchmen Be Wrong?
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a hard look at what's in store for nuclear energy and why you should be prepared for an investment surge ahead.

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