Neatorama |
- Sweet and Beautiful Ad Shows a Father's Love for His Daughter
- America’s Vanishing Historic Movie Theaters
- Bud Lightyear
- Cat and Dishwater
- Homer Simpson's Car Design Was Actually Ingenious
- The Saddest Used Video Game Cover Ever
- Man Creates Beautiful Songs From Dying Children's Heartbeats To Comfort Grieving Parents
- Top Ten Party Tricks for 2014
- Drunk Driver Leads Cops on High Speed Chase to Her Preferred Jail
- American Empire
- Two Girls Show up at High School Graduation as Boxed Life-Size Barbies
- Famous People You Would Never Recognize Out Of Context
- Study: Most Men Would Rather Receive Electric Shocks Than Sit Quietly with Their Thoughts
- Funny Pictures of the Day - NeatoPicto June 3, 2014
- Rude Goldberg Machine
- Sled Dogs in Training
- The Different Words Americans And Brits Use For The Same Things
- Batman Bow Ties
- Apple Needs a Coffee Technician
- Heavy Metal Construction
- Reverspectives
- The Amazing Sand Bottles of Andrew Clemens
- A New Friend in Need at Kindergarten
- Ten Fun Facts About Stand By Me
- How Railroad Tourism Created the Craze for Traditional Native American Baskets
- Electrical Tower Turned into a Stained Glass Lighthouse
- What Is It? game 334
- Mick Jagger Makes Fun Of Upcoming Monty Python Reunion
- The Views From the Sunshine Canyon Residence
- Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis: Restaurant Owners
Sweet and Beautiful Ad Shows a Father's Love for His Daughter Posted: 04 Jul 2014 04:00 AM PDT This touching ad for ProMart, a hardware store chain in Peru, shows a father and daughter that appear to be emotionally distant. They never speak a word to each other. But all this relationship needs is a little love, patience, and electrical wire. The ad agency Fahrenheit DDB calls their ad "The Perfect Daughter." All daughters are perfect to their fathers and all fathers want to make their perfect daughters happy. -via 22 Words | ||||||||
America’s Vanishing Historic Movie Theaters Posted: 04 Jul 2014 03:00 AM PDT Photographer Stefanie Klavens sought out historic movie theaters for her ongoing photographic series “Celluloid Dreams.” The grand, ornate theaters of the early 20th century are becoming rarer every day, as movie crowds move to multiplexes and restoring the old theaters becomes ever more expensive. In some cases, a theater was demolished before Klaven could travel to photograph it. See some of these beautiful pictures at Slate. -via the Presurfer | ||||||||
Posted: 04 Jul 2014 02:00 AM PDT (Photo: unknown) Or is it Buzzed Lightyear? Bud Lightbeer? Either way, this fellow has a cheap costume that will surely make it into the next Toy Story film. He's not as useful as Buzz Lightyear in a crisis, but he's the life of any party. -via Uproxx | ||||||||
Posted: 04 Jul 2014 01:00 AM PDT I’ve tried to get my cats to wash the dishes, but they won’t do anything past licking the food out. Here’s one that is thoroughly into his work. Obviously, this cat prefers the agitation method, which is normally reserved for washing clothes. Eventually, he manages to dislodge the drain plug, and there goes his fun. -via Arbroath | ||||||||
Homer Simpson's Car Design Was Actually Ingenious Posted: 04 Jul 2014 12:00 AM PDT
The Simpsons episode "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?" reunited Homer with his long-lost brother, Herb Powell. Herb, who was voiced by Danny DeVito, was a highly successful car manufacturing executive. He was so overcome with emotion upon meeting his brother that he asked Homer to design a new car. Homer gladly did so, devising a radical car design that he named "The Homer," after himself. The Homer, priced at $82,000, was "powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a Nerf ball." It was also a catastrophe that promptly drove Herb's company into bankruptcy and Herb himself into poverty. Last year, custom car builders modified a pre-existing car to look like The Homer. It's an impressive machine. But Alexander George of Wired would like for us to look at Homer Simpson's original specifications. George argues that The Homer was actually a work of genius, far ahead of its time when the episode aired in 1991. Actual cars now have many of the features that Homer put into his prototype:
-via Glenn Reynolds | ||||||||
