

The Greatest Danger to the State

Plato understood this... so did Jefferson... and countless other free thinkers in history Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Dear Daily Grind Reader,

A famed essayist once said, "The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism."

And we couldn't agree with him more.

Get enough smart people together in a room, and there's hardly an instance where they won't outthink the so-called "decision makers" of government.

Plato understood this... so did Jefferson... and countless other free thinkers in history.

So if you a share a likeness with these men... if you're fed up with the current state of things, but don't know how we can fix it...

You're going to love this.

Six under-the-radar mega-companies have banded together... they've decided government be damned.

Rather than wait for the "do nothing" Congress, they've decided they're going to correct the course of the entire U.S. economy.

Media sources like The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg are just starting to scratch the surface...

But if these revolutionaries succeed - and the data here is very convincing - their efforts could very easily:
  • End All U.S. Deficits.
  • Bring Unemployment Down to 4%.
  • Send the Dow to 20,000 or Higher.
  • Place up to $8,000 in the Pocket of Every American.
This is easily one of the most radical approaches I've ever seen...

That's why I think it's vital to inform you of it.

"It's all detailed in a time-sensitive presentation titled: The Secret Pact to Save America: Six Companies and Their Daring $1.2 Trillion Project."


Joel Bowman
for Free Market Café

P.S. Don't rely on the clowns in D.C. to come to America's rescue. (They're the ones who got us into this mess, remember?) It will be companies like these 6 revolutionary names that deserve our support. Their Pact to Save America is worth more than every politician and talking head combined. Be sure to give it a look.

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