

This Week's News: Clouds on E-Cigs' Horizon

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Week of Jul 3 Share & Email
News >> National News | Blogs

Dark Clouds on E-Cigs' Horizon BY CHRISTIAN MCPHATE

Dark Clouds  on E-Cigs Horizon The woman behind the curtain is busy today. She has too many orders to fill. Bottles of chemicals surround her as she leans over a small table and mixes a little from one and then another to create a "house blend" recipe while customers linger in the front room of her and her husband's vape shop in Arlington. A couple of young guys wearing black concert T-shirts and blue jeans, another with a shirt promoting American Eagle, stand near an island with hundreds of bottles of flavor samples. Drawing clouds of thick, smoky vapor from hand-held devices made of polished chrome, glass and LED lights, they look as if they're puffing Jedi light sabers instead of personal vaporizers, a fancified kind... more >>

Schutze: The City of Hate Is Now the City of Bullies  

Music >> Top Picks

Buffalo Black's Dark Demeanor Masks an Artist with a Serious Work Ethic BY MICHELLE OFIWE

Buffalo Blacks Dark Demeano... In the back of a sleepy Starbucks, Buffalo Black smiles knowingly when I ask him about songwriting. As a rapper whose everyday self, Jamil Kelley, is an avid reader of poetry, he knows a thing or two about the topic. He was responsible for some of the most buzzed-about hip-hop from North Texas in 2013 and his recent RedPiLLwondrland Part 1 EP looks to build on that momentum. On the path that his ... more >>

Bsides: Red, White and Denton  

Restaurants >> Guide | Reviews

The Whistling Pig Has the Bar, and the Bar Food, That Its Neighborhood Needs BY SCOTT REITZ

The Whistling Pig Has the B... The corner of Lakeland Drive and Ferguson Road is among Dallas’ least romantic locales for a cozy neighborhood pub. Sure, many suburban strip malls hide the glimmer of romance lurking in killer bowls of pho beyond the city limits, but this particular sea of concrete plays host to a Dollar General, a laundromat, a couple of styling salons and a vape store. It’s not the sort of address ... more >>

Movies >> Showtimes

Begin Again Won't Let Mark Ruffalo Play a Person BY ALAN SCHERSTUHL

Begin Again Wont Let Mark R... Mark Ruffalo's great gift, besides those scruffy good looks and that prickish, hungover charisma, is capturing the essence of the guy who's spinning toward a crash but trying to angle himself back. His greatest performance, in Kenneth Lonergan's You Can Count on Me, one of the best films of the 2000s, is a slow-motion skid-out, a portrait of a man who wishes he could honor the long-term promise o... more >>

Film: Paul Haggis' Third Person Is a Baffling Rough-Draft Epic  

Arts >> The Mixmaster

Hollywood Racism Revisited in By the Way, Meet Vera Stark at Theatre Three BY ELAINE LINER

Hollywood Racism Revisited ... One of the hallmarks of almost any production at Theatre Three, one of Dallas' oldest theater companies, is how much time they waste moving furniture between scenes. So often the shifting of sagging sofas and rickety tables in and out of the in-the-round space seems unnecessary. T3's penchant for choosing all the wrong pieces for its scenery is nearly legendary. What's the point of replacing one ... more >>

Blogs >>

DC9 At Night

We're halfway through the year and for most of the past week we've been turning our gazes back at these six months past, taking stock of all the fine music that's been released in North Texas ...

City of Ate

There's no disputing that even though it's relatively young, Zoli's New York Pizza in Bishop Arts is one of the city's best spots to buy a slice. After owner Jay Jerrier brought in born-and-bred ...

Unfair Park

House.govRep. Steve Stockman Houston-area House member Steve Stockman never fails to make Unfair Park grateful it's based in DFW rather than anywhere near the congressman's Bayou City fiefdom. The guy has suggested arming infants , walked out of one State...

The Mixmaster

Most of America is satisfied with a few beers, a semi-burnt burger, and some sparklers on the Fourth of July. But for those of you looking for an adventure, we have a few ideas for you. After a...

Calendar >>
Thursday Brek Shea Charity Art Show
Kettle Art Gallery
Friday Fair Park Fourth
Fair Park
Saturday Paul Varghese
Hyena's Comedy Club Dallas
Sunday Basically Beethoven Festival
Dallas City Performance Hall
Monday "This Land is Your Land"
NorthPark Center
Tuesday Mark Grotjahn Sculpture
The Nasher Sculpture Center
Wednesday My Playground
Dallas Center for Architecture
FREE Stuff >>

With tons of "stuff" to give away, we don't have room to list them all here! Check out the FREE STUFF page for a full list of great grabs.

Win a pair of tickets to see the Singapore Slingers!

Win Tickets to Gaybingo Dallas!

Win a pair of premium tickets to the OneRepublic Native Summer Tour!


Slideshows >>
A Tour of Four Co... A Tour of Four Corners Brewery
USA v Belgium Par... USA v Belgium Party at AT&T Stadium
The Cutest Dogs o... The Cutest Dogs of Deep Ellum Pup Party
Coupons >>

Alligator Cafe
Alligator Cafe
Free Soft Drink or Tea
Turn in 5 Mardi Gras beads at any Alligator Cafe location for a free soft drink or tea!
expires 03/04/14 get coupon >>

Local Oak
Local Oak
Mexican Mondays at Local Oak
Every Monday enjoy $2 Crispy Tacos, $3 Mexican Can Beers, $4 HOT Tortilla Soup & $6 Sonoran Hot Dogs
expires 05/01/14 get coupon >>

Brewfest Hour
Brewfest Hour Every Night 10pm-11pm. All locations - All Pints Happy Hour Price!
expires 12/31/14 get coupon >>

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