The Saddest Used Video Game Cover Ever Posted: 03 Jul 2014 11:00 PM PDT There are good ways to declare your love for your gamer girlfriend- build structures that spell out her name in Minecraft, tell her “I will always be your Mario, and you’ll always be a Peach to me”, or simply declare your love to her on your headset while you’re blasting through the competition in a multiplayer game session. And then there are the bad ways to declare your love, like writing your sentiments on the cover of a game she’s likely to trade in at Gamestop once she has played through it. Maybe another gamer named Jamie will come across this sweet bargain and buy it for their girlfriend, and the video game love cycle will begin again! -Via Nerd Approved | ||||||||
Man Creates Beautiful Songs From Dying Children's Heartbeats To Comfort Grieving Parents Posted: 03 Jul 2014 10:00 PM PDT Brian Schreck is a music therapist at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. For the past six months, he's been developing a new way to help parents grieve the loss of a child. Schreck records the heartbeats of critically ill children. If a child dies, he incorporates that heartbeat into the rhythm of a song. He then performs and records that song for the parents. One grieving parent described the healing value of this music:
-via Huffington Post | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 09:00 PM PDT Grant Thompson, a/k/a The King of Random, made a top ten list of party tricks from some of the "biggest life hackers on YouTube" and compiled a video presenting them all. The result is ten amusing, science-based diversions that would be fun to recreate, even if you're at a party of one. From turning a garbage can into a "rocket" to making ice cubes that glow in the dark, King Random serves up enough ideas to ensure your gatherings won't be uneventful. | ||||||||
Drunk Driver Leads Cops on High Speed Chase to Her Preferred Jail Posted: 03 Jul 2014 08:00 PM PDT
A police officer in Chickasha, Oklahoma saw a van driving about 5-10 miles over the speed limit. He decided to stop it. But the driver did not pull over. Instead, she began driving very quickly, leading officers on a chase that reached speeds as high as 100 miles per hour. She eventually stopped. Police arrested her and everyone in the van, all of whom were drunk. The driver explained why she decided to run from the police. She wanted to be arrested in a different county because she preferred its jail. News 9 reports:
The suspect did not get her wish. She pulled over while still in Grady County. -via Gawker | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 06:00 PM PDT CGP Grey tells us some things about the Unites States that most Americans don’t know. We got states, and we’ve got the District of Columbia, but there’s also a lot of other places the country owns that don’t fit into those categories. How they relate to the U.S. varies widely. You might want to bring a pencil. -via Viral Viral Videos | ||||||||
Two Girls Show up at High School Graduation as Boxed Life-Size Barbies Posted: 03 Jul 2014 05:00 PM PDT
Paige Downton and Alyssa Vincent wanted to do something original for their graduation from Pasadena Academy in Pasadena, Newfoundland. So they built life-size boxes that look just like the kind that Barbie dolls are sold in. Then Paige and Alyssa dressed up in ball gowns and traveled to the graduation ceremony in those boxes in a trailer. This was their way of making the moment memorable:
-via Nag on the Lake | ||||||||
Famous People You Would Never Recognize Out Of Context Posted: 03 Jul 2014 04:00 PM PDT Celebrities become so familiar to their fans that their famous faces are etched into the mind of their adoring public, but many celebrities are unrecognizable when shown without their signature “look”, such as entertainer Boy George dressed down and without makeup: (Image Via AuntieMeme) This guy might not be a celebrity in the traditional sense, but his face has adorned hundreds of t-shirts and posters, and they've made a few movies about his life. However, without his signature look, which he apparently cultivated while out in the field, you'd hardly recognize this clean cut guy as a young Ernesto "Che" Guevara: (Image Via RedConversation) How about this sweet young lady? Can you tell from this photo that she would grow up to bare it all in her videos, and sport a dress made out of meat to the Video Music Awards? That's right, this smiling, seemingly well adjusted young lady, would one day become Lady Gaga: (Image Via Ms.Zuneja) And speaking of performers who really know how to put on a show, here's a rare glimpse of the Daft Punk guys without their signature helmets: (Image Via The Machete) Would you ever have recognized these punks without their shiny headgear? Check out the rest of the 25 Famous People You Would Never Recognize Out of Context over at Cracked, it's surprisingly expletive free! | ||||||||
