|  |  |  | Volume 33, Issue 27 (July 2014) |  | In this issue Reviews Original Articles Short Communications Corrigendum
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Produced with support from Celgene Corporation. | | | |  |  | Reviews | Top |  | The Yin and Yang of Toll-like receptors in cancerJ-P Pradere, D H Dapito and R F Schwabe Oncogene 2014 33: 3485-3495; advance online publication, August 12, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.302 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Vascular remodeling in cancerR H Farnsworth, M Lackmann, M G Achen and S A Stacker Oncogene 2014 33: 3496-3505; advance online publication, August 5, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.304 Abstract | Full Text |  | Original Articles | Top |  | The telomere profile distinguishes two classes of genetically distinct cutaneous squamous cell carcinomasC Leufke, J Leykauf, D Krunic, A Jauch, H Holtgreve-Grez, B Böhm-Steuer, E-B Bröcker, C Mauch, J Utikal, W Hartschuh, K J Purdie and P Boukamp Oncogene 2014 33: 3506-3518; advance online publication, August 19, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.323 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Burkitt’s lymphoma-associated c-Myc mutations converge on a dramatically altered target gene response and implicate Nol5a/Nop56 in oncogenesisV H Cowling, S A Turner and M D Cole Oncogene 2014 33: 3519-3527; advance online publication, September 9, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.338 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | RKIP and HMGA2 regulate breast tumor survival and metastasis through lysyl oxidase and syndecan-2M Sun, S Gomes, P Chen, C A Frankenberger, D Sankarasharma, C H Chung, K K Chada and M R Rosner Oncogene 2014 33: 3528-3537; advance online publication, August 26, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.328 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Inhibition of the mitochondrial pyrimidine biosynthesis enzyme dihydroorotate dehydrogenase by doxorubicin and brequinar sensitizes cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosisT He, S Haapa-Paananen, V O Kaminskyy, P Kohonen, V Fey, B Zhivotovsky, O Kallioniemi and M Perälä Oncogene 2014 33: 3538-3549; advance online publication, September 9, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.313 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | p53 deficiency enhances mitotic arrest and slippage induced by pharmacological inhibition of Aurora kinasesM Marxer, H T Ma, W Y Man and R Y C Poon Oncogene 2014 33: 3550-3560; advance online publication, August 19, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.325 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | PTRF/cavin-1 neutralizes non-caveolar caveolin-1 microdomains in prostate cancerH Moon, C S Lee, K L Inder, S Sharma, E Choi, D M Black, K-A Lê Cao, C Winterford, J I Coward, M T Ling, the Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource, D J Craik, R G Parton, P J Russell and M M Hill Oncogene 2014 33: 3561-3570; advance online publication, August 12, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.315 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | LIM domain kinases as potential therapeutic targets for neurofibromatosis type 2A Petrilli, A Copik, M Posadas, L-S Chang, D B Welling, M Giovannini and C Fernández-Valle Oncogene 2014 33: 3571-3582; advance online publication, August 12, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.320 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Inflammatory lipid sphingosine-1-phosphate upregulates C-reactive protein via C/EBPβ and potentiates breast cancer progressionE-S Kim, Y Cha, M Ham, J Jung, S G Kim, S Hwang, R Kleemann and A Moon Oncogene 2014 33: 3583-3593; advance online publication, August 19, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.319 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Pleiotropic effect of somatic mutations in the E2F subunit DP-1 gene in human cancerS Munro, U Oppermann and N B La Thangue Oncogene 2014 33: 3594-3603; advance online publication, August 12, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.316 Abstract | Full Text |  | Short Communications | Top |  | RGS6 suppresses Ras-induced cellular transformation by facilitating Tip60-mediated Dnmt1 degradation and promoting apoptosisJ Huang, A Stewart, B Maity, J Hagen, R L Fagan, J Yang, D E Quelle, C Brenner and R A Fisher Oncogene 2014 33: 3604-3611; advance online publication, September 2, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.324 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | The error-prone DNA polymerase ι provides quantitative resistance to lung tumorigenesis and mutagenesis in miceM Iguchi, M Osanai, Y Hayashi, F Koentgen and G-H Lee Oncogene 2014 33: 3612-3617; advance online publication, August 19, 2013; 10.1038/onc.2013.331 Abstract | Full Text |  | Corrigendum | Top |  | ATF-2 controls transcription of Maspin and GADD45α genes independently from p53 to suppress mammary tumorsT Maekawa, Y Sano, T Shinagawa, Z Rahman, T Sakuma, S Nomura, J D Licht and S Ishii Oncogene 2014 33: 3618; 10.1038/onc.2014.140 Full Text |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Natureevents is a fully searchable, multi-disciplinary database designed to maximise exposure for events organisers. The contents of the Natureevents Directory are now live. The digital version is available here.
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