

Does your local grocery store carry Eden Foods?

Thanks so much for taking action on our petition urging Eden Foods to drop its attacks on birth control.

We know that Eden is paying attention to consumer outrage, and we think it's important that the pressure come on as many fronts as possible. That's why we hatched a plan to send Eden Foods a message via the local grocery stores that stock the company's products. It's easy:

  1. Pull together all the Eden products you have at home
  2. Print out the stickers we created (they're sized to fit easy-to-purchase Avery 22806 2" square sheets). If you don't have access to sticker labels, just print them out and tape or glue them on. You can also draw your own. Click here to get to the sticker: https://d2omw6a1nm6pnh.cloudfront.net/images/EDEN-labels-avery22806.pdf. If it doesn't download them, make sure to print just the image and not the whole web page so you get the sizing right!
  3. Stick the stickers on your items and then take them to a local grocery store that carries Eden products. And print out this letter to take to the grocery store -- or write and print your own: http://d2omw6a1nm6pnh.cloudfront.net/images/edenletter.pdf
  4. Go to the customer service counter and let the employees know that you're concerned about Eden's attacks on women's health, and that you want them to stop carrying Eden products.
  5. If you can, take a picture of your stickered Eden items and email it to us along with the name and address of the store where you returned them to StopEden@credoaction.com

You can also just spread the word about this campaign. Here are ways to share:

Email your friends or forward the message below.

If you are on Facebook, click here to post the petition to your Wall.

If you have a Twitter account, click here to automatically tweet:
Not just #HobbyLobby. @EdenFoods wants to discriminate against women too. Tell them to stop: http://bit.ly/1qEDme8 via @CREDOMobile

Thanks for all you do.

–The CREDO Action Team

Here's a sample message to send to your friends:

SUBJECT: I just signed the petition-- can you join me?

Believe it or not, organic food pioneer, Eden Foods has petitioned the courts for permission to use its owner's religious beliefs to discriminate against women when it comes to including no-cost birth control as preventative care through the Affordable Care Act.

They're the Hobby Lobby of the organic food aisle!

I just signed a petition to their CEO telling him I won't be buying Eden products until he stops attacking women's health.

Can you join me? Here's the link to sign:

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