Study: Most Men Would Rather Receive Electric Shocks Than Sit Quietly with Their Thoughts Posted: 03 Jul 2014 03:00 PM PDT
Last week, we dared you to sit quietly and watch a 3 minute video in which nothing happened. A lot of you found it too difficult to endure. Can you sit quietly, alone, doing nothing? Can you resist the distractions of your cell phone and other electronic devices? A study conducted by psychology professor Timothy Wilson of the University of Virginia decided to test the human capacity to endure boredom. Dr. Wilson asked subjects of both genders and a wide variety of ages to sit quietly, alone in a room, for several minutes while staying awake and not doing anything. Participants were told to do nothing except amuse themselves with their own thoughts. In his experiments, Dr. Wilson gave participants the choice between doing nothing and administering themselves electric shocks. 25% of women and 67% of men shocked themselves to avoid the agony of the alternative. Rachel Feltman writes for the Washington Post:
-via Ace of Spades HQ | ||||||||
Funny Pictures of the Day - NeatoPicto June 3, 2014 Posted: 03 Jul 2014 02:08 PM PDT
Love funny pictures? Check out tons more over at our LOLpic blog NeatoPicto:
Love funny pics? View tons more at NeatoPicto! | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 02:00 PM PDT Does it take something out of a Rube Goldberg contraption when it’s animated? Maybe, however, this one is relatively short and has a twist at the end. It’s not really a tribute to Rube Goldberg, anyway, but his evil twin "Rude" Goldberg. Animation by Yotam Perel. -via The Daily Dot | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 01:38 PM PDT GoPro filmed this trainer at Nature Trails in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany as he keeps these 17 Siberian Huskies at the ready for their wintertime sled-dog duties. But it's not all work for these beautiful canines. The video shows them having a happy howl as well as inhaling their dog chow. From the Nature Trails website, "Our passion is nature and the rustic life. Thus, a particular lifestyle was it. We have a pack of Siberian Huskies, which form the basis of our daily work. It's all about the Huskies and is also necessary, because only then you get a special bond between human and animal existence, which in turn is enormously important for the team work." Via Unique Daily. | ||||||||
The Different Words Americans And Brits Use For The Same Things Posted: 03 Jul 2014 01:00 PM PDT Finally, when a British traveler is injured in America and needs something to stop the bleeding they should ask for some aid- a Band-Aid that is: These charts might be just what we need to bring our two countries together in linguistic harmony, but if you're a fan of discord make sure you check out the rest of Samantha's informative charts, including the ones pertaining to slang and insults, over at 22 Words. | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 12:00 PM PDT This is a brilliant fashion concept that should have been obvious, but it took the inspired mind of Dulce Calaveritas to develop it. She makes a wide variety of geeky bow ties. Her Batman ties are, though, the best. Clearly the next step is to develop a functional, razor-sharp steel batarang that also serves as bow tie. Then, even in formal wear, Bruce Wayne remains in uniform. These ties are leather, but she also makes vinyl versions. -via Fashionably Geek | ||||||||
