

Deportation Threat Doesn't Diminish Young Migrants' U.S. Hopes Plus 4 More Stories

Your NPR stories for July 4, 2014
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Deportation Threat Doesn't Diminish Young Migrants' U.S. Hopes
The U.S. is returning unaccompanied minors to their home countries. But life in Guatemala, where many of them are from, is so hard, they say they'll keep trying until they succeed.
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Damming The Mekong River: Economic Boon Or Environmental Mistake?
Laos' government says it needs the money the two dams will generate. But environmentalists and downstream neighbors say the dams are a major threat to fish migration and agriculture.
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Dance of Human Evolution Was Herky-Jerky, Fossils Suggest
Maybe it was messier than we thought, some scientists now say. Big brains, long legs, and long childhoods may have evolved piecemeal in different spots, in response to frequent swings in climate.
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As Ebola Cases Spike, WHO Asks For More Money And Help
The deadliest Ebola outbreak in history continues to grow in West Africa. Even as health leaders met to figure out how to stop the virus, the number of cases surged — by nearly 20 percent in a week.
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High Court Temporarily Suspends Contraception Mandate For Christian College
The order, which doesn't affect the court's ultimate opinion, drew a scathing dissent from the court's three women.
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