

Google Analytics config, predictive analytics and site search dollars

ConversionXL conversion newsletter
I love analytics almost as much as I love beautiful summer days. Just kidding. Maybe.
4 things in this email: 

After reading some of our subscriber feedback, we noticed that many ConversionXL readers didn't have a solid foundation with a proper Google Analytics setup.

That's a problem, because if your analytics isn't properly configured from the beginning, how could you ever expect to gather any insight?

Convert More Visitors By Improving Your Internal Site Search

Did you know that internal site search users are known to convert sometimes up to 5-6X higher than the average non-site search visitor? Here's how to make it really good. 

The Role of Predictive Analytics in Conversion Rate Optimization

How great would it be if you could maximize your profits by determining the highest price a customer will pay for a product? What if you could optimize customer service to resolve concerns proactively before they become issues?

Peep's thoughts for this week
My friends over at Unbounce are throwing a conversion conference in September. I'm going, and you should too. 

I'll even get you $50 off the list price.
I love good conferences. You get to meet the people you've been following on Twitter, hang out with them and develop relationships that last. 

Sometimes you also get to see stuff that you haven't seen anywhere. Stuff that people don't blog about since they don't want their know-how getting in the wrong hands (too good to share).

When I heard what Unbounce people have in mind with their event, I knew it's going to be one of those events. The one that pays you back over and over. 

I'm really looking forward to it, and look forward to presenting as well. I'm going to be sharing my top A/B testing screw-ups and lessons learned. 

Come. The promo code is: conversionxl for $50 off the regular priced CTA Conf ticket.

Call to Action Conference website: http://www.calltoactionconf.com

Hope to see you there. 

Follow me on Twitter: @peeplaja
ConversionXL, 321 N Pine, San Antonio, Texas 78202, United States
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