Apple Needs a Coffee Technician Posted: 03 Jul 2014 11:00 AM PDT Apple Computer has a job listing that doesn’t requires coding skills: making sure that those who do have plenty of coffee. The listing is for an “iCup Technician,” making it clear that all job titles at the company begin with a small “i.” | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 10:19 AM PDT This hilarious and bizarre video shows a headbanger rocking out while performing household demolition and construction. Whether he's laying bricks, plastering, mixing concrete, or cutting pipe, he's feeling the music pulse through him. He'll definitely get the job done on time! -via Nerdcore | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 10:00 AM PDT This video captures (albeit with an unintended "shaky cam") an optical illusion effect called "Reverspectives." This artwork by Brian Weavers is on display at the Gallery at Ice in the UK. Their show "3D Art: An Exhibition of Reverse Perspective by Brian Weavers" runs until July 24th. British artist Patrick Hughes is the "father" of this illusory art form, in which parts of the picture that seem to be furthest away are actually physically the nearest. Via Viral Viral Videos. | ||||||||
The Amazing Sand Bottles of Andrew Clemens Posted: 03 Jul 2014 09:30 AM PDT
These amazing sand bottles were made over 100 years ago by deaf mute artist Andrew Clemens (1857 - 1894) of McGregor, Iowa. The amazing pictures - each pixel is made from a grain of colored sand - have survived intact for over 100 years, without the use of any glue. At the tender age of 5, Clemens lost his hearing and voice to encephalitis. After he graduated at the age of 17 from the Iowa Institute for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb in Council Bluffs, he began to experiment with sand art. Clemens collected naturally occuring, multi-colored sand from the Pictured Rock region of Iowa. He devised special tools to arrange the sand in intricate designs and then pack it tightly in chemist jars and bottles without the use of any glue. At first, Clemens' work was simple and geometric in nature, but he gradually improved his technique and could create complex pictures (the Eagle and American flag seems to be a popular motif) that include overtones and shading, and involved about a dozen colors. What amazing process it must have been: the window in front of Clemens work table was a popular place for McGregor residents to hang out and watch as the artist, dubbed "the portrait painter without a brush or even paint," spent hours creating his masterpieces. Clemens entertained special orders from clients (many of his sand bottles include the names of his customers), and charged anywhere between $5 to $7 per bottle (about $110 to $160 in today's money). The artist created hundreds of bottles throughout his lifetime, but few survived. Today, Clemens' artwork have sold at auction for up to $50,000 plus buyer's premium. View more at Friends of Andrew Clemens Facebook Fan Page and Cowan's Auctions - via The Awesomer | ||||||||
A New Friend in Need at Kindergarten Posted: 03 Jul 2014 08:30 AM PDT This little girl is having a hard time being away from Mommy on her first day at kindergarten in Taiwan. But she’s got a new friend who is determined to make it easier for her. “I will protect you!” This little fellow is a superhero in the making! If only all children found such comfort when they are doing something new and scary… -via Buzzfeed | ||||||||
Ten Fun Facts About Stand By Me Posted: 03 Jul 2014 08:00 AM PDT Stand By Me is one of those classic period piece flicks that makes you want to reminisce about the good old days, recounting tales of your youth to whoever is watching the movie with you, and it also helps remind people that Stephen King writes more than just “monster books”. In fact, many people are unaware that Stand By Me is based on the classic King novella The Body, which was first published in 1982 as part of the collection Different Seasons. Rob Reiner directed the film adaptation, and he did such a good job with this film that it's still fun to watch even if you’ve seen it a hundred times and known all the lines by heart. Want to know more about this classic flick? Read 10 Fun Facts About Stand By Me, compiled by the fine folks at GeekTyrant. | ||||||||
How Railroad Tourism Created the Craze for Traditional Native American Baskets Posted: 03 Jul 2014 07:30 AM PDT If you find an authentic Native American basket in an antique store, you have a real find with a peculiar history. In fact, they were made for the tourist trade! From the time railroads were able to take tourists out West, about 1890, and the Great Depression of the 1930s, these baskets were extremely popular. John Kania and Alan Blaugrund, authors of the book Antique Native American Basketry of Western North America, tell us about the Native American basket industry that flourished throughout that period.
