| You Call This "Independence Day"? Mistakes were made. A pharmacist accidentally mixed his boss's headache remedy - a concoction of cola nuts and coca leaves - with carbonated water... and invented Coca-Cola. A lab worker returned from vacation to find a weird fungus growing in a petri dish... and penicillin was born. An engineer noticed that when he walked past a machine called a magnetron, it melted the chocolate bar in his pocket... and soon every modern kitchen would contain a "microwave oven." The day we celebrate today is an accident of history, too. Well, sort of. You see, the real Independence Day actually took place on July 2, 1776, the day the Continental Congress voted to sever the Colonies from Great Britain. "The second of July... will be the most memorable time in the history of America," John Adams un-memorably predicted. Or you might call September 3, 1783, the true Independence Day. That's when the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the war. Or November 25, 1783, when the last redcoat hightailed it back to Mother England. Any one of those dates would make a more appropriate Independence Day than July 4 (the date Congress adopted Thomas Jefferson's kiss-off to King George). My own appeals to designate each of them a federal holiday worthy of a three-day weekend have (so far) gone unheeded. So, for now, we'll take the holidays we get. And we hope you will, too. You earned it, so enjoy it. Get outside today. See some fireworks. Barbecue something. Spend time with the kids. Our joint project of building your wealth resumes Monday with fresh commentary and timely insights. Until then, have a wonderful Independence Day (if that's what you really want to call it). - Bob Keaveney, Managing Editor | |
"It's Like Winning the Lottery!" - Lawrence L. According to an ABC News report, people are becoming "millionaires overnight." It's happening in Kansas, Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma... All over the country. One man from a tiny town of 1,458 is now looking "to reap as much as $1 million per year." How are they doing it? Shockingly, it all comes down to an amazing 94-year-old man's invention. Go here to find out how his invention could hand you as much as $127,000 each year for 45 years. | |
| | The Oxford Club's editors are at it again. The debate this month: Should you invest outside the U.S.? If so, where? Read On... | |
| | Academic studies have consistently found that the average stock not only rises immediately after the announcement of a repurchase program but continues to beat the market for several years. Read On... | |
| | Rackspace, a cloud service provider, jumped more than 7% on news the company may take itself private. Aside from positive news on talks of going private and takeover bids, how does Rackspace stack up from a fundamental standpoint? Good question. Let's see how the company performs on the Investment U Fundamental Factor Test. Read On... | |
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