They go on the describe the history of the trade, how the baskets were made, and how to identify the materials and technique in a basket, at Collectors Weekly. (Image credit: Alan Blaugrund) | ||||||||
Electrical Tower Turned into a Stained Glass Lighthouse Posted: 03 Jul 2014 07:00 AM PDT (Photos: Wiki05, Klasse Löbbert) It had been merely an electrical tower: a functional work engineering. Then art students from Klasse Löbbert transformed this tower in Essen, Germany into a wonder of light and color. Ail Hwang, Hae-Ryan Jeong, and Chung-Ki Park call their work Leuchtturm, which means Lighthouse. The color comes from sheets of acrylglas. You can see more pictures of it at Colossal. | ||||||||
Posted: 03 Jul 2014 06:30 AM PDT It's Thursday, so you know what it means, Neatoramanauts: it's time for the What Is It? Game, brought to you by the wonderful What Is It? Blog. What is this thing in the picture? Your guess can win you a free T-shirt of your choice from the NeatoShop! Here's how to play: Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, but you can enter as many guesses as you'd like in separate comments. Post no URLs or weblinks. You might know what they are, but if you want to win a t-shirt, you'll have to use your imagination, because we are going to select two winners who give us the funniest incorrect guesses. If you guess right, you may get a pat on the back, but you don't win anything, see? So get creative! Please write your T-shirt selection alongside your guess. If you don't include a selection, you forfeit the prize. We suggest you take a look at the NeatoShop's selection of Funny T-shirts and Science T-Shirts. Or maybe a Sci-Fi Shirt! Or a Pun Shirt! Visit the What Is It? Blog for for an additional picture of this thing. Then enter! | ||||||||
Mick Jagger Makes Fun Of Upcoming Monty Python Reunion Posted: 03 Jul 2014 06:00 AM PDT The Monty Python boys are back and set to perform ten shows this July at the O2 Arena in London, and they’ve got an unusual spokesman spreading the news of their imminent arrival- Mick Jagger: Mick is tired of having so many deprecating jokes directed at him, so he decided to spread the jeers around a bit as he reacts to the return of the Python crew, commenting that they’re “a bunch of wrinkly old men trying to relive their youth and make a load of money”. It’s all in good fun, of course, and maybe the Monty Python crew will find a way to return the favor and mention Mick's similar interest in reliving his youth and making a load of money, you know, in the interest of equivalent retaliation. -Via Dangerous Minds | ||||||||
The Views From the Sunshine Canyon Residence Posted: 03 Jul 2014 05:30 AM PDT Boulder, Colorado is known for its amazing scenery and this gorgeous house only seven miles out of town really takes advantage of these views. The home on the slope has floor-to-ceiling windows to really help frame the natural setting and it uses a number of eco-friendly techniques so it has a near-zero energy usage, even in the chilly Colorado winters. Check out more pictures of the beautiful house over at Homes and Hues: Amazing Views and Sleek Design In the Sunshine Canyon Residence | ||||||||
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis: Restaurant Owners Posted: 03 Jul 2014 05:00 AM PDT Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook. For ten years (1946-1956) Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis were the hottest act in show business. The combination of Dean's laid-back, devil-may-care crooning and Jerry's hilarious, unpredictable comedy was a smash in films, television, and nightclubs all over America. Together, Dean and Jerry made 16 films (all money-makers) and were guest hosts together for five seasons on The Colgate Comedy Hour, a very popular '50's variety show. They were headliners at every popular club in the U.S. over the decade, routinely playing to SRO crowds. All was not well behind the scenes at Dean's place, and in 1961, Dean sued his partners, "charging mismanagement and fraud in the operation." (Ironically, Dean had pretty much totally parted with his namesake by February 1962, right around when Jerry was just getting established with his place.) Dean soon lost all interest in his place and wanted to wash his hands of it